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Posts posted by Bradford-Rover

  1. What are the odds on the McCanns hiring the same car that was hired out to the killer 5 weeks before they took it out !

    The Portugese police have now got the suspect vehicle, all they need to do is look back to May 3rd and see who was using it then and they have their killer.

    The McCanns have just been really unlucky, hiring the same car that the killer used.

    Case solved. I will get on to Portugal and let them know how to finish it off.

    I'm sure that's the Gerry will say on his Blog :huh:

    Hopedfully it was an old couple who simply could not have done a crime like this/Would love to see the look on his face as the penny drops that this game is over.

  2. You can only imagine today's entry.

    Wife been taken in for questioning for a missing kid somewhere. I know what the parents are going through, something similar happened to us once.

    Took the twins to the beach earlier and we made sandcastles.

    Going to see the nice Mr Clouseau later for tea and biscuits. Hope the wife gets home in time to put the twins to bed.


  3. Christ, all this time I thought Gerry was behind the disappearance......turns out the mother done it.

    Nowt as queer as folk.

    No actually they will be questioning her as they will be hoping she will crack if they were involved, if they were involved she is more likely to crack under pressure while he seems to be able to keep his emotions in check.

  4. You mean he is not keeping his blog up to date now? Shocking.

    It's not been updated since Wednesday!


    Day 123 - 03/09/2007

    After dropping the twins off Kate and I popped into church for 10 minutes to pray for Madeleine. Spent most of the day going through mail, e-mails and I had a number of calls to make. It was good to spend some time with my family and Sean and Amelie certainly enjoyed their auntie's dinner- sometimes it is hard to beat mince and 'tatties'!

    It's almost laughable :blink:

  5. Sky now saying that the cops have evidence of Maddies blod samples being present in the boot of their hire car - the one they hired five weeks after she went missing.

    They are now invstigating the "death" of Madeleine McCann and no longer the disappearance.

    All sounds fucking mental :blink:

    Sure does! :blink:

    Link to the story on the Sky News website...........


  6. I would prefer it if the parents did kill her. The tought of a stranger breaking into your hotel apartment and taking your child is frightening beyond belief. The then thought of wondering where he/she is and what is happening / has happened is just terrible.

    At least if the parents have done it then those thoughts will leave me.

    And the thought that two fairly respectable people (on the surface at least anyway) could do something like that leaves you able to sleep at night? :unsure:

  7. I'm not prepared to get into a debate or anything, can't really be arsed. Seriously though, how can you say the parents done it? I have my doubts about how responsible they are as parents but to say you think they done it? I seriously doubt it.

    It truly pains me to say it but I really think the girl is dead. I only hope she went peacefully and maybe, sometime, the parents can get confirmation of it.

    I don't agree with Gerry having the 'jetset life' as many say, I mean, I can understand if she had been found and was announced as dead, but where is the logic in going to America spending money that isn't actually is?

    I believe, and have since day one, that she was smuggled to North Africa. What good did trips to the Vatican, Holland, Germany and Spain to name a few, do? They should have started the hunt in Morocco or Algeria, or perhaps even as far as Lybia. The Vatiacan is a far off cry from these countries.

    P&B is all about opinions, if everybody agreed it would be a boring place ;)

  8. I'm severely fucking hacked off just now, and it's not fucking fair. I hate being hacked off.

    Arguing with people is normally like going to Disneyland for me, but this time it's just plain fucking annoyed me.

    f**k it, I'm going to bed where I'll probably be a complete fucking homosexual and cry. Some people are just bitter and twisted, and should be shot.

    They arent worth bothering about Lyn-Marie you are a far better person than the twisted fucks on the forum who like to shit stir at every opportunity.

    Keep the chin up and ignore them and hopefully they will go away! :)

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