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Posts posted by Vanderlei

  1. Could not give two flying fucks about 10 in a row... I am more concerned about our progression in Europe and getting a squad capable of playing SPL and Champions League football than overtaking a record that was achieved through financial doping and cheating by a club that died.. ;)

    My club was not liquidated, that's all the kinda record I need :thumsup2:lol::lol::lol:

    Progression in Europe ?

    Spend as little as possible, (make up the numbers) group stages whipping boys ?

    Leigh Griffiths :lol:

  2. So where are we at with the cheating beggars ?, what's their master plan to be unfolded over the coming weeks or months to stay sort of solvent ?

    What are we looking at ?, survive until the ST's are ready to be sold for the next season ?, will the fans rebel and a sizeable chunk/wedge will be abstained from the coffers throwing them into insolvency sooner than later ?

    What's King's master plan ?, is he actually forcing the club into insolvency so he can buy the club on the cheap ?, will the spivs counteract by taking out more Wonga loans secured on the rest of the assets so if the club goes into administration the club loses it's assets and King is left with fcuk all other than pieces of paper should he seize control ?

    Is this King's best chance of making a fast buck out of the club going into the Championship to seize control before it possibly reaches the Premier division where the revenue streams will increase dramatically ?, surely King knows if he takes control before the Premiership he will definitely making a killing out of the thick fuckers known as Rangers fans in the Premiership,"Let's stop them Bassas getting 10 in a row,so throw yer money at me" ?

    How will King finance the club should he take over ?, like last time ?, secure his investment by loaning his cash to the club to be paid back plus interest through some dodgy financial offshore arrangement attached to the assets ?

    Are the spivs holding out till the new season and then have a fire sale of their best players ?, this would allow them to bring in more mercenaries but will the fans be happy at losing their best players in the championship meaning less chance of promotion ?, is there another share issue around Christmas to limp on into the top tier ?

    Why won't they just keel over and die ffs :lol:

    Utterly obsessed with the Rangers...lol

  3. Anyway, a new day dawns.

    This phrase "a real rangers man". WTF is that really supposed to mean?

    It's bandied around when king's name is brought up.

    Is it:



    driven by hate?

    in a majority with feelings of inadequacy?

    conspiracy believing verging on paranoia?

    overblown ego?

    a desperation to be needed and loved by all?

    I'm at a loss with this one.

    If the present board are not "rangers men", then WTF are they?

    In the same way you would say..... 'Celtic minded'

  4. That'll be that Armageddon then because there will be a title fight contender meaning the whole of Scottish fitbaw must be pish because Celtic will have to fight to win the title ?.

    I do hope Aberdeen or another team pushes Celtic to the title either this season or next season so we don't have to put up with this we need a strong dead old firm to somehow say that Scottish football is doing fine.

    FWIW I'd welcome it should some other club next season pumps Celtic to the title, it would be the best thing to happen in our game since ??? fucking ages like man.

    lol, you would welcome any club to pump Celtic to the title, as long as it's not Rangers...right ? :lol:

  5. It's way cheaper to get a train ticket straight through to the stations you mentioned than having the extra expense of having to sit/stand in a crowded subway train that has only enough room for a good few hundred people at any time and you may have to wait long enough to get on any of the well overcrowded subway trains available.

    It is also easier to get off before Glasgow to take another train to these two train stops as well avoiding as much of a busy city as possible if you can't stand the city centre. Motherwell is a good place to get another train to get you as close to the stadium as possible without having to go into Glasgow.

    Do you even know where Celtic park is located ? :unsure:

  6. 'Losing a burn rate of cash at £1 million a month'

    WTF does that even mean?

    No one wants to touch it 'with a shitty stick' you say - and yet an investor bought 1.7 million shares a couple of days ago. It can't be both, Hellish. So, which is it?

    Several greenies confirm one thing beyond doubt now - bralt folk are ripping the fucking pish out of you to encourage you to post more of this incomprehensible shite.

    Losing a burn rate of cash + fantasy monetary figure + financial collapse (sans event date of course - that's varied from Sept 2012 to at least March 2014) and the plastics and diddies encourage you.

    You get better (and more honest) treatment from Rangers supporters, Hellish.


  7. I am going to the Celtic v Aberdeen cup tie ya fud :P .

    Aw that's sweet do you want a Blue Peter badge for glory hunting in the lower leagues ffs :1eye .

    That is because yer team is crap and I would stick a bet on that you thought before yer club died just like any other orc you couldn't care fecking less about the lower leagues and would have been better just to rid of them from the senior leagues so yer old club could keep their money.

    And finally just like Tedi your are a huge fanny for bringing up my lack of attending any Celtic games like it gives you superior rights, I don't know if you have noticed ?, we are in a fucking recession ya bawbag. I could if I wanted too, I could buy a season ticket at Parkhead but it would be pretty fucking useless buying an ST when I work a full shift at a church on a Sunday and about half the home games or more are played on a Sunday :1eye .

    As for wanting to attend probably the biggest Champion's League group stage Celtic have ever competed in ?, it was the first ever group of former champions ever in the CL and I didn't want to miss and why it was a sell out.

    Lastly why did I reply to you ?, yer only a fucking taxi driver ffs :lol: .

    Community service order ?

  8. And the Polterfud greenied this pile of regurgitated pish you keep trotting out week in week out :lol: .

    OK Kinky !, if the club you now support did not receive the old clubs SFA licence then could you still claim it to be the same club ?, bearing in mind that the now club looks exactly like the older incarnation and could be seen as a continuance of the old club in name and in appearance except with a new SFA licence ?.

    Just like all the questions I have asked before and even the fucknugget Polterfud avoided them, the likes of you who appear to be intelligent will avoid answering anything close to having you post it's a new club status.

    And like before because you appear to be intelligent this shows you up as a cnut because you won't answer them, but you are quite happy to be fud and trot out the usual party line pish from the SFA and Gestapo HQ at Ibrox that doesn't even explain how the mythical company can be separated from the club.

    Go back over the last 10 pages The_ and see how many times you have avoided any of the questions that I posed when you asked for discussion because it would have you post it's a new club.

    You want discourse but only if it agrees with you fucked up ideology that it's the same club !, so go and do one because you are getting tiresome boring and repetitive because you don't answer the hard questions but rhetorically answer with if you agree to this then I'll converse.

    An intelligent man but you can't even answer a simple question because it would have you post something you know to be true, this makes you a fud because you actually know the answer but can't bring yourself to post it :1eye .

    Regurgitated pish stained tears ^ ^ ^ :lol:

  9. Oh aye it's so funny that No8 does in fact DELIBERATELY spell Celtic with a lower case letter all the time and especially to Celtic fans, shows the fucker up for what he really is when he can't even respond in a reply with the correct grammar when he punctuates every other proper noun with a capital.

    What sort of fud can't even bring himself to punctuate one word and only one word and not only that all the fucking time Benny ?, clearly shows his disdain & contempt towards as he calls them "THEM". A truly bigoted twat IMO.


  10. It's so fucking small Fat Sally didn't boast how much he has agreed too to reduce his wages by and no mention of his bonus being slashed at the same time.

    Them cunts on the board plus Fat Sally with had probably made alternative means to claw back the reduction they have agreed to by increasing the amount of things they can claim expenses on.I wouldn't be surprised if there was a a claim for a Duck house for a moat or for watching durty movies at the overnight night hotels for fixtures less than 10 miles away :whistle .

    What are you smoking ?

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