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Everything posted by maicoman

  1. Got to agree with that Can remember about 20 year a go Noddy Holder the Slade man was on late night tv He told the story when he was young and had no moneyhe would go around to the local weirdos house who would lie in the bath with a pane of glass over the bath and Noddy would do a number 2 over the glass as he watched ! Revolting!!
  2. My wife and daughter went to see it and said it was watchable but that's about it! Certainly not what it was hyped up to be... They love musicals and have seen quite a few in the theatre and also Evita at the cinema in the past but were very disappointed in "La La Land"... She says...5/10 at a push!
  3. What did the fish say when it got run over by a bus? A McGILLS! Apologies if you are not from the west of Scotland and have never heard of Mcgills buses
  4. knew a woman called Gail She got married to a Mr Fogg about 30 year ago
  5. The wife said there was a discussion going on the café she was in about a MR Dick who has a daughter called Iona
  6. Read about a cracker if it is true Thieves bought a fruit machine off ebay Went in to a pub in London in November and said to the staff behind the bar that they were in to swap the machine over They walked out with the pub puggie full of cash emptied it and went in to the next one and did the same again and again It turns owners of the pubs do not own the machines They get a cut of the takings when the company that owns them opens them!
  7. Sunset Song have never read the book but can remember watching it on the BBC 30 odd year a go when it was made in to 4? part serial went to see it today was not as good as I thought it would be It was ok Thought the leading actress was excellent as it was her first ever film and her North East accent was spot on despite been English She carried the whole film Thanks to her will give it 6 out of 10
  8. From another forum America is only dropping around 6 bombs a day as they have not got boots on the ground to tell them where to bomb
  9. RUSH - Another excellent motorsport film! The actor that played Hunt was an excellent resemblance. Why had James Hunt's Hesketh's car have the Scotland flag on it does anyone know?
  10. The Sun helped the YES campaign today with the article of Bill Leckie switching from NO to YES. The possibility of a trillion £s of oil on the west coast, £600 billion more on the east that could possibly be collected by fracking. And the 90% of money been placed on a YES vote. These people will go and vote YES to get their money. Years ago in Ireland 2 candidates were 10/11 on a no hoper at 33/1. People went to the bookies, put their money on him and then went to the polling station and voted him in!
  11. Road "towards the end I was actually shaking with emotion. I needed to cry uncontrollably and was I fighting to hold on to some degree of composure" the first review I seen on amazon about this amazing film - please read the rest for yourself. it is about the Dunlop racing family from northern Ireland. if you can get the chance to catch this grab it even if you don't care for motorcycles. the last 15mins is to far fetched for a Hollywood movie. it is the most unbelievable story in sporting history. it will leave you stunned and heartbroken at what happened that day 9/10
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