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Posts posted by diamondman

  1.  Callum Fordyce is a bit of an unsung hero this year. He's been arguably our best and most consistent signing, very rarely looks troubled and is always fairly calm. He's been shunted about to accommodate Kerr and crighton coming back and just gets on with it, a real team player.


    Completely agree. Sound signing and glad he is with us a bit longer.

  2. More on the game, we've been at our best when counter attacking teams, but that option just wasn't there today, especially after losing 2 early goals, the second of which was a great finish tbf.
    The amount of times the ball was just pumped up front and the big centre half absolutely mopped it up sweatless, we will never compete lumping balls to Gallagher, Smith or the enigma Roy.
    Unless the ref clamps down on any timewasting then it's absolutely fair game, if we were 2-0 up I'd be lapping that shit up definitely, it's called game management and getting it right into the opposition fans.
    No-one to blame but ourselves today, loads of pressure but very little ideas.
    Pretty much how I saw it. Hopefully a bad day at the office,so to speak
  3. Diamonds were dire first half. Foxed by crowding keeper tactic and then closed down at the back to the second. That aside Stranraer had few  opportunities.


    Looked so much better in the second half with Roberts in the midfield. Drive and efforts on goal that were lacking in the initial period. A pick each week please IM


     thought the boys hands were by his side DGW probably chancing his arm , the airdrie claim did look a good shout from our end , but referee closer 

     Thought Airdrie’s shout was a definite - I was fuming at McStay for charging in like that!


    Are rational commentators like yourselves not discouraged?? Doubt your views would stand scrutiny amongst some of our more forthright, and partisan, opinions! 

    I'm with you though. Seen too many games to think otherwise.

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