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Posts posted by Bainsfordbairn

  1. On 31/05/2024 at 13:02, Jamie_M said:

    The O'Neills design team: hear me out...


    I suspect it's nothing to do with O' Neills. 

    Last year at Falkirk our red shoulders were created as steeple shapes. There were faint squares in the home one as a nod to the Fulston checkerbroad strip. The away top had a Falkirk badge all the way through the white parts, at least on the torso.  The heritage kit had an element of the town coat of arms as the main background design. 

    O' Neills aren't Puma where you get a choice of three or four templates. I'm pretty sure the clubs design their own kits, or at least tell O' Neill how they want them to be laid out and what elements are to be included. After which O' Neills manufacture them to the club spec. 







  2. 32 minutes ago, Blame Me said:

    Yeah, my twitter notifications went kind of crazy earlier on. Albeit the praise for that image goes entirely to Brian Stewart. 😂

    I've sent it to both the club media officers and the lady who does the same job for the womens team as a warning. Anything you put online can, and probably will, come back to haunt you. 🤦‍♀️

  3. 20 minutes ago, RC55 FFC said:

    Which means you’ve snapped the players wearing the home kit already? 👀😉

    No, the last time I asked no arrangements had been made and a date hadn't been set. O Neills are coming over to visit all their clubs at the end of May so if they bring their own media staff with them it's possible they'll do all the promotional stuff themselves. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, 18BAIRN76 said:

    Any idea roughly when the new strip is out? Looking forward to lobbing more of my money at O’Neills next sexy effort.

    Thanks x

    From a tweet from Jamie Swinney 4 days ago - 

    "Likely early June for the home and late June/early July for the away"

  5. 26 minutes ago, Springfield said:

    The merchandise is on a different level now. Vast range of excellent goods and the on line service has been very good. The tie up with O'Neills looks a winner, just hope we’re making a decent cut. 

    I was thinking about this yesterday when I saw some of the new training wear. In the past you had four sets of kit and sometimes only three were available for fans to buy. Home and away strips, then different tracksuit & polos for the players and staff. Sometimes the staff ones were never put on public sale. 


    Last season there were nine.  

    The players trained in light blue shirts and had dark blue half zip jumpers with a light blue triangle at the top. 

    The staff had dark blue tops and half zips, all with light blue piping. 

    Then on a matchday the players changed to dark blue hoodies and blue shirts, both with white piping. 

    The management changed to grey shirts and half zips on a matchday. 

    There were three strips of home, away and heritage, or maybe four if you counted the gold champions ones. 

    Plus the prematch tops of dark/light blue triangles.  


  6. 3 minutes ago, 18BAIRN76 said:

     Get the 2 or 3 new faces in and we’re shaping up quite nicely.

    I'm beginning to wonder if we'll even have that many. 

    Excluding the apprentices, last year we finished with a squad of 19 signed players and 4 loanees. That squad of 23 saw three ending the season on loan so we basically ran with a pool of 20 players after the January window closed. 

    I'm sure the podcast the other day said we'll have a squad of 20 this year. 

    18 are already signed up. If we're trying to bring in Tait, then that only leaves room for one more permanent signing.

    After which we'll bolster with loanees depending on who becomes available and how much of their wages we have to pay to get them. Maybe with a couple of the apprentices retained rather than sent out on loan again. 


  7. 40 minutes ago, ilostmyself said:

    Cheers for this, great to see some progression happening with the youth teams. 

    We had a youth on the bench for the last game McNab, is he part of the u18s?

    Anyone know the ins and outs of what the Modern Apprenticeship is? In theory could we command a fee for these players?

    Yes, Cameron McNab is one the U18s. He's a centrehalf and we needed cover in case of injuries so that's why he was there. 

    I assume we could command a fee, as they're registered as Falkirk players and have two year contracts. Albeit it's very unlikely anyone would pay money for someone who's in his first year as an apprentice pro and is out on loan at Penicuik Athletic. 


  8. 11 minutes ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

    Nearly as bad as that profile that had imaginary conversations with directors in supermarkets about the inner goings in the club

    Actually it wasn't imaginary, it was true. There was some confidential information in his posts that later turned out to be accurate. The blame for that lay with the board member who gave out the information rather than the ordinary fan who posted it. 

    I know who the poster is / was. Which he's probably unaware of as I never told him. Son of a sponsor. I've met him a few times and he always comes across as a good guy, as does his dad. I know because he once posted something on here that he also put up on his personal social media. His former username on P&B reflected his initials. 

    Absolutely nothing wrong with ordinary fans posting any secrets they learn, be it from chance conversations in a supermarket or because they know staff / players through friendships. The club would prefer them to say nothing but it's just human nature that folk like to gossip. 

    But there's plenty wrong when directors or staff give out confidential info to big themselves up. We've had some horrendous ones in the past, but the current incumbents seem to be very good in that area. And at most other things as well. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Springfield said:

     Dont believe to much what the Daily arse cheeks write, but hope they’ve got this one correct. 

    When the press run a story about Falkirk they pretty much always get it right. Off the top of my head, the only exception I can think of was the Gozie Ugwu one a couple of years back. 

    And before anyone asks, no I don't know anything about this story. If I did I wouldn't be able to comment. 

  10. 1 hour ago, 60`s bairn said:

    So Hamilton still at that old ploy, do they still not allow you to sit in front of advertising boards??

