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Howlin' Wilf

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Everything posted by Howlin' Wilf

  1. OK, we've all made our differing points on how we got here. What does the club do to change things?
  2. 'Was at fault for two goals in two games' Hmmmm. Well one of those games was against Hibs where not only the defence but the team looked pretty good. To blame Graham for an individual mistake against Queens Park when frankly, the whole team was honking, is a little unfair. If Dumbarton players were habitually punted for two mistakes in two games we'd have no players. Who would I have kept? Graham definitely. As I pause here for everyone else to piss themselves, I'd also have kept Gilhaney. Murray would have kept him too. Maybe you're right and it's the end of a natural cycle - and maybe Aitken is the fall guy for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Either way, it's hellish to witness.
  3. It's actually very difficult to see who we could prize a point from between now and new year. I sincerely hope that I'm wrong on that.
  4. I think you overstate the fewer resources thing. Even if we were to agree on that point then the corollary is that Aitken has enjoyed significantly more resources and support at Dumbarton than Adamson did. I agree that the playing staff needed an overhaul, however that would have been the case no matter who the manager was. Your list of stand out players doesn't include Andy Graham - maybe you subscribe to the amnesia fuelled year zero approach common amongst the hive mind at the CID stadium? Even in these here today, gone tomorrow days of players and clubs, it would have been prudent for Aitken to have retained a nucleus of players who had done a decent job for us. I'll keep that comment in my back pocket about last season being woeful, for the last week in January when we're facing up to possibly direct relegation but almost certainly the play offs. The Hibs and Rangers games apart, our home performances have been absolutely grim.
  5. Successive defeats from Alloa, St Mirren and Livi in December? However I'm sure Aitken isn't the only manager apprehensively approaching December and the Dumbarton v St Mirren match.
  6. However Adamson had guided a team through the play-offs (8 goals for 3 against), something Aitken failed to do last season. He (Adamson) was also having to cope with a club and team which had taken a giant step up, largely with a squad which had been signed for the second division (league 1). That squad (with a few additions) managed to survive in the higher league. Aitken came in to a club which has had three seasons at this level with a board far more generous in their backing than they had been with Adamson. I see little prospect of the current squad avoiding relegation, no matter who is in charge. The squad was assembled by Aitken specifically for the Championship.
  7. I got caught in a traffic jam there behind hunners o' coos today.
  8. I thought one lady's comment on Jack Ross, after seeing him at a game and the POTY awards, was prescient. "Looks like a good bath wouldn't do him any harm. He looks even more grimy than Paul Hartley and Robbie Neilson"
  9. Who'd have thought in those days 12,000 of our fans would be celebrating by singing doe a deer after beating Gibraltar but failing to qualify for a major tournament for the ninth time in a row?
  10. The 'tin hat' on it for me was once again the Tartan Army glorying in failure. Chanting the manager's name, WGS getting the squad to pose in front of the crowd.....why?
  11. Of course in those days Sons regularly played in front of 3-5,000 for run of the mill games too. The excitement was a notch or two higher as well.
  12. I think your own commitment is open to question when you can't even remember a recent player's Christian name. His nickname 'Shagger' would have perhaps both have explained his lack of commitment and differentiated him from a pretty decent Rangers player from the 70s
  13. Yes he maybe did contribute more but he was there for a longer time. Sonsteam 08 has it about right with his 80% comment.
  14. Interesting. I never saw him play for these other clubs or if I did it was via televised games, I can only really give my opinion on his time with Sons. This is also the case with Eddie Annand, Stevie Mallon, Michael Moore, Darren Gribben, Dennis Wyness and other has beens who arrived with decent reputations but alas, after their sell-by date. The experience the other clubs had therefore is pretty much obiter dicta. Certain players' commitment diminishes with age and dwindling remuneration. If you think that Nish's demeanour and style conveyed commitment, then I think you're in a small minority at the Rock.
  15. There was a huge difference between Lister and Nish. The reason that Nish was horribly maligned was that in addition to being hopeless, he couldn't be bothered. More 'absence' than 'presence'.
  16. This will be a hook up to a national lottery of many different sports clubs. Your chance of winning the 7 million will be the same as that of Steve Aitken and Andy Graham getting married to each other.
  17. Steven Ross scoring for Ross County in 2012. Nice goal.
  18. According to the woman on the Morrison's fish counter it is anyway.....
  19. If you weeded out the oddballs from the entire support there would only be 29 folk left. It's pretty much a pre-requisite for being a Dumbarton fan. The 29 are just supporting the wrong team.
  20. Andy Graham's prolonged applause to the supporters at the end of today's game would suggest that he's offski.
  21. 4-4-2 Williams McGinn McNeil (Jumbo) Muir Brittan Blair McLeod Graham Wilson (D) Sharp Wallace Subs from Wilson (K), Gallagher, McCormack, Bourke, Arthur, Gibson, John Boyd, Cushely, Ward, McAdam (T) Mongomerie, McIver, Mooney and many others The diddies Wigham Kay Cairney Cairns Burns Docherty Grainger Dickie Reid Blackie McGivern Subs - Please add your own........
  22. I have looked the list up and down and can't believe Graeme Sharp has been omitted. I think I'd have Donald McNeil in there too. Otherwise
  23. It's here http://www.clyde1.com/superscoreboard/features/listen-again/go to one hour on tonight's show.
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