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Everything posted by bairn88

  1. Falkirk fans after the pies have gone up 60 pence and a few players have been injured for a pre season runaround
  2. Full faith in Mcglynn after the last 2 seasons. Would not have extended a couple of contracts this summer which would have allowed budget for another CB, so he can’t really complain/seek pity if we’re short after a couple of injuries. Them’s the breaks.
  3. First drink from this in 6 weeks or so to mark the return of the invincibles.
  4. I was also extra lucky that my hotel was in the north of the city, we had a line that took us to a 20 min walk from the ground - Mercedes strasse I think it was. No crowds at all. Was like heaven on earth especially after almost passing out on the cologne tram
  5. Stuttgart had the best tram/tube system in the city by a mile. Fast and reliable with good capacity. City was meh, although it was cool seeing inner city vineyards. I spent the first couple of days in Dortmund and for me Stuttgart just shaded it
  6. If McCann is out it is Mackie’s place to make his own in the league cup group stages. Not something I thought I’d say when he turned in that shocker at Edinburgh 6 months ago
  7. Cheers - compartment 256 it is. Wherever that may be!
  8. Did a seat reservation for the ICE tomorrow - can anyone make heads or tails of which carriage it is?
  9. Thanks, I thought since I had a match ticket for cologne it would count as a journey “away” from a venue but you could well be right
  10. Another question. Staying in Cologne until Friday where we’ll get a train from cologne to Frankfurt. Then on to Stuttgart on Saturday. Can I use the €29 ticket to go between cologne and Frankfurt even though I don’t have a match ticket in Frankfurt? I do have one in cologne so would that fall under the “travelling from” the venue?
  11. In Dortmund now. Train to cologne tomorrow morning. Am I right in saying it’ll be free with my fan pass if I get on a regional train (not an ICE) to cologne (I have a match ticket for tomorrow night)?
  12. Think there’ll be a lot more rotation this year due to teams being set up differently against us. Last year we could play the same shape and midfield every game because we knew every single game we’d be facing 10 (or 11) men behind the ball. Can see games where Hendo starts or games where Tait starts. Think Spencer starts every game if fit. Huge strength in depth there now though, being able to sub on Tait or Hendo if the game needs them
  13. Just got through a matchday guide via email to Georgia Turkey next Tuesday as managed to snag a couple of cheap tickets to that in Dortmund. First time it's felt "real" - just 4 and a half fecking work days to navigate.....
  14. Your small crowd deserted you. Just a fact. The abuse Rankin took was ridiculous and he proved you wrong. Strange stuff.
  15. Agreed with that. Prize money alone coupled with a very speculative owner means we’re operating in different markets this summer. I’d be very happy with mid table and a cup run this season.
  16. I do think a few of our fans are in for a shock if they’re believing hanlon and Stevenson are nothing compared to Tom Lang and Sean Mackie.
  17. 34 year old Hanlon happy to play out his remaining years on astro. Dangerous and treacherous surface though
  18. Apparently the portal was open for everyone and were quite a few Switzerland tickets sold. Bugger!
  19. We trained at LK because our plastic pitch was nearing the end of its life and players didn’t want to train on it. If we want to find a compromise we have to admit that earlier replacement of plastic pitches in the top flight is probably fair enough. Our one for the last 2/3 seasons was not good.
  20. Hadn’t thought of the LC, I guess at worst those games could be played elsewhere. Utterly farcical though.
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