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Everything posted by Bainsfordbairn

  1. The fist pumping was done at the direction of the photographers. We shouted at them to give us some arms in the air stuff because it makes for a better image. It's a fairly standard pose when taking pictures of sportsmen. Has nothing to do with arrogance from the Falkirk team. Another standard pose is Hibs fans looking miserable, particularly at Hampden. I've had some great poses from you guys over the years. Thanks for that folks. No doubt I'll get a few more for my collection on the 21st.
  2. He's the brother of a footballer, so your April Fool did actually have an element of truth in it. Not a Sevco one though.
  3. Utter pish. A few of us will be in Prague later in the week. We've all been watching Falkirk for more than thirty years, from the days of the old Second Division and watching teams like Clyde take six off us, yet according to you we're not Falkirk fans?
  4. We've had one red card in nearly two seasons, which was for Botti. And even that was forgiveable as it was for knocking lumps out of Fifers. Contrast that with Gary Holt's season where we had six reds. Phil Roberts was responsible for three of them.
  5. No. I have no idea whether we're signing him or not. The club simply don't like names being made public, though they invariably come out anyway. Over the course of this season, I think the only signing we've made who wasn't named in advance on an online fans forum was Paul Watson.
  6. .....because I'd be as popular as a fart in a phonebox if I did. I'm probably allowed to correct a wrong assumption but that's about as far as I can go. With your contacts at the club I'm sure it won't take you long to find out BPM.
  7. The trialist who played today was not called Alex Stothard.
  8. These are games which were previously postponed. I can't be bothered checking, but I think virtually every week between now and the end of the season has the development side planned to play on a Tuesday, hence the need to play two matches to catch up. (Next week is an exception due to the first team playing at Paisley) As for different teams, players like Smith, McHugh & Hippolyte will be needed for the first team squad at the weekend, which is why the team is always different (i.e. younger) from a Tuesday to a Thursday.
  9. Maybe not, given that the current youth leftback is considered by some to be a better prospect. After all, Liam Dick has never played for the national team whereas Tony Gallacher has captained them.
  10. Went on loan to Stranraer at the beginning of November.
  11. The young lad who plays LB for the U20s is more than capable of covering for Leahy if and when he moves on.
  12. I thought they were excellent. It was 2-0 going on 6-0.
  13. I see the old sport of bandwagon jumping has become popular again.
  14. And who was the best player on the park in the Victory Shield game against Northern Ireland.
  15. Can I have it? Making the Pars look crap seems to be a pre-requisite for the role, judging by your last couple of managers. I'm sure I could make a good job of that.
  16. Ayr United a couple of years back. They had a "half and half" strip, similar in design to Feyenoord and Blackburn Rovers. It was black and white so clashed with our home strip of dark blue and our away strip of white. And Dundees. And Ross Countys. Ayr had to play in their yellow away strip every time. They were fortunate that the Raith away was pink and QOS red and black stripes, otherwise they'd have had to wear their away strip in about 60% of their league games. And yes, I realise I'm a saddo for knowing that.
  17. I wonder why that hasn't been confirmed then? It was the same with Boulding. He apparently left us in October, yet there were no announcements from the club. Generally, I think FFC are decent at communicating with the fans (cue sarcastic laughter from some on here). Yet I'm sure there has been no statement on the fate of Boulding / OTJ on either the website or Facebook, nor have there been any questions asked in the interviews on FFCTV. I don't think the Falkirk Herald have mentioned them either. Why the lack of info? Have they been forgotten about, or are we trying to avoid drawing attention to the fact that we signed a pair of duds in the first place?
  18. It could be argued that we already have cover from McGeever, unless Houstie's decided he's a dud. Pressley gave him a three year deal, left two months later and he's been in the wilderness ever since. I wonder if Muirhead is meant to be the long-term replacement for McCracken? He'll be 33 by the end of the season so might not get another deal.
  19. Really? If that's true then it could only be for two reasons. Either we want to do it ourselves, which seems unlikely given that we used to do that and gave the whole thing up only a short time ago, or that we want out of the academy business altogether. Which would seem crazy given the success we've had from it. What's the reasoning behind your thinking?
  20. He scored a peach against us at Easter Road during a vintage performance when he ran rings round our defence. We (the Falkirk support) gave him a standing ovation when he was substituted.
  21. Nor Sibbald, Shepherd, Small, Grant (Thomas), Bowman or Amos.
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