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Kneal Down Caster

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Posts posted by Kneal Down Caster

  1. I was in a taxi a few years ago with an elderly driver and he said him and his wife were both incredibly lonely due to the fact that they chose not to have kids when they were younger and as a result they now had no-one to visit them. So tell your mate that although he may be #winning just now, in your 60s you'll be surrounded by family while he'll be sat alone in his flat drinking himself into oblivion.
    You can then pretend to yourself that you are definitely in the better position while he is out pumping everything that moves.

    To be honest he is already drinking himself into Oblivion. I would be surprised if he makes 60 (that's not a joke). I feel a bit sorry for his parents as neither him or his sister have given them any grandkids. I suppose we can all moan but sometimes you just have to appreciate what you DO have and not what you Don't.
  2. I have a mate that has always been single. He is in his forties now and after his ex workmates clubbed together to get him a hooker for his 21st, thinking he was a virgin. He has had spent the last 20+ years, shagging when and who he fancies, watching fitba constantly and does what he wants. Myself and my other mates are all married with kids and used to give him pelters, are all starting to think the big man just might have it right. I'm sure if he read this whole thread. He would say he was the winner !!!

  3. Every time I hear news reporter Nina Nannar's name mentioned on the news, my brain can't help repeat it in the style of a police car siren. 
    Want to poke myself in the eye every time.

    A bit late to the party but every time I hear Nina Nannars name mentioned I break out into Whigfield's. "Saturday night" song.

    Don't know how to upload it to share but have a listen.
  4. "The club should be contacting the SFA over this, as I see the next fixture at home against Motherwell they have their badge, maybe the SFA should contact them over matters to see it rectified.

    Again when we think we are just paranoid proddys it just proves like the Motherwell game, the Hibs game now these c***s that everyone of them want a piece of us, time we fought fire with fire by complaining to our Football Association as this can be seen as bringing the game into disrepute by this"

    Paranoid Proddys :lol:

    Is this not to cover themselves as they don't know who owns the intellectual property and are covering their Arse not using any club crests ???
  5. It's the ones that Sssshhhhhhh you during their programme they are watching ( Coronation St / Eastenders / Reality crap),


    But the minute something you want  to watch comes on they can't shut the f**k up,

    and they don't get the hypocrisy of their attitude.


    The other halves favourite annoyance is when her mobile rings she pauses the live TV and chats on the phone in the living room,

    You then have to listen to half a conversation for the next 5 minutes. Then they restart their programme which means if you are planning on watching something else on another channel when their programme was due to finish you will miss the start as the timings are all out of sync.


    Is this grounds for a kick in the Pie ?

    Mon - Fri. 7pm - 9pm. Soap addition. Whilst catching up on Facebook.

    This is Not, I repeat NOT multi tasking. !!!
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