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The Holiday Song

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Posts posted by The Holiday Song

  1. 23 hours ago, V.Aye.R said:

    We are on the Saturday night sailing from Hull on P&O (booo). 

    Just clocked it's the day before England play in Gelsenkirchen so it'll be rammed. 

    Anyone joining us? 

    Think the Friday boat might be busier. Would miss a bit of the buildup if they were only arriving the Sunday morning a bit away.

    Safe trip anyway. How are you getting from Rotterdam to Germany?

  2. 8 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Yes. You're also the last team with an A and football both on their badge to win a game on a Tuesday night, in December, in the Northern Hemisphere while the moon was in its 3rd phase.

    Add another star to the badge.

    Yep. it's a good laugh telling Aberdeen fans they've finally realised the Super Cup isn't that important when they bring out the Real Madrid final fact.

    (I say good laugh... it gives me a very small dopomine rush based on my partner being an Aberdeen fan and having lived there for ten years)

  3. 19 hours ago, Pie Of The Month said:

    For anyone intending on buying the Deutschland ticket who haven't got it yet this thread gives details on how if you buy from the local Hamburg transport provider app then you can get it from part way through the month and save yourself money on it.


    Apologies, assume this has already been discussed, but to get the EUR 49 ticket for June only:

    1 - We need to sign up before the 10th of June at DeutscheBahn 

    2 - you then cancel the subscription before the 10th of June?

    That will give us the June pass but not take the July subscription? I've read the DB site and think thats how it works but not 100% sure.

    (quoted information is a nice tip,  but I'm okay just going through DB for full monthly amount)


  4. 11 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

    I appreciate you're considering home advantage and the (perceived) added advantage to playing on artificial grass. However you're looking at the odd team here and there. There are proper scientific studies that have looked at this.

    I'll put it one here again.

    The effect on home advantage when a team changes from grass to artificial turf – a worldwide study in professional football (International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport)

    There are loads of other studies on physiology, etc

    Genuine question (as I can't read full article): do they go into any more detail about why only choosing teams with 2 seasons of grass and then 2 season astro are included, and if that is a suitable measure? I can why they are doing that but I'm wondering if there are limitations to that approach (and if so, how big).

  5. I sortof get Red Bull investing in clubs for marketing. And certain regimes investing for sportswashing. But does anyone know why what seems like business groups specifically setup to own multiple clubs get out of it? Is it for some clubs to be feeders into the clubs that have more chance to make money?

    I like a team in Europe owned by the same company who have Brondby, Augsburg, partly own Crystal Palace etc. but trying to figure out what's in it for them!

  6. If you're into whisky, there's a Slovakian one I tried which, whilst young, was actually pretty good - Nestville it's called.

    Although this was after having a taster flight of flavoured local spirits so they might have had an effect on my tastebuds...

  7. Just back from ten day trip primarily to Poland, flew to Gdansk and then back from Vienna airport.

    Gdansk -> Torun (mainly to split up journey to Warsaw) -> Warsaw -> Zakopane (mountain town) -> Krakow -> Bratislava

    Travelled via trains, which were pretty modern and cheap (booked all approx one month in advance). Buy a ticket - PKP Intercity

    Top place. Great food and drink, really cheap in most places. I'd heard a few folk say Bratislava was a bit boring, but thought it was fantastic (although a bit more expensive paying stuff in EUR there rather than PLN).

    Krakow specifically... I think one of my favourite places have visited, and that was without doing virtually any specific tourist attractions. Lots of little places dotted about to stumble across, and felt interesting contrast between old town and Jewish quarter when just wandering about. Loved the (I think daily) farmer's market. We stayed in Ibis Centrum which isn't really that central (compared to Ibis's across other cities) but was fine enough if looking for something cheap. Anyway, definitely recommend as somewhere to go (and I had been a little cynical beforehand and even during the initial walk into town from the train station), with the caveat it was on a Wednesday and Thursday there, not sure how different at weekends.

  8. 1 hour ago, PauloPerth said:

    You’re living in a fantasy world based on the past.

    I’m not defensive nor in the slightest bit bothered. I’m just pointing out the facts to you that, despite bigger fan base and more cash, evidence suggests neither hearts or Hibs have enjoyed sustained success over the past 30-40 years.

    Since the mid-1990’s, Motherwell and Kilmarnock have had more seasons in the top flight than both Edinburgh clubs.

    In the last 16 years, both Hibs and Kilmarnock have managed one third place in the top league. I didn’t bother going back further.

    In the past 40 years, Hibs have won one SC and one LC. Kilmarnock exactly the same.

