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laughing gravie

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Posts posted by laughing gravie

  1. 48 minutes ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    I thought the media guy admitted he simply didn’t have time to conduct post match interviews with the gaffer due to time constraints and having to do everything himself kinda thing? If he’s choosing not to do interviews with local reporters or club media then that is piss poor but is that the case?

    Again, I’m nae Barry Ferguson fan at all, I think he’s a cock, but he does seem to get it a lot worse than others would.

    edited to add: whenever I used to watch Kelty highlights he’d always pop up at the end with an interview discussing the game etc.

    He only sings when he's winning 😱

  2. 8 hours ago, Ranaldo Bairn said:

    Incorrect, unsurprisingly. 

    Scrolling through the list of threads I see your man "gravie" bumping his gums about my club and our fans and duly replied.

    Believe me, Alloa match threads are not normally somewhere I'd go looking for a stimulating chat.

    I was merely interested in why there was a post on the Falkirk forum, and the drivel and paranoia over your team's shortcomings coupled with the blame culture aimed at the BOD was so amusing.

    Nothing wrong with some friendly winding up is there?  Sometimes you need someone on the outside looking in to give a perspective on how things look to the neutrals.

  3. 21 minutes ago, Ranaldo Bairn said:

    Absolute pish. Not surprising from yourself though.

    Relative to this league we are a very big fish. Unfortunately our successive BODs have waggled our flippers in such a way that we are swimming downwards at a rate of knots. No paranoia, no blaming outside agencies (once the disappointment of being pipped on PPG in 2020 died down).

    Before anyone else tediously points it out, yes, we know we are here due to our own shortcomings. No, we don't consider ourselves superior, just far better resourced and grossly underperforming.

    @Angus of the Mothey did ok in 19/20 and would probably have gone on to win the league if it had been completed. They were worryingly defensive though. In 20/21 they started ok, but completely lost the plot and had to go. You are right Holt made it worse, and an injury ravaged and completely confidence-less squad imploded at the end. Holt is, to most FFC fans, a huge problem as far as his attitude, recruitment and alleged interference in team affairs goes.

    Lucky your not paranoid, you might have been upset otherwise.

    Actions speak louder than words, inactions even more 😂

  4. 3 hours ago, Angus of the Mo said:

    I get the impression that Queens Park are under pressure to get in the Championship, and it’s having an effect on their game. 
    Falkirk also, and with justification for the size of club, but the pressure doesn’t seem as intense as last year.

    Falkirk are still under the belief they are still a big club, but have poured money into a hole for a good few seasons now.  

    They forget that have a shiny Meccano stadium and a hearty following that teams would wish for, it's on the park where things need to be done.  They do seem to have the knack of coaching away the skill of the players they sign.

    QP  would expect to progress up the leagues in consecutive seasons with the money being invested.

    Still need to do the talking on the park.


  5. 33 minutes ago, kiddy said:

    Why I specifically included that last sentence. This division is wide open right now & any team from the top 6 COULD find themselves Champions, or promoted, come the seasons end. NONE of them have been convincing.

    TBH, the way results are going, any team with a decent run could win it.

    No team has been outstanding, and as you say, it's wide open.


  6. 1 minute ago, kiddy said:

    It's been far from convincing for me too, but he's here til the seasons end, minimum. So dispense with the sacking talk. It will get/has got us absolutely nowhere.

    We finished 5th last year, getting into the play offs would be a bonus, winning the league tremendous.

    Ambitions and capabilities springs to mind 🤭

  7. 1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:
    1 hour ago, laughing gravie said:
    So, not diving, but getting deliberately kicked to con the ref to penalise the opposition emoji848.png

    Theres no way you are this stupid

    Just stating what you said


    5 hours ago, ShaggerG said:

    See where the defender is, anticipate his move towards the ball and get yourself in a position where he's going to connect with you first. We got a penalty when he could see that the defender was going to clear the ball and had the sense to stick his foot to the ball letting the player kick him instead.



  8. 3 hours ago, ShaggerG said:

    No because he gets fouled. Lee Miller did exactly the same thing. See where the defender is, anticipate his move towards the ball and get yourself in a position where he's going to connect with you first. We got a penalty when he could see that the defender was going to clear the ball and had the sense to stick his foot to the ball letting the player kick him instead.


    So, not diving, but getting deliberately kicked to con the ref to penalise the opposition 🤔

  9. 48 minutes ago, ShaggerG said:

    Should that be touchy or touche? 

    I know my team has been punching well above our weight for many years now.

    But we have no delusions of grandeur. At the end of the day, your team is only as good as they are.

    It's amusing though, reading the moans and groans from so many Bairns still thinking they are still a big team.

    No doubt things will turn around and you may return to your rightful place, but if you aren't Sevco, you'll have to do it the honest way.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Bigbri Bairn said:
    1 hour ago, Reggie Perrin said:
    Blair Alston just scored for Kilmarnock.
    Just a bit annoying how many players who did f**k all for us in recent times suddenly remember how to be a footballer when they move on.
    Almost make you think something is wrong at our club…

    I think this league is just a different form of football. A lot of skillful players just get clugged. Look at Morrison injury rate as an example. Some are better suited to Championship game pity Holt signs them for this league

    If only you were in your rightful place in the Championship 🤔

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