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Posts posted by Bradford-Rover

  1. I have a mental image of you running down the street with your trousers at your ankles *in a comedy stylee*


    as for the butch dyke, i reckon we've all been there mate (the situation people, not the dyke) ;)

    And there's always one that got away :(

    I got a friend come over in his car, I knew when she was going out as soon as she left my stuff was at the door. 20 minutes later he arrived and we packed the car to the brim!

    I ended up going back for three weeks after she talked me into it :ph34r: but done the same thing three weeks later as nothing had changed and she was still the same selfish bitch.

    She ended up marrying somebody else around 5 months after we split up :unsure:

    Thank f**k I got away when I did and she didnt end up getting pregent as we were trying at the time :blink:

  2. Steven, whats your ex's name?

    If she's mental, around our age and comes from Kirkcaldy then theres a good chance I'll know her. :lol:

    One was from Galashiels and we nearly got married (before one day I ran out on her, literally!) Long story and I had good reasons including her leaving me alone for Christmas and her ex always poking around! :angry:

    Another one that comes to mind was from Leslie (Yes I know don't start! :ph34r: ) Not admitting her name incase you know her! :whistle I came across her Bebo page a few weeks ago and what a change from when i was with her :blink: looks like a butch dyke now :unsure: No it wasnt being with me that made her switch if that was the case more likely I would have switched sides after being with her!

    Those were the worst two! <_<

    The one that got away was from St Andrews and the nicest person you could ever you ever possibly meet :( One regret in my life will always be not knowing her anymore and the hurt I caused her :(

  3. Heinz broke into the laboratory and stole the drug. The next day, the newspapers reported the break-in and theft. Brown, a police officer and a friend of Heinz remembered seeing Heinz last evening, behaving suspiciously near the laboratory. Later that night, he saw Heinz running away from the laboratory.

    Should Brown report what he saw? Why or why not?

    I know what you are getting at! ;)

    If it was me I wouldn't as I know it was a one off and they wouldn't do it again.

  4. let me ask you a couple of questions :

    A woman was near death from a unique kind of cancer. There is a drug that might save her. The drug costs $4,000 per dosage. The sick woman's husband, Heinz, went to everyone he knew to borrow the money and tried every legal means, but he could only get together about $2,000. He asked the doctor scientist who discovered the drug for a discount or let him pay later. But the doctor scientist refused.

    Should Heinz break into the laboratory to steal the drug for his wife? Why or why not?

    Legally it's wrong but morally it's right.

  5. Both are incidents where people felt compassion for them and felt the law shouldnt apply to them.

    Totally different in one sense but in another very similar with regards that people felt the law shouldnt apply to them.

    If we start disregarding the law (I sympathised with what he had done in some respects as who know's what we would do if push came to shove) but the law is the law and the day we start making the law more about emotion than reason and letting people off for neglecting kids and shooting people what next?

  6. It's a difficult one though, and comes back to my original point on the thread.

    My one trip to do jury duty (which I wasn't picked for) saw a wee old lady that looked like your granny brought into court looking terrified and frail.

    Turned out she had killed a motorcyclist through dangerous driving.

    First thought - "she is in her 70s - probably isn't a fast driver and just made an error of judgement and will probably have been haunted by that day ever since what's the point in punishing her further"

    What if she had been a 21 year old skinhead ned chewing gum and walking in grinning, with his finger up though.

    First thought - "enjoy jail f'ker"

    Same crime - different reactions. No doubt different sentences too.

    Okay I agree but...............

    This gave me a moral dilemma as remember the guy who killed one of the young guys who broke into his house as the police werent doing anything about it? (His name escapes me just now)

    I agreed 100% that they got what they deserved as my opinion is if you put yourself into that situation you lose human rights and you take whatever happens to you.

    Criminals have too many rights today, they sue for any little reason as if they have been hard done by and usually get more compo than the actual victims, f**k em I say!

    I'm so glad I got one right :rolleyes:

    I don't think it would set a dangerous precedent so we shall agree to disagree.

    I think it is, where do you draw the line? :unsure:

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