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Posts posted by Bradford-Rover

  1. I read this wee gem today:


    There's something about this that isn't quite right...I can't put my finger on it though. I'd imagine it's because of the pure guilt, but why is he adding these new theories into the mixer when no one (even him) knows what really happened to Madeleine?

    And surely if there were someone else in the apartment, one of the kids would have woken up!

    Not if they were sedated! ;)

  2. Indeed.

    Not only do I find it very very hard to believe that a 4 year old would go to sleep at 7.30 pm in the evening on holiday - the fact that they'd just picked them up from the creche before putting them to bed makes you wonder if they were spending any time with their kids on holiday!

    Some of us have been saying that all along....................

  3. No psychology degree needed here. The nervous laugh when he says the word 'sedatives' coupled with the fiddling with the ear and looking away from the interviewer.

    Gerry McCann is not a good liar.

    Yep it's human nature to do that when you are lying, you don't even realise you are doing it!

    Also if they hadn't (even taking away the visual evidence) why not just flat out deny it :unsure:

  4. Because you know them so well?

    Or because you believe everything you read in the papers?

    Okay from now on nobody can put forward their personal opinion on anything :rolleyes: sorry I was on the assumption that was an forum where we are allowed to voice a difference of opinions (Not as if I'm in the minority either anymore as most people have jumped on the bandwagon)

    Also I seem to remember you were commenting on the case without knowing any of the new facts a few days ago :rolleyes:

    Also it's blatanty obvious they are hiding something Sam, what that is I have no idea but you are naive in the exteme at times if you think they simply couldn't have done it.

    One final thing, where and how did you form the opinion that they are innocent?

  5. Apparently the allegations in the Portugese papers say the McCanns and their friends were swingers and it may be the reason they sedated the kids to allow them some freedom for this.

    It was also said that Maddie was conceived after IVF treatment and all the DNA testing that has gone on has shown that Gerry McCann was not her biological father.


    Why would none of that surprise me!

  6. Can they be charged if they can't find the body?

    Depends on the legal system in Portugal, I believe in England the will go ahead without a body, Scotland you need a body!

    Also unless anybody can explain away maddies blood in the car with a plausible explanation then you have to say they look pretty guilty just now.

  7. Good post.

    To me, the fact that the McCanns are now being interviewed again and treated as suspects suggests that the police in Portugal have no idea what happened to Madelaine and are no further forward now than they were when the case first opened.

    I assume the car with blood in it isn't a major step forward then :rolleyes:;)

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