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Everything posted by IainMorton

  1. Agreed. I don't think Morton fans have said at any time that we would win the league. We just got a bit carried away from going from years of hanging about the seaside leagues and in the bottom half of the 1st Division to having a team that looked like might do something. Obviously, that hasn't lasted long and we are back to hanging about at the bottom of the 1st Division.
  2. Can't see a post about it - anyone heard the new Metallica EP, Beyond Magnetic? Just got it on iTunes for £3.49. Loving it.
  3. We are four points ahead of you, doesn't that kinda mean we are already in the relegation battle?!
  4. I was there. The gig was pretty so so for me. Missed Inscense as I didn't get in until after they were finished. Rise To Remain were OK, nothing special but not rubbish either. Ghost were pretty f*cked up, but in a good way. I dunno what I was expecting when they walked on and I thought to myself "this is gonna be really awful", but I ended up really enjoying them. The guitar riffs were catchy but I have no idea what the lyrics were half the time. In Flames, which I have never heard before, were quite excellent and I will definitely be checking out some of their stuff. Trivium were disappointing TBH which put a dampener on the whole thing cos that's who I was there to see. They were great set list wise and put in a lot of effort, but the sound just wasn't great for me. I dunno what it was, but half the time it just sounded like a rabble and on a couple of occasions it took a while to realise what song was being played! The new stuff from In Waves sounded excellent though.
  5. Oh and people who shout "here we, here we, here we f*cking go". Please piss right off. It's a metal gig, you're not marching over the border FFS
  6. Same thing happened during Trivium at the Barras last March. The drummer ripped his snare drum so while he was getting it taped up, Matt Heafy was having some banter with the fans and they started singing Flower Of Scotland. He had to ask "what song is that?" Here's a video of it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uAHschUMFE
  7. Can't wait. Will be the 10th time I've seen Trivium!
  8. I gave up after two minutes of the video.
  9. The 2012 lineup is already better than the last two years put together, and they only have two bands announced!
  10. Def gonna try and make Download next year. Haven't been the last two years cos the lineup has been pretty crap but it looks like it's gonna be amazing next year. Not to be missed IMO!!!
  11. Ditto, should be good fun!
  12. Just watched their performance online, oh dear God. Seriously, what the f**k were Metallica thinking? The cover version was ok, but 'Iced Honey' was dreadful. I've only heard that song and the one with "I am the table" which I can't remember what it's called thankfully, but those two songs make St. Anger sound like one of the best albums ever. They (Metallica) are meant to have a new album out in 2013 - so they have a lot to make up for.
  13. Went to the cafe in Morrisons yesterday and asked for a roll and sausage, the girl behind the counter asked "just the one?". If I wanted more than one I would have asked for two (or more!) rolls and sausage, and not "a roll...."
  14. Two minutes tops. Come out the station, turn left and it's on the same side as the station
  15. Wow, just WOW! Def worth the wait!!! :D :D
  16. Volbeat tomorrow night!! :D
  17. Think I will give this album a body swerve. Metallica should have followed up on Death Magnetic instead of going down this route, now they are back at square one
  18. Going to see Volbeat as well. Can't wait as I was gutted when they cancelled last year. Gonna be amazing!
  19. Just read through this whole thread, it should be in the Gold section!
  20. I only got the better known songs, I guess only diehard fans would have gotten the pointless answers as they were songs I had never heard before!
  21. Only heard Trivium's new album this year which is a gret album. Will def be buying MH and Megadeth in the near future though!!
  22. That's just awful. Why Metallica thought doing something with Lou Reed would work I have no idea! Death Magnetic was a great album IMO and should have followed that up (as surely they would have had some great ideas flying around to work with) instead of doing this. It's just shite.
  23. Great result for Falkirk tonight, although hopefully they are brought back down to earth with a bang on Saturday.
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