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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Absolutely. I was thinking the SC would rule against the Gov. but wasn’t expecting a unanimous quashing.
  2. I said it earlier today, but Keen and Eadie must be red in the face with sheer embarrassment with this verdict.
  3. I don’t think even the BBC or Sky were expecting this degree of slap-down from the SC. Their coverage has been shite all-round, and very disorganised.
  4. Look who’s retweeting that shite. Moreover the Tory fiend is retweeting Andrew fucking Neil. BoJo is about to be VoNC’d out of existence.
  5. I'd love to see Lord Keen and Eadies' faces. They knew they were onto a hiding for nothing arguing for the government.
  6. Heart attacks galore in the DM comment section. Glorious.
  7. They'll be in for PMQ's tomorrow. Whether Boris is there is another question entirely.
  8. It wasn't voted on. Because of the diddy proroguing.
  9. Could easily post using 4G on his mobile on one account and over WiFi on his pc/laptop.
  10. Depends. The moon-like National Park is quite neat.
  11. Sitting in your scuds and building Lego Star Wars figurines doesn’t count as engineering. Unlucky.
  12. It appears, and I can’t stress “appears” enough, that the government have been roundly fucked on both cases by Pannick and co. Decision early next week according to Lady Hale. They were very keen to hear the remedies put forward by Pannick, which can only be a good thing as they didn’t seem arsed about the government remedies at all. Reckon it could be as much as 9-2/10-1 against the Govt.
  13. We have it clear as day that there’s nothing stopping the executive to continually prorogue, even if the court deems it unlawful. Indeed, it’s one of the governments own submissions which say that the PM is considering that action. I think the court are going to issue a real corrective remedy to this, as that line of action is tantamount to frustrating the purpose of parliament indefinitely.
  14. Most likely tomorrow or Monday at the latest. The Irish QC was taking the piss, and was rightly slapped down for being overt about his intentions in solely focussing on the repercussions of Brexit on NI. I'm sympathetic with him but this is not the place to be banging on about it. Welsh Advocate General is doing really well so far. Excited for what Major and Pannick say.
  15. It’s why I specified “Parliament” instead of blindly stating the EU.
  16. Moreover it's up to the Government to prove good faith in their actions; Lord Reed was appearing (by his look of scepticism) to give them good faith blindly.
  17. He's asking him to not be sceptical because the point he was making was a fact, in the written evidence, that was in front of Lord Reed.
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