    It hasn't been mentioned this season, but Michael and I both got a row at the last visit because apparently we were too close to the dugouts. 🙈 

  11. 1 hour ago, FFC 1876 said:

    Who we signing next then?

    Been almost a week without a new signing, boooooooo.

    I was told there won't be many new signings so you might wait a while. Adams, Agyeman, Allan, Donaldson, Hayward, Henderson, Hogarth, Honeyman,  Lang, MacIver, McCann, McKenna, Miller, Morrison, Nesbit, Oliver, Sinclair, Shanley, Spencer, Walker & Yeats will all be here next season. 

    That's 21 players. Yes, four are apprentices but as they're in their final year there may be an expectation on them to challenge for a place in the squad rather than going out on loan again. 

    Never mind any out-of-contract ones who may have offers from us like Mackie or Ross. 

    I suspect the summer will be quiet. Release list next week, some awards announcements, the next youth players to get modern apprenticeships and that will likely be it apart from the usual preseason fixtures and strip launch. 


  12. 3 hours ago, 60`s bairn said:

    Disappointed to see both Alloa and Montrose lose out in the play-offs. Hard pushed for a preference now between ICT & Hamilton

    Inverness. Admittedly things may have changed since we were last there, but they used to have a pile of massive sausage rolls in the pressroom at halftime. Anyone who feeds me is my friend, as I'm sure you'll point out soon enough. 😎

    Accies also go out of their way to be difficult. You get to the front door and they then tell you to walk up the stairs with all your kit, emerge into the stand and then walk back down the stairs to get pitchside. Rather than allow you to stay at ground level and make the ten second walk through the tunnel. 

  13. 11 minutes ago, Rugster said:

    I’ve got that on VHS too and let me tell you a story. 

    Stan Taylor, who scored the last ever goal at Brockville had moved on and was at St Johnstone by the time we were in the premier league. That was the time I was doing media at the work at the club and he’s one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met. He approached me when they played us at TFS and asked if there were any spares of those lying around. I got a hold of one for him, and he passed over  a £20 note for it despite me thinking he was just looking for one Buck shee. He then stuck it up his juke as they say, since he didn’t want his current team mates to see him getting a hold of a Falkirk video when he was playing against us. 

    What a guy. I stuck the £20 in the charity box at reception and never forgot his smile when he took the tape. 

    Great story, and good for him. I never met Stewart Taylor as I was just a fan in those days but I've found most Falkirk players to be sound. They're just ordinary guys who're doing a job and aren't high enough up in the pyramid to have developed a superiority complex. That goes for almost all the managers and coaches too, with only one exception. 

    It's one of the things that make the current team so special. They love the club and appreciate the support they've had from the fans, as various TV interviews will confirm. There's a bond there which we haven't had for a very long time. Long may it continue. 


  14. 31 minutes ago, Ranaldo Bairn said:

    DVD of highlights of all 36 games or we storm the stadium.

    I still have this, despite the fact I no longer have anything to play it on and the whole video is probably online as part of the FFCTV back catalogue. Should probably try to sell it on ebay. 

    Doubt there is a market for these things nowadays with match highlights (and maybe entire match reruns?) being available for anyone to watch and download. 



  15. 46 minutes ago, Roboccop said:

    What did I do? I finished rewatching every single league game of this season. Describing them took 10,000 + words. Hours of work. 
    Why? All revealed next week. :) 

    Never quite worked out who is who between you and KJLK but I assume you're collaborating on a project I know about. 

    Can't wait to see the end result. 

  16. 4 minutes ago, Bigbrbairn said:

    A wonderful gesture and it speaks volumes. Well done. When will the Falkirk TV team dry out enough to get highlights up? They deserve a few days off.

    I've no idea. I haven't contacted the guys today, but they tend to be dedicated and would likely have put them up today despite the hangovers. However, the Alloa highlights removes some of the urgency so I'll guess at tomorrow. 

  17. 2 hours ago, Springfield said:


    We told the players that anyone who wanted a picture with their families was to come up to the stage after the fans had left. There seemed to be an endless line of players, staff and volunteers who wanted shots with different folk and I think the SPFL staff were pissed off waiting. So much so that they started dismantling the stage while pics were still ongoing. 😂

    That image was one of the last ones, hence the last of staging at the back. It was 1845 before I took my final picture. Hence why there will be no hospitality images this week. 

  18. As a club, why would you allow a newspaper to break your stories? 

    Depending on how close you are to the local rag, you might give them advance notice of a story and tell them you're going live at 1700 so they can release the story at the same time as you. 

    But letting them break your stories? That's just totally tinpot. If I worked in your media department I would be raging. 

    We used to have directors that leaked signing stories all the time, but that was just to their mates, not the papers. And the club still ran all their own stories even if various "I want to look ITK" fans on facebook had told the world first. 


  19. 1 hour ago, printer said:

    Did he not take that role over from Houston?

    He may have been earlier in his career. When McCall arrived at Falkirk to take the managers role in 2002 Houston appears to have been assistant to Craig Levein at Hearts. A quick online check shows that he want to Hearts in 1995 along with Jefferies. 

  20. 1 hour ago, Ranaldo Bairn said:

    I thought he was Ian McCall's assistant?

    He was. Kevin McAllisters was Tottens assistant but both were removed when the team were relegated. Then Airdrie went bust, McCall arrived and a new golden age for the club began. 

    Tony Docherty was a community coach when Alex Totten was in charge. 

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