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Everything posted by Wilky1878

  1. At the end of the season I was told Hamilton wanted to stay at alloa. Unsure of the situation just now but I think he'd do really well at league 2 level with you. Would be another cracking signing for yourselves he was really growing into a game towards the end of this season.
  2. Can we take our magic hat back from rangers now?
  3. Was reading through our stuff from pre-season. 5 of these players gone before the season had even finished. Geoff very highly rated by us in pre-season but wasn't up to it after that.
  4. Any indication on what time the two signings tonight will be expected at?
  5. I wouldn't like to see Hetherington signed just so he can cover several positions. Every time he gets a prolonged run in the first team I think he does well then gets a run on the bench for no real apparent reason.
  6. Happy with Hetherington signing on now. The two signings tomorrow I think as above will be hammy and someone else.
  7. Can the greens now be classed as a major party in scotland? Lib dems who were classed as more major than the greens in the lead up to the holyrood elections now have less seats so the only logical explanation should be that they are now a major party and lib dems a minor here.
  8. This. Our game isn't as bad as many portray it to be. I'd say results in Europe don't actually reflect our game but something is really holding us back in that respect. I just don't know what it is, mindset maybe? The problems of the scottish game really start to rise when so many compare us to our closest neighbours who just happen to have more of a population in 1 city than our entire country and a TV deal that we could only dream about. It's totally crazy to suggest that we should be anything close to that but then look at all the other guys in our street so to speak in Wales, N. Ireland and Republic of Ireland and in terms of domestic football we are miles ahead of them. I know this is a thread about reconstruction but one of the biggest stages we need in reconstruction is to replace Doncaster and Co. to get people who will actually strive to improve our game. Fs I could do a better job at marketing and improving the game than them.
  9. Salary caps may be beneficial in certain cases but where do you set them? Set them too low and the playing standard significantly decreases and we can't keep up with even the leagues we are around or directly above just now. Set it too high and clubs just overspend anyway. Annually reviewing the sport is something that sounds quite interesting, could you elaborate on some of the changes made in the nfl in these annual reviews? By merchandise sales being shared equally so if the philadelphia eagles sell a jersey or a cap does that money go into a pot and get shared between all franchises? If so I'm not too keen on that but other ways of sharing income I agree with (ie 50/50 gate receipts, TV money shared equally dependant on league but still rewarding a team for finishing higher in the league. I'll give a small scale example of what I mean as I don't think I'm explaining it we'll. Premiership teams all get £5 in TV money Championship clubs all get £4 in TV money and so forth Premiership 1st place gets £20roze money 2nd place gets £15 of course the values will be much higher but I just scaled it down for simpleness.
  10. Although I'd tale both we won't get agnew he'll be in the championship next year and I don't think jack will go down the road of old players and instead will take the club in his own direction.
  11. Not seen too much of him so can't say I'm too upset tbh. How did he get on in his loan spell this year?
  12. Hoping for a few early signing ons so we know what we have to work with. Interested to see the way Jack Ross sets up next year but i'd like to see us keep a strong spine from the team we have and build upon say a dozen of this years squad.
  13. Yeah he loves getting involved and has a work ethic on the pitch which is second to none.
  14. Did he put any crosses right over the opposite side of the stadium? Generally a good player but f**k his crosses aren't up to much. How did he get on?
  15. Are all the tweets still up? Will have a look when I get home.
  16. Is it not already confirmed paddy's leaving? Paddy has a high paying job outwith football and AFAIK doesn't want to give that up to pursue a management career.
  17. That was the opinion I took from it, pulling their streams just widens the market these guys have that they're trying to stop.
  18. I'm not back home till Sunday but I'll check then see if I can dig it out, probably does I hadn't even thought of the remote
  19. Yeah but I replaced it with a mouse forward thinking isn't really something I do...
  20. Just double checked I have no buttons on mine at all
  21. Is Nigel making a film about us
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