    There is nothing to suggest Hibs will enjoy more sustained success than Kilmarnock given the same manager.

    killie are on an upward trajectory, whereas Hibs need a massive rebuild that might take a few years.

    I think you're proving the original poster's point a little here IMO. Hearts/Hibs/Aberdeen haven't had more sustained success than Kilmarnock/Motherwell (and your own club), but they weren't saying they had, just that if you were a manager you'd probably back yourself having quite a bit more chance of success there (although guess does depend on how you define success).

    I do think fans of "smaller" clubs who have won cups have a bit of a chip on their shoulder if they think anyone is excluding them from being a successful club. Which to be fair I understand... if Falkirk had had St Johnstone's cup success the last 15 years think I'd be the same! 


  9. 18 minutes ago, Skyline Drifter said:

    Feck me flights to Germany in June are expensive for some reason eh? Going to have to get more creative. I'm looking at £1,300+ for flights here.

    I love looking up stuff like this for some reason...

    Anyway (and this depends when you want to go obviously)...

    Friday morning - EDI to Basel Easyjet - get in 11:20. Then just under 3 hours on train from Basel to Stuttgart

  10. On 19/04/2024 at 23:52, Marten said:

    Also an interesting stat: with Vitesse's relegation, 6 clubs (Ajax, Feyenoord, PSV, FC Utrecht, SC Heerenveen & AZ) have been in the Eredivisie continuously from the start of the century, the next longest serving club is Fortuna Sittard who got promoted in 2018. That means that next season 12 out of 18 clubs, so 2/3rd of the league, have been promoted in 2018 or later. And then to think that there was 1 season in that period without promotion/relegation due to Covid.

    Since the turn of the century, 31 different clubs have played in the Eredivisie. Of the 13 clubs that are not there now, 12 are in the 2nd tier Eerste Divisie. Other than the B-teams, the only Eerste Divisie teams to not have played in the Eredivisie this century are FC Eindhoven, Telstar, Helmond Sport and TOP Oss. Of those, only TOP Oss never played Eredivisie. The only team that play lower are RBC Roosendaal, who re-started in the 10th tier back in 2012 after bankruptcy. They just got back to back promotions to get to the 5th tier, Vierde Divisie. They are back in the nationally organised "division" structure for the first time after going bust. Below the 5th tier, leagues are organised in regions.


    Was at the ADO Den Haag - FC Eindhoven game on Saturday and did ponder who in their right mind supports FC rather than PSV.  I guess Rotterdam is split in areas like Feyenoord south of the river so the three teams there make a bit of sense, but must be tough going supporting the blue team in Eindhoven!

  11. Dunno if it's bowfing! But is a bit overrated I think. Reckon the way it's served in the small glasses makes folk remember it more than other regional beers.

    On a beer related note, and don't know how widely available it is, Paulaner zero has been great for me recently if needing to skip a round or two. Really like the taste, and advertises itself as isotonic!

  12. You could maybe have an 18 team league and keep it interesting if willing to have a 4 team playoff for the last European spot.

    If we were going down a salary cap route, I think a luxury tax style thing would be mildly interesting to look into. You can spend what you like but at certain thresholds you have to pay "tax" into a pot that gets distributed amongst the other teams. You could maybe tie it into it not applying to salaries for Scottish players, or who've come through the ranks.

    Not necessarily saying I'd implement these, but the two things I think about when this type of discussion comes up.

  13. thought my best bet was 2 x the EUR 150 tickets for Scotland / Hungary (and willing to go one level up or down) but no luck on that or any of the other 8 games. Ah well.

    RE: the UEFA resale platform - anyone know if they will be sold at cost price or is it a free for all? I'm guessing the former?

  14. Ah this is good timing as planning a trip that will include Bratislava and Krakow in it. Plan at the moment is train from Bratislava to Poprad, stay there and then bus it to Krakow. Anyone (looking at vT here!) with feedback if that seems a decent idea? Would maybe do a bit of walking but mostly looking for some mountain scenery, Slovak beer and food. And was thinking two nights in Poprad.

  15. If you like wine, the Ahr valley is close. Someone on here talked about it a few years ago and I ended up going and enjoying it. There were massive floods after that and a lot was destroyed, so not sure what like now, sorry!

  16. 9 minutes ago, virginton said:

    The Netherlands has a population of nearly 18 million people - around 3.5x times greater than Scotland. There's no purpose in comparing the standard of the respective leagues and drawing any sort of lessons for Scottish football.

    This thread's wider course confirms the need to hive off all the Hamish Husband weirdos into a separate, locked forum for 'contributions'. 

    Totally agree. It's also got a good TV deal because games are kicking off at all times of the weekend.

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