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Patches O'Houlihan

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Posts posted by Patches O'Houlihan

  1. 13 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

    Where's the money coming from to rent out Recreation Park and make signings like Strachan and Prunty? Is it all fees from the kids in the youth clubs? 

    The youth club does not fund BSC Glasgow, in fact the youth side of things is now a registered charity. They are both separate entities, whilst still looking to provide a pathway.

  2. 29 minutes ago, Ross. said:

    If the first 4/5 sides refuse then that's a shame for them. The club who finish 5/6 get the chance to move up and improve themselves. If they aren't good enough they go straight back down.

    If a team wins a league but has to upgrade their ground to meet the criteria to move up a division and they don't have that money, forcing them to find it or play elsewhere is creating other problems. Chances are that side will end up selling their better players and coming straight back down, or borrowing money and losing long term revenue as a result of having to satisfy debts they have been forced into taking on. Over the long term that is worse for the game.

    There are 2 ways of looking at this. If the promotion issue is enforced in an already established league then your scenario is fair enough. However, if teams enter into a new league set up, and know the rules before they start, then they can have no complaints.

    In my opinion no relegation or promotion means our game stagnates, and we are in no position to further damage the Scottish game as a whole.

  3. 3 hours ago, Ross. said:

    Why should promotion be compulsory? If teams do not have the facilities or feel they can afford the financial input that promotion would require, they should be allowed to refuse and the position offered to the next best side.

    It’s not really meritorious then? Say the first 4/5 clubs refuse to go up, how far do you go down?

  4. 9 hours ago, The Moonster said:

    Has our young lad Kyle Prior been getting much of a look in for you guys?

    Kyle picked up a knock in his first game for us, and is on the road to recovery at the moment.

  5. 1 hour ago, Glenconner said:

    What happens to the glorified/kiddie on boys club with zero support and no ground when the Juniors brush past them. 

    What league did the phantom clubs play in pre the Lowland League?

    Did they even exist?

    You really need to let go of your anger and loathing, you’ll feel better for it. :)

  6. 8 hours ago, Craig the Hunter said:

    Just a couple of wee questions, I'm probably going to pop along to the under 20s game against LTHV tonight. So am I right in thinking it's at one of the back pitches at Scotstoun Stadium complex? Only ever been to the stadium for Warriors and athletics, so never parked anywhere near it, but I'd also imagine I'll have no issues tonight?

    It will be on the pitch next to the Badminton Academy, the pitch is on your far right as you come through the gates. No issues re parking at all tonight, the Warriors have an away fixture this weekend.

  7. 15 minutes ago, Jambo'ness said:

    You hope for change, yet you red dot 2 of my posts for being a little sceptical over your self-interest?

    I do hope for change, but your comments are way wide of the mark, and I disagree with them. Is that not the point of the like/dislike option??? I apologise if they have caused offence.

    The level of scepticism is understandable, and there is only so much I can say to allay those fears of those  who feel that way.

    We should all be a little more clearer after the powers that be meet.


  8. I’ll make this my final post on the subject.

    We have put the idea out there, and will take the flak that comes with it from the more sceptical people. However, I can assure you that everything was done with the best intentions.

    I genuinely hope there is change for the better, because Scottish football needs it in my own opinion. How that comes about is up to the guys in power, we can only ask them to look at ways of improving things.

    Cheers, and happy New Year.



  9. 10 minutes ago, Jambo'ness said:

    Patches giving this post a red dot suggests I was hitting closer to home than he liked.  

    Quite the opposite. Do you honestly think we would go out of our way to find email addresses of retired committee members?? 

  10. I've tried to be as helpful as possible so far, so one last time I’ll try and clear things up.

    We have floated this idea to some clubs to get a representative view, if that view was positive then we would push on with it on a wider scale, but only after the meeting on the 5th. 

    TJ is completely against this idea, and claims to have his own plan, which up until now has been a mystery.

    We would love this to come to fruition but realise the sceptics out there are waiting to shoot it down, that’s Scottish football for you.

    Our proposal may never get off the drawing board, and TJ will be doing all he can to stop it, but if it acts as a catalyst for change then so be it.

    As I said I’ve tried to be as helpful and honest as I can, but apologise if some of the answers aren’t agreeable to you.

  11. 1 hour ago, archieb said:

    But the email doesn't invite clubs to any 5th January meeting, that's between representatives of the LL and the SJFA isn't it? And some leading West Junior clubs didn't even receive the email (although they will presumably by now have become aware of it by indirect means).

