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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Well no, they aren’t. However if someone makes a plainly silly comment about how the past 15 or so years of Oscar winning films have been shite, then they deserved to be called out on how ridiculous it is.
  2. He’s rubbishing the past 15 years or so of Oscar winning films because they’re shit, apparently. Didn’t say you needed any formal qualifications, but a prominent background in the film industry would probably help in being a relatively good film critic and hence being “qualified”.
  3. You say this as a qualified individual who can pass judgment on the subtle merits of an Oscar winning film, aye?
  4. Surely that was our strongest defence today? All fair and well saying he's selecting shit players; but who does he sub them for?
  5. Get a Vindaloo paste or make one from scratch Chuck it in a wok with some Ghee (Gee)or Garlic Butter and let it cook for 5 minutes on a medium heat Add Spring Onion, Peppers, Chillies and chopped garlic Then add Chilli paste and Garlic paste from a tube Then add diced chicken Add Cumin, Garam Masala, Hot chilli powder, ginger, and soy sauce, and a small touch of pepper Cook until chicken is sealed Add rich beef stock (can be liquid or the Knorr Ones) Then add your choice of chilli sauce(s) (I used the West Indies Extra Hot Habanero and Meat Lust Buffalo sauce) Simmer for about 30 minutes Serve with basmati or pilau rice, and garnish with coriander.
  6. I’ll admit that went right over my head.
  7. Continuity legislation to be implemented by Scottish government: https://www.snp.org/statement_by_scotlands_brexit_minister_on_the_introduction_of_the_scottish_continuity_bill
  8. Where would the guns be kept in schools if teachers were armed? In each individual classroom or a safely locked up and secure room? If it’s the latter, a killer could just set up shop near the secure room and blaze down any poor sod who tries to get in there.
  9. Would love nothing more than a United Ireland tbh. However if it does transpire that NI can get a special deal, I want to see the Scottish Govt hammer home the message that we aren’t getting equal treatment in this nation of equals.
  10. Northern Ireland to remain in single market after Brexit, according to the EU. Ooft. Can, meet worms. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/feb/09/northern-ireland-will-stay-in-single-market-after-brexit-eu-says?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  11. 1000% this. We have the power to make this boys career. We can’t let him down.
  12. Using Quick Quid to pay your employees = very bad Using the CO-OP as a lending partner when and as required after demonstrating financial robustness = Good
  13. A CB pairing of Caulker and Hendry would have been tremendous. Caulker and Meekings will do.
  14. Only thing that needs to happen now is to not get on his back if he’s a bit shaky to begin with. Need to get behind him 1000% and make him know he’s wanted.
  15. 1 and a half year deal as well. f**k sake. [emoji23]
  16. I said “it would be s***e to have a player of that calibre for only a few months before he f***s off to Glasgow or back down south.”.
  17. Would be shite having a player of that quality for only a few months before he fucks off to Celtic or back down south.
  18. Gonna restart this soon. Never gets old.
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