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The Holiday Song

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Posts posted by The Holiday Song

  1. 1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

    A "decent argument"?

    Or an argument you personally agree with?

    There are several good reasons for staying in the UK.

    Continuity would be one. People value the devil they know very strongly.

    Guaranteed border-free trade and travel would be another.

    If you voted Brexit, that would be another.

    If you consider yourself British rather than Scottish, that would be another.

    There's the fact that the SNP haven't actually articulated what they want to do with the power they've asked for. There are holes in all of the basic problem areas from currency through to EU membership.

    Then there's a few of us who would vote No today purely because 8 years isn't enough time since the country democratically voted No to show respect for that decision.

    There are plenty of reasons why people voted No and would do so again. Dismissing those views is one quick way to get a second No and kill independence permanently.


    I'd be voting yes, but this is a perfectly reasonable and fair post.

    The one thing I do disagree with though seems to be the actual reason you'd be a no voter (if I'm reading correctly). Eight years is plenty of time for another vote with what we've seen happen since then, the Brexit part of it in particular when you consider not only how big a part EU membership was of the 2014 campaign but also that Scotland as a whole voted by quite a large margin for Remain in 2016. That is, in my opinion anyway, enough of a shift for another referendum to be acceptable.

  2. 10 hours ago, Marten said:

    Save to say that tonight was not good for my heart... But we're back in the eredivisie!!! 🥳




    Was at this game (as an ADO season ticket holder). What a disaster! Some of our fans are an utter disgrace, and nice to see some of them getting attacked by the police dogs afterwards!

    You've got some good players. Azarkan was scary from an opposing fan POV, dunno if you'll be able to keep him on loan next season? I liked El Yaakoubi at the back too (although this is all based on two playoff games!).

  3. Re: Arcade Fire - Reflektor did end up growing on me (and I actually could see how it would be someones favourite of theirs). Not massively relevant but I really like that Joan of Arc song on it, although the lyrics sound like David Brent could have written them.

    Everything Now I think is pretty terrible though. New one sounds sortof the same but might get better in time.

    Think my favourite album so far this year is the Jill Lorean (that's the bands name) one. Lead singer of Sparrow and The Workshop and one of the guys from Frightened Rabbit are two of the members.

  4. 17 hours ago, The Mantis said:

    You got a team you support? Only ever been at one game when they beat Orkney 3-0 at the Gilbertson. My nephew was playing for Sandwick or the Ness for a while, can't remember which.

    Could be both Sandwick and Ness, different associations. (the two teams who I actually played for... a long time ago now unfortunately!)

  5. 2 minutes ago, yoda said:

    I'm planning a trip to the Netherlands in a couple of months (Groningen and Amsterdam / Haarlem, probably). What's the deal with using my Starling debit card over there? I've read conflicting things - Starling say it's fine but a few things online say that MasterCard and Visa aren't widely accepted outside of Amsterdam.

    I'll be taking cash with me anyway but just wanted to know if I'll be fine with my card or should get a travel card?

    Visa isn't accepted in a lot of places. All the main bank cards are Maestro as far as I can remember. I think Mastercard is okay though, but worth checking that.

  6. 1 hour ago, Ron Aldo said:

    Probably a silly question but to settle a debate, does the darkness of the line on a LFT actually mean anything?

    Currently on a day 6 since symptoms started and feeling absolutely fine but did a test this morning and the positive line is still as clear as day. My other half is convinced the line gets lighter as you have "less" Covid but I'm not so sure.

    This doesn't answer your question, sorry... but as an experiment when I'd had covid and was still getting a faint line later on, put the liquid into the test without doing anything with the swab... and it came up faintly positive! So don't take any notice of faint lines now. 

  7. On 18/03/2022 at 10:20, TheScarf said:

    There's a worrying trend of flabby guys in their 20s and 30s growing huge beards.  They all end up looking like Rag N Bone Man.  Which is not a good thing.  A well groomed beard on a thin face is a good look for any age of man.  Some 32 year old waddler with one looks horrendous.

    Add in guys below average height for the perfect awful look.

    Needless to say, I am short, chubby and have a beard. 🤦🏻‍♂️

  8. On 12/12/2021 at 15:52, Thorongil said:

    Contractors aren’t in any way cheaper. In IT particularly the cost circa double. FTCs are an option companies sometimes use but workers largely don’t want that. They want the security and benefits that come with a perm job or the extra pay that comes with being a contractor.

    The higher up the salary range the more expensive a contractor becomes. You could have a perm project manager on say £65k per annum. For a contractor you’re looking at £500 per day which is £115k. That’s much more expensive than having an employee, but you might only need them for a year. 

