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Kneal Down Caster

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Posts posted by Kneal Down Caster

  1. I read somewhere, from someone, that has followed Boris’ career that he jumps on the train that works for Boris. Now he is in no 10 I wouldn’t be surprised if he goes all out (not typical Tory) and builds himself a legacy. Basically gets rid of all the Tory dissenters and goes full hung ho what Boris wants. Agreeing to hs2 is deciding that filling pot holes is counter productive let’s just rip up the road and fix it properly. I hate to say it but I think the blundering beach whale could surprise us. (As long as it’s for 7 years until my retirement)

  2. Crocker’s introduction of the name McGinniesta is surely his sole positive contribution in over ten years of ruining Scotland games???

    Last night was the first night in over 10 years that I turned the tv down and synced the tv with radio. Co incidence. I think not. We qualify for the next tournament when everyone follows my lead!! Crocker and Provan GTF!! X
  3. Youd rather watch Joe Jordan than the likes of messi , hazard , salah or many other technically gifted footballers ? Fair enough but I'm guessing youd be in the minority there.

    Nope love watching them as they are Technically gifted, world class and very rare. Stop trying to turn carthorses into messi.

    Play to your strengths.

    Morden fitba is still shite. [emoji4]
  4. I think one of the main issues for gammon loving, jazz hating brexiteers is the difficulty people  have admitting they have fucked things up badly and saying they were obviously wrong were wrong.
    Takes guts to admit that you've made a mess of things.

    One of the biggest issues for me is that not many trust MP’s, thinking they all lie and are self serving bullshitters.
    The just get on with it brigade just don’t believe any of the damaging information out there. They should set up another referendum a week after, go for full blown no deal and watch the landslide remain vote when the gammons can’t get their blood pressure meds or a cheap can of Stella.
  5. The entire media in this country is corrupt and at times I wonder if ALL our politicians are not somehow complicit in it all.
    Take the Pensions situation as a prime example, we have France where the current pension age is 62 and there's a huge public outcry as they're considering increasing it to 64. What's even better is that the base Government pension rate per month is 1,400 Euros, now, compare that with here !!
    WHY is this not being widely reported ?? Surely if people were given these figures in black and white they'd be questioning our whole Government system ??
    The fact remains that we (Britain) have one of the lowest pensions and worst benefits system in the developed world and YET we supposedly have the 6th largest economy in the world. 
    Where does the money go ???
    Why does our media and opposition parties not go on and on and on and on about this ???
    Instead, it's all trivialities, all the bloody time, WHY ???
    On a further note, I've just returned from a weekend in Chester and the levels of homelessness and deprivation in one of this country's most affluent Towns and areas was truly horrendous. There were literally scores of people sleeping in doorways all along the Main streets of the Town just yards away from some of the most expensive areas of the country, honestly, I've never seen anything like this in this country and I reckon it will only get worse.
    I have no idea where it will all end, however I do know that Brexit will further increase the already horrendous wealth gap in this country and I can see only major problems ahead............

    I spent 4 nights at Alton towers this year with the kids and every car in the car park was a shiny premium model. Each of these families kids were wearing the equivalent on a grand in clothing each day with all their designer gear. Head to toe. There are lot of very poor people but also a lot of wealthy middle class people who spunk their money up a wall to make sure the kids have all the latest gear. When I was young it was a pair of staypress and a Y cardigan, the rest was out of Whatevery’s !!
  6. Doesn’t matter if you voted leave or remain, no-one voted for this shite. Fcukers should be ashamed of themselves. Talking of fcukers, the only reason we had the referendum in the first place was Bullingdon Boy Cameron trying to see off the Euro sceptics in his own party and strengthen his own hand. Fcuker called it wrong, lost, and immediately fcuked off. I do not remember a huge upswell of interest from the populace for a Euro referendum in the first place. Posh Tory cnuts like Cameron make my skin crawl.

    I can’t get no sleep !! Tune !!
  7. It's outrageous.  Only the other day, I was in the pub explaining how an acre can be easily defined as an area that is a furlong in length and a chain in width.
    Seems straightforward enough to me.
    By comparison, a hectare is 10,000 square metres.  How is anyone supposed to make sense of that! [emoji6]

    I remember my dad once asking me if I fancied being a land owner.

    If I didn’t stop my cheek he would give me a kick in the nuts, which would give me a couple of acres. [emoji12]
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