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Posts posted by diamondman

  1. A return to Ochilview on Saturday. A pleasant ground due to amenities (pubs and nosh). Mixed record there.


    We have been doing relatively well; but for last week's disappointing performance. 


    Couple of former Diamond in the Stenny squad, so they will likely have the games of their lives.


    Airdrie win , for me.

  2. Away fixture was disappointing, but we can't say our performance on the day deserved anything.

    Will McInroy be available? Will Easton be stifled out like he was back in September? These will prove important factors I think.

    Tricky to call, but hope the Diamonds come out on top.

  3. With only Fordyce and Easton cropping up consistently so far, plus McInroy ( a few games in truth), Watson and Smith on the side-lines here and there we seem to have a team performing ( sometimes) better than the individual parts to bring about our dalliance with the top of the league. I'll take that fellow P & B' ers.

    I might disagree in some respects but it is just an opinion in the end,

  4. 44 minutes ago, Mr November said:

    Airdrie were ok but Easton and Frizzell struggled to get going in midfield. For all the attacking options we had on towards end (1 natural defender!) we didn’t create too many clear chances and I never really felt like we were going to score. Scott McGill had his poorest game in a while, Taggart and Scougall both continually beat him and McGill’s constant cutting inside when he gets forward didn’t really work today. It’s not his fault, he’s clearly not a left back, but today showed we do need to sort that position if Quitongo isn’t going to play anytime soon, if at all.

    Surprised you did not mention the Easton penalty incident. Right in front of me and clear as day. Symesque decision from a referee, who had a rather dodgy day I would say.


    How Alloa's 11 was not booked during his participation in the game is beyond me.

  5. 1 minute ago, BallochSonsFan said:

    Its a shame that in the aftermath of an absolute shit show of a referee performance, folk won't be talking about the excellent play for Dumbarton's first and the really nice finish from the edge of the box that put Airdrie 2-1 up. Both really well taken goals that deserve a lot of credit, but that will be lost in everything else that happened this afternoon

    Don't disagree. However disgruntled your team are, the game is done.

  6. 20 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

    We were guilty of 7 yellow cards, three reds with the Manager also red-carded, and conceded two penalties. 

    Do any of these decisions necessitate a "robust challenge"? No. Rightly or wrongly that was the referee's call today. 

    As a Diamonds' fan of longstanding, we can look to similar outcomes.

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