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Everything posted by Garrowhillclyde

  1. Just keep consistent. The time will come down.
  2. That actually sounds pretty decent snack wise. I'd rather have porridge than the cereal bar, but its all good.
  3. Woo hoo. Under 25 minutes for parkrun for the first time at last.
  4. Done a run round the course of what will be Tollcross parkrun. Its really really hard. ouch.
  5. Jesus. thats averaging over 240m a minute. Mercy.
  6. New pb at parkrun this morning, beat my old time by almost 30 seconds. Delighted at that but kinda disappointed too as I didnt quite get under 25 mins. Next week hopefully.
  7. Thundermonkey is back. Surely you can polish that time up in the meantime.
  8. Just went out with my wee group of runners there for a not so quick 5k in that sleet and wind. Feckin miserable it was. I've now got a red face that looks like a skelped arse. Roll on spring.
  9. Someone is trying to talk me into the Edinburgh Half, but it starts at 8AM, which is a total pain in the arse.
  10. Half marathon done today. Aching right now. volunteer tomorrow at Parkrun after that.
  11. Yeah it was a bit frustrating again as I was all set to beat my PB hopefully. It was a lot longer than last week's alternate run too, but was still good to get a run out this morning. I just beat 30 mins for the 5.8, which was pretty much pb pace.
  12. I love the fact that the fastest time at Strathclyde was by a person called Rex Banner. (A one appearance character from the simpsons) He just ran at Strathy once too, never to be seen again. Never mind dropping from a pb of 25. My aim is to get down to 25! Pretty sure I'll get there in the next month or two as the times are coming down nicely.
  13. I hope you mean ridiculously good! I can only dream of times like that.
  14. Today the start was right at the entrance to the last car park and the turnaround point was just before the bridge/weir thingy. I done a measurement on mapmyrun.com and it did pretty much match up with the extra 200m they stated it was.
  15. It was actually ok, tbh. Even more frustrating, when I worked out what my time would have been if it was the 5000m course it would have been a PB (Just).
  16. Alternative Strathclyde Parkrun route today 'cos of the ice. They make it 200m longer to deter anyone setting a course record on the alternative route. Was a good enough run I suppose. It gets a bit congested as you run up and down the straight twice, Comedy moment when one of the front runners was getting all arsey shouting 'stay left' at everyone as he ran back the way little realising it was him that wason the right. Fud. Maybe needs to paint L and R on his shoes next time.
  17. the Strathclyde one is almost entirely flat and plenty of room too at the start, so no snarl ups.
  18. Was it not in Kilwinning? (Egilinton park?) One way or the other the more events, the more runners. Can only be a good thing.
  19. Sounds good. Had a half decent park run this morning (well, good for me anyway) and Grangemouth will be my first 10K of the year. Pace I'm at just now I should get a PB, especially if its a flat one.
  20. Plan on doing a 10k each month from March on. I think I'll go for the grangemouth one in late march for the first. Anyone on here done that one?
  21. Do you mean what level of runner? Any level at all. Or do you mean how hard is the course? Its very very hilly but no really long ones.
  22. Looking at all the times on the parkrun 5ks the average/median time is about 25-26 mins.
  23. Was out tonight. a pretty slow 5k. Flippin FREEZING. hope this cold snap doesnt last too long.
  24. Watch this space. the route is mapped out and we're currently sorting out the funding and city council permissions. Will probably be April or May before it starts.
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