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Posts posted by Bradford-Rover

  1. If you think Ticketus are going to go: "Oh well, there goes £24m down the Swanee." you're barmy. They'll either sue the bank for their money back or if the deal is null and void the bank will have to give the money back as the funds were the proceeds of a fraudulent act. Rangers aren't going to get £24m for nothing.

    You really need to think this through here!

    The bank and ticketus have no deal so why would they waste their time going after them? :rolleyes:

  2. IIRC they are the same company that traded as Clydebank FC for many decades beforehand.


    Yep, Companies House confirms they were founded as Clydebank in 1965 and changed their name to Airdrie Utd in July 2002.


    Clydebank were still in the league when Airdrie United tried to join the SFL and after being rejected for Gretna they then took over Clydebank.

  3. They require the last 3 years of accounts if they have been trading for that time. I don't know where it says they have to have been in existance for 3 years.


    If you're right then neither the SPL nor the SFL would be an option, SFA menbership being a requirement of both.

    Airdrie United didn't have three years of accounts when they applied to join the SFL in 2002.

  4. You ok Eddie? :lol: Nothing serious I hope.....then again being from Kirkcaldy it could be a wide range of illnesses :P

    My pttgoyn is that my internet is so slow and I wanna watch black books :(

    It won't kill me but it's pretty frustrating......

    Had to go and see the doctor again, blood pressure is still pretty low, constantly feeling faint and they still don't know what's causing it..... I feel like a bloody pincushion as I've had so many bloody needles stuck in me!!!

    I'm just glad I'm not in as much pain as I was last week :)

  5. Its the darkness. I love to be within the darkness, but I need to know that I am still king and that there is nothing scarier than me lurking in the gloom. Plus I need to be ready, for come the revolution, this truly will be the autumn of our days, and I need to know whether I stand in the glow of angelic light, or if I will shuffle within the darkness.

    Still trying to claim you are sober? :huh:

  6. Probably slightly more than petty but anyway here goes.

    Today I telephoned my bank to check my balance which was sitting at what I expected. However what I didn't expect was to be told that I was £268 overdrawn when I should have had just shy of £300 in there. When I got put through to an advisor they informed me that I was in overdraft because of a £650 payment to British Airways. This went through yesterday and was not made by me. He gave me another number to phone to discuss this with someone else. When I got through to them I was told that there was also a payment of £30 to Tesco (in Chesthunt, whereever that might be), £1 and they had declined another for £778 to Virgin Airline - none of which are mine. They then gave me the number of the Fruad team as they had picked up irregular usage on my card. I'll say it's fucking irregular as it ain't me. They had also tried to put another £200 approx for accomodation through. Whilst I was on the phone the guy asked me if I had used the card 10 minutes ago - eh no I was talking to you lot.

    The upshot of it is that some fucker was using my card and spending money that I don't have. So now I have no card and a flipping overdraft which may take 3-4 weeks to sort out. I was told that I could go into the branch and ask for an emergency overdraft in order to get money but that some branches may not do this. Cheers mate and what do we do for the rest of the month :rolleyes: . Luckily the branch gave me some money but now I have to wait for everything to be refunded and sorted out and I'm wracking my brain trying to think what I've used my card for over the last week.

    So folks be careful out there - it can happen to anyone. Rant over.

    That's quite worrying :unsure:

    Have you purchased anything online lately?

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