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Howlin' Wilf

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Everything posted by Howlin' Wilf

  1. I never said anyone had priority. I was answering your point when you said that instances of DFC selling tickets for away games had never happened.
  2. The two Rangers and two Hearts games. We had to buy tickets for those games at Dumbarton.
  3. Cowden had an average of 1400 - helped by their bigger capacity for Category A games no doubt.
  4. You have a point but Prunty had a decent scoring record with us.
  5. Gils performs to the best of his ability no matter the task handed to him. The fans (and directors) who for some reason single him out for criticism, are predictable and tiresome. If we can get a better player then that's fine but I'd think carefully about releasing him. If we did he would almost certainly flourish elsewhere, as Prunty did whilst we searched in vain for a striker. Significant that Andy Graham gave Gils a mention in his players of the year nominations. I wouldn't disagree with that.
  6. There was actually quite a bit on his contract situation. He tried to portray himself as the injured party and blamed the chairman for telling the manager not to play him. If that is the case then the chairman is a good judge of a player.
  7. Looking at the situation objectively I think Ian Murray would get a new club if he left. I'm not so sure about Lee Mair. Anyway what about Gilbert cracking up at the SPFL on the os?
  8. If Teale goes that'll be three in a year!
  9. Unfounded speculation? On Pie and Bovril?
  10. Signing a contract is a balancing act. I would think it likely that IM is the highest paid part-time manager in Scotland. In return for that he'd have to give some commitment and comfort to his employers. I don't know what the situation was with him last season but was he perhaps holding on to see if a better offer came in before signing?
  11. Due to the protracted nature of contract negotiations for Murray to sign last season, I think it's safe to assume he'll be on considerably more money than that. I think it would also be safe to say that our chairman would be neither as relaxed nor benevolent as Mike Mulraney should the contract be broken.
  12. He can resign but if he gets another job before the end of his contract then his new employer would have to pay the value of his contract from when he resigned.
  13. Rangers game is sold out BTW. Season ticket holders took up the entire home allocation apparently.
  14. He can't do that when he's under contract. It would be considerably more than £10k to buy out a year of his contract.
  15. It's a nice thought but Albion Rovers had a 125% increase in their crowd when they did it. We have 500 season ticket places and a home capacity of fewer than 900. Can anyone see a possible flaw?
  16. Having thought again on the manager's situation, I think you can rule out St Mirren. Can't see them paying out five figures in compensation for the remaining year on Murray's contract.
  17. None of us have any idea what Murray's thinking is as far as moving on. I thought he'd leave last season and was proved wrong. I think we'll be unlikely to hold on to him with the merry-go-round begins birling soon but again I may be wrong. I happen to think it was more the way our midfield was deployed this season that led to some of the problems rather than the personnel. Some players can't play 3-5-1-1 or 4-3-2-1, or 4-2-3-1 or whatever it is this week. Hearts set up 3-5-2 yesterday and abandoned it midway through the first half because it wasn't working. Hibs played the same system to great effect. The problem with playing three at the back and five in midfield is that you invite the superior full time team to attack you down the flanks. Your 'wing backs' then have to try and race back and cover the full back position.The players have tried their best to play the system, and ironically whilst it failed against the bigger teams, we got some decent results (if not performances) using it against the diddies. Personally, I'd rather see a return to last season's attacking style and hang the consequences, we already have the players for that - rather than scouring the lower leagues for guys who may or may not be able to play 5 in midfield or who may or may not gel together. That and acting as a safety net for the likes of Van Zanten, Mair and Wilson. Murray has done a good job this season in keeping us up but often there is more than one way of doing things. Prunty was sacrificed for the system and left too soon IMHO. His goal tally at Airdrie probably wouldn't have been as high in the higher division (and yes a few of them have been penalties) but I'd rather have seen a team with him and Fleming or Megginson up front playing 4-4-2 and having a go than some of the dismal stuff we have witnessed. However, I have no doubt that Ian Murray knows a tad more than me about fitba' and tactics so maybe there was only one way of skinning this particular feline. Perhaps if we were to give young McCallum a chance next season and play someone up with him that would be a start? If there are better part time players (or loan deals) out there then fine lets get them in and we can thank our current guys for their efforts. A 'root and branch reeboot' is fine when there is the budget, means and players to do that. A more cautious approach might be a better option though.
  18. I see Paddy Flannery has left Cambuslang Rangers.
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