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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. One of the left is plainly hiding a tadger.
  2. He’s probably waiting on having that massive aneurysm.
  3. Jesse Curran was in Henry’s cafe in the city square for a wee while, if anyone’s interested. ????[emoji23]
  4. f**k you. [emoji23] Was believing that till I got to your last bit.
  5. No need to get personal Tam, otherwise I’ll have to bring up the fact you hail from Perthshire.
  6. Dundee's Major Honours: 5 St Johnstone's Major Honours: 1
  7. And thick as f**k. Dundee are embodied in canine form by a distinguished Scottish Terrier. Snappy with a diehard determination.
  8. This should bring out a few chuckles.
  9. Interpol are also pretty darn good. Antics is a terrific album.
  10. Ceremony is a tremendous tune. Hard for me to pick a single one; the last few years it's been Arcade Fire.
  11. Because he fucking loves Tuesdays at the Union.
  12. Scotland’s countryside/mountainous areas are regularly voted as the best in the world for goodness sake. [emoji23]
  13. What possible reason does he have to object to such a bill?
  14. You lot are at it. Paul McHale was fucking shite.
  15. The fact that Blood and Wine, even Heart of Stone put some full length games to shame is another example of why W3 is one of, if not, the best game of the current generation.
  16. The SNP would splinter off in the eventuality that Scotland becomes an independent country. They probably won’t exist in their current guise.
  17. I lived in England for the past 7 months, worked at a pretty decent University and was called a jock by the natives pretty much everyday. Caused a fair few arguments amongst fellow staff members when I showed them the McCrone Report. Pretty sure I was accused of doctoring it as well. [emoji23]
  18. Anyone direct me to somewhere where I can a Dundee strip with Nemsadze on the back of it?
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