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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. I got strong Stanley Kubrick vibes from that video, which can only be a good thing really. Very high production quality, can’t really begin to decipher it though. [emoji23]
  2. Young player of the year goes to Kerr Waddell as well.
  3. I say it purely because the pubs in Edinburgh are far superior to anything in Paisley; that, and the fact Paisley is a fucking hole.
  4. Also saw this floating about [emoji23]
  5. Think the middle of the album suffers a bit, but the first few tunes and the end stretch are brilliant.
  6. He's always been a bit intrigued with stars and the moon. Just need to look at his solo composition for the film "Submarine".
  7. Wee bit of insight into the creation of the album:
  8. Alex Turner is some boy though; he can croon with the best of them, and his song writing is still top-notch. "Cigars out" is the phrase which I think describes the album quite well.
  9. New Album from Arctic Monkeys, 5 years after their most commercially successful and rock-centric album “AM”. Can see why people who loved their first few albums wouldn’t enjoy this straight away, but I can see the evolution quite clearly from “AM”. They can’t keep singing about getting fights in Sheffield when they’re in their 30s, can they?
  10. Nah, I’ve asked a few people to see if it’s noticeable and they said it’s fine. [emoji23] Always wise to go to the doctors about any lumps though, was scary finding it to begin with.
  11. I have a cyst behind my left ear; went to the docs and they said it's completely benign so not gonna bother getting it removed. Not noticeably really as well which is always good.
  12. My ex was intent (as were her family) in getting a TV licence over legal concerns. With them being from England they see it as some sort of necessity. Told them that most people in Scotland don’t pay it at all. A boot in the pie and a stern telling that licensing people can’t come into the house unless you let them is needed.
  13. Total permacrock. Half a good season at Hamilton doesn’t change that.
  14. All a bunch of “lad’s lads” there. What a fucking minter.
  15. I’ll be honest and say I’m a casual boxing fan but I didn’t know that was the exact rule. He seemed quite with it by the time the ref counted to 7.
  16. Did I miss that there; did the ref continue counting even after the guy said he was fine?
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