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Everything posted by ewan14

  1. They never paid their taxes either ! the rangers Big team found is the expression I believe
  2. f4 ? although black's bishop could become active ! But it looks like black's move ( duh ) ' . Black could plan for f5 , or h5 , but has to protect d6 and his king is on the g file. Bc8 , Ne8 , f6 , ? Very tricky indeed
  3. More importantly can S##### G. prove he can do a more impressive belly flop slide than C.D. ?
  4. Sorry , you forgot about english and a certain Embra ( copyright ? ) team
  5. We ended up being really poor 1 ) the lack of players to clear the ball after the first great penalty save 2 ) too many players in the penalty area , none outside for the second ball etc , etc EXCREMENT !!!
  6. You would imagine Davidson made sure , if necessary , that Rooney targeted Doig
  7. Much as I hate to say it you have got to think of the ....... doing well in Europe again The league was handed to them on a plate
  8. It is a good site , but unfortunately you have missed the " banter years " live at their zenith
  9. Just sated my hunger Could help people who want to eat less ( but remember eat healthy ! )
  10. Or they go over the top with stupid questions to managers whose coats are on shoogly pegs
  11. Q. Was it hard to leave Ryan Gauld ( potm ) out the squad ? A. Who ?
  12. What is happening ? Alex Edwards , John Blackley sorting someone out ?!
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