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Boostin' Kev

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  1. The new Janet Jackson one on Sky is good.
  2. First fail for me today, too many options for the first letter.
  3. Started at 7am had to leave it until now to finish it. Wordle 223 6/6
  4. Took me 5 attempts to get that including around 15 mins between guess 1 and 2
  5. Just started this yesterday. Got it in 3 yesterday and 2 today Wordle 216 2/6
  6. My Xiaomi Redmi 7 is needing replaced charger socket is going and the mic isn't working for a music sampler app I have. Seen a few black Friday deals but not sure if they're actually good value. Any recommendations particularly for recording and playing music? Looking at £150-£200.
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