    At the lowest end of the scale, the AWR regulations come into play, and there is agency margin as well as the cost of NI and holiday pay built into the charge rate.

    there are a few different categories to consider. Agency temp, contractor, consultant and freelancer. All have their differences but none of them are cheaper than hiring employees.

    Very late to the conversation here, but have to remember a permanent salary of 65k per annum is a lot more than that if there is NI cont., pension costs, annual bonus etc. 

    Don't disagree with your central point but remember from working at a bank that the contractor cost doing the same job wasn't considerably more than the salaried position when included all the costs.

  9. On 22/01/2022 at 17:07, velo army said:

    I went to one of those a few years back and tbf it was an excellent night out. Frightened Rabbit played and it was all very well done.

    Yeah, the evening part was always pretty good. Idlewild did it more than once. There was a Brewdog sponsored music festival at Bogbain Farm just outside Inverness one year as well that was great.

    Perhaps they had to be wankers and have the outsider (😂) personality to break through and maybe it was worth it... but christ, it's hard going at times.

  10. I'm an "equity punk" (🤦‍♂️). Had no illusions it was anything other than a members club in practice.

    Used to go to their AGMs when lived in Aberdeen. They encapsulated Brewdog as a company... had some decent things about it in small doses, but have to take everything with a fucking fistful of salt. Very cult like at times with their presentations and them trying to justify the private equity investment was a good laugh (although most of the "punks" there seemed to lap it up). Also, a huge amount of small, fat, ugly bearded men (unfortunately this describes me too) seem to be "punks".

  11. Would generally agree with most people here (I've been happy to take paycuts too albeit not 40%) and there are some good success stories here. There are a couple of things I'd consider from my experience though (and apologies if these come out as patronising):

    1 - money is a big driver of things. You could quite possibly be happier in a different role/sector but if you're not and you have significantly less disposable income then...

    2 - are you sure you want a complete change or is it possible it's just your current job. Depending on the industry, there might be other companies/roles about that would get you back into enjoying what you're currently doing. Also maybe consider any preconceptions you might have. My example would be I never wanted to work as an accountant in a bank thinking I'd not enjoy it, but decided to do it for a couple of years to get some savings... and it ended up being one of my favourite jobs in terms of work tasks and colleagues.


  12. Was visiting folk and they had a 1986 decanter from Bells. Think the folk thought it might be worth something but once I said no (after checking the internet tbf) they said said crack on. One thing I noticed was 43% rather than the 40% now, don't know when it changed? Was actually alright, very easy to drink. If I hadn't actually opened the sealed bottle myself then would have said someone (their kids maybe!) had watered it down a little. Know it doesn't continue to "age" once bottled, but can bottlings lose a bit of ABV if left for a while?

  13. 13 minutes ago, Grant228 said:

    As a disillusioned ex snp voter I don't see how that would effect your opinion on independence. On the run up to the indy ref, and every time someone brings it up since then the mantra has been "You're voting for independence, not for the snp, once you buy a house you can always change the wallpaper" that still applies. 

    I think for some people that a reason for independence was to be run by politicians they thought more aligned to their way of thinking and (naively perhaps) of a "better standard" (whatever that would mean).

    I don't disagree with what you're saying per se, but would be interesting to know the % of support for independence that was down to SNP >Tories. I fear as someone who would like independence that it might be relatively high and the handling of the pandemic will (rightly IMO) reduce that. If that is the case, the question would be how many demographics are more likely to vote independence after the SNPs handling of the pandemic.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Empty It said:
    11 minutes ago, The Holiday Song said:

    Most of South Africa (or atleast a large proportion) are white so that doesn't really work, Britain is just so arrogant and ignorant about anything foreign, white or otherwise.

    80.7% Black

    8.8% Coloured

    7.9% White

    2.6% Asian

    (According to Wiki that is...!)

    I also dont think this is just a UK thing to be honest. I'm in the Netherlands and they seem to have totally overreacted as well.


  15. 7 minutes ago, mizfit said:

    Gaz makes an interesting point that this is an echo chamber but this is one thing I can’t see being popular in the population. The Welsh govt are getting a lot of stick also.

    I also think whilst this is an echo chamber, you can see the shift (rightly in my opinion) to a lot more people on here being a lot more pissed off about what's happening.

  16. Are the thoughts of the P&B demographic wildly out of line with the rest of the country, or are attitudes to potential further restrictions going to really start pissing off the majority of folk? (I agree with pretty much everything people have been saying on here this morning)

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