    Furthermore, the email was only sent on the 21st December, few clubs will have had a committee meeting to even discuss the idea until this coming week at the earliest - is this going to be a re-run of the rushed "consultation" before the LL was formed?

    It’s not in our power to invite clubs to any meeting  called by the governing bodies?

    All we have done is put the idea out there to get a feeling for support, or otherwise, ahead of the already arranged meeting on the 5th? It can then be discussed by the powers that be as an option. However as TJ has apparently got his own plan it may not even make it off the drawing board.

  12. 23 minutes ago, clash city rocker said:

    So Swifty made sure one was sent to his best bud Strain at Kilwinning , did he get an email mail off to Kilbirnie ? 

    Jeezo, this is a new level of conspiracy, even for here!! The manager of the team has no input into this, but if it suits you to think he did then crack on.

  13. 1 hour ago, Arthurlie1981 said:


    Thank you for the best wishes and same to you. But you haven’t answered my question. Which Junior clubs were contacted and not all of them? Again if only certain junior clubs were contacted why were those clubs chosen?

    Going by the article Kilwinning were one of the clubs contacted, why them and not others?

    As I said before I fully believe all levels should be integrated but this seems a divide & conquer strategy from BSC.


    It seems that whatever answer I give will be taken the way the recipient wants. Let’s see what happens in the coming month.

  14. 4 hours ago, Arthurlie1981 said:


    Looks like it won’t be answered. If BSC are serious then ALL junior club should of been contacted. Their email looks thoroughly unprofessional (the excuse that it’s not been proof read is poor). I again ask the question, which junior clubs were contacted and if only specific clubs were contacted why were those clubs selected. Is BSC idea going to be a closed shop, if so then why not say it.

    As the old saying goes, there are more questions than answers.


    In answer to your question, it’s not a closed shop.  The result of the meeting in the 5th will go a long way to determining which clubs will want to take part. 

    Happy New Year to you.

  15. 2 minutes ago, Arthurlie1981 said:

    Serious question for anyone from BSC. Would you still be putting forward this proposal if you had been accepted into the juniors? My reason for asking is to work out if this is not an attempt by some at BSC to undermine those who made the decision not to accept them.

    Also could they provide details of the clubs that they contacted with this proposal?

    As previously stated, our intention is to have a team at every level to allow people to play to a level comparable with their ability. These proposals have certainly been accelerated by the refusal to allow us into the Juniors, however there is no doubt that they would have been presented regardless.

  16. 4 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

    Why can't we see some more detail now? If it had some grass roots support, it could only strengthen the chances of success.

    We are trying to do the right thing by allowing the process to take its course, which culminates with the meeting on the 5th. The result of that meeting will go a long way to determining the next steps.

    If TJ does have his own plan, as he claims, then it would appear clubs will have a choice to make.

  17. 5 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

    Clubs will care about the credibility of the proposal and preparation and presentation help achieve that. The present non league format was thrown together, that error shouldn't be compounded by introducing an equally half baked feeder to it.

    I think you’ll find that the proposal, when presented to those in power, will be comprehensive. However I am sure TJ will do all in his power to avoid that very scenario.

  18. 58 minutes ago, theshed said:

    Can only speak for myself and nothing to do with the club I support but when BSC are trying to lead the way I'm a bit sceptical, a club that doesn't have its own ground , that play up in alloa in front of 40 fans at most aren't a club that I hold in high regard one bit , they're a shambles to me .

    I wasn’t aware there was a criteria for forward thinking??

    I’ll treat your shambles comment with a degree of contempt as you obviously don’t know anything about the running of the club.

  19. 3 minutes ago, Bishoptonbankie said:

    Just ignore him, he has some serious issues and shouldnt be allowed near a computer.
    There are some who feel its an insult to all that is holy if you consider trying to change any single aspect of junior football and they don’t take too kindly to any club getting ideas above their station or attempting to move on, Kelty were met with the same ire, im sure this initiative will catch on and will win the support of forward thinking clubs, keep at it and good luck!

    Thanks mate, I appreciate the support.

  20. Just now, KarlMarx said:

    Nothing wrong with it but teqms like your own are youth clubs and should stick to it.

    You don't have the ground or fanbase to be a pro team.

    Stick to what you are good at.

    Nothing like welcoming progression and look to the future eh? I bet you are away to watch The Grinch this afternoon. :)

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