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The Ginger Prince

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Posts posted by The Ginger Prince

  1. Yeah, plus the fact that the champion is contractually entitled to a rematch (when they remember that rule).

    Same as the rule that if a title isn't defended in 30 days it gets stripped from the holder.

    Ambrose hasn't defended his for about 3 months.

  2. Dunno if it gets the rest of you but this is what gets my blood boiling to f**k:

    - throw ins, ball goes out right beside the player, player then sprints 10 yards away to where ballboy has thrown replacement ball.

    - advantage, opposition player gets 30 seconds, I get 1

    - keeper winning every single ball in the air, even if you've got Lacina Traore in your side

    - kick offs, pass to centre midfielder then lump it long, striker receives ball, goal

    - cutscenes at corners, pressing A to let your player proceed to take the corner only for the other boy to press it just after you meaning you pass it to the defender closest to the camera

    - strikers like Suarez, Eto'o, Negredo etc missing a simple 1 on 1 in the box yet opposition with the likes of Ramires, Lucas, Sandro etc can go right up the park and leather one in from 30 yards.

    - players who watch the full celebration and every single fucking replay. I've you've scored a decent goal, by all means watch the first one but not the whole episode

    - players who just fill their teams with pace and go down the wings/chipped through ball

    - Mertesacker/Terry/Vidic outpacing Suarez, Navas, Hazard etc.

    This game really riles me at times :lol:

  3. If that is indeed the shields match for mania then what a kick in the stones for the shield. Kane can work a decent match but the NAO are done, no way they'll be able to hold a 20minute + match. They needed wyatts vs shield for mania. Still live in hope that they can put on a show.

    I've got a nagging feeling that the Shield will get involved in the triple threat match for the WWE world heavyweight championship.

  4. A McMahon in every corner? Vince in Bryan's. Steph in HHH. Linda in Orton's. Shane in Batista's.

    I'm joking of course.

    In more serious news I see there's a few reports on Kane's impending retirement. He'd be a huge loss but his role in the company just now is nothing more than an overglorified jobber who isn't over with the fans so perhaps it'd be ideal.

    I'd mark out If I heard 'here comes the money, here we go money talks'. And Shane O'Mac came dancing out.

  5. That's weird on the mobile app only the Rowan part of Rowan vines beard is quoted so had my avatar! Was confused reading the quoted part and thinking I never wrote that!!

    Aye that happens all the time, anytime I get quoted it shows your avatar :lol:

  6. A little update on myself:

    Been feeling really happy in the last few weeks, I'm getting all of my confidence back i lost a few months ago.

    Was at the hospital again on Tuesday for the first time in 3months and i found out i have put on a bit of weight after losing so much last year :thumsup2

    Everything is going well for me at the moment and I'm just hoping that continues.

    Sorry to hear that mate :(

    I know i may come across as an total arse on here at times but anytime you want someone to speak to or even just to let out a rant, you can pm me anytime bud.

    Nice one mate thanks for that.

    Likewise with you, anytime :)

  7. Right, here goes..

    I suffered really really badly from Post Natal Depression when my son was born in 2010.

    To put into context the situation I was facing, 9 months before he was born I was a freshly turned 18 year old boy who thought it was class I could just stroll into clubs nae bother, going to college doing some shitey computing course and still living at home with my Mother.

    Fast forward to April I've got my own flat with my sons mother, a full time job at Sainsburys and son who would arrive on the 1st of June, it was a lot for an 18 year old boy to take on at once.

    It took me a long time to admit this but I crumbled, I was operating on autopilot. I was a terrible father, in the sense that feeding, changing, cuddling, spending time with my son was something I resented and not something I looked forward to or enjoyed.

    Now, I find myself in the situation where I've found someone else and currently live with her down in England (that's a different story for another day) and she has honestly been my saviour. The shite thing is, my little boy is still in Edinburgh, I go to visit him every 8 weeks and speak to him at least 2-3 times a week.

    The thing I wrestle with on a daily basis is that I chose to leave and move down here, does that make me a shite Dad? There were a lot of circumstances which dictated that leaving Edinburgh and moving away was the best thing to do, but should I have put up with it for the sake of my son? As I genuinely believe that if I had stayed in Scotland I wouldn't be here any longer (was seriously contemplating suicide) but I can't help but think that what I've done is wrong and that my son will end up hating me as he gets older.

  8. Absolute rage. I'm up to division 2 and need 1 win to get to division 1. I use consumables to max my team out, up 3-0 with minutes left and 'connection lost with opponent'.

    It gets back to the main screen I've lost the fucking game?

    Ea Sports have a serious amount of aids.

    Similar happened to me last night. Need a win to stay in division 2, get paired with some boy who has an all bronze team, me thinking 'yaaaaaas'.

    Nah, boy dicks around with the ball for 3 mins, pauses, waits, pauses, waits, pauses, quits and next thing I'm down in division 3.


  9. Smart money, surely, is on Batista pinning Orton to keep Bryan in the picture. Perhaps there will be shenanigans - a returning Punk turning all corporate heel on Bryan is obviously total fantasy booking but that'd be a brilliant way to spend the 'mania post-season, leading to Bryan winning the belt at Summerslam, a year after he first got screwed.

    I think really that's the best option (for WWE anyway) as that would keep some of the audience that would traditionally zone out after WM.

    From a fan perspective it'll be shite, I'd much rather they had DB closing the show leading 80000 people in a YES! chant.

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