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Posts posted by Bradford-Rover

  1. Even if that was the captor's/captors' intent, the odds of that happening as so deeply remote. For one thing, the first time she's seen in public, she'll be recognised - so how will they enroll her in school or allow her to make friends?

    They are hardly likely to keep her in the same place, she is likely to be in a different country by now.

    Maybe a Scandinavian country?

  2. OMG!! ma boyfriend dumped us last night and ah wis like....OMG!!!!! that b*****d hinks just cos he's got a Corsa wi they gallus neon dancin lights unner it that ah'll just get aff wi his pals if he says. Ah says tae him naw! an he says, ken what he says? he says its awright cos theyll no tell any1 but an wan o' them will gie us a mad Reebok cap, an i says naw but, cos they wull tell folk an then ahll get called a slag and get eggs chukked at me in the street again. so he goes pure radge and starts greetin like a buftie and goes....natalie! dont chuck me! ahm sorry! ....an ah wis like ....get tae ya fukn bam!

    If i ever have the misfortune of getting stuck in a lift for a few hours hopefully it's also got Bowie & Monster in it :lol::lol: wouldn't be dull that's for sure :lol:

    Failing that Elisha Cuthbert & Kim Cattrall :wub::wub: for other reasons :ph34r:

    Nothing like combining youth and experience :ph34r:

  3. That is the most likely scenario. I'm not banding blame around willy nilly and making judgemenst about peoples parenting.

    It's threads like this that I see little point in. A girl has been abducted, she may or may not be dead. We know very little about the case, we do not know the parents. What exactly is there to discuss?

    Well why post in it then? :unsure:

  4. Do you really think that you can get across the road before it is too late?

    The couple had the "safe guard" of going to check every 30minutes or so (according to what someone else said on here) It may not be as good as a walky talky, but it was their "safe guard"

    How long does it take for a child to die?

    Lot can happen in 30 minutes.

  5. I would like to think of myself as a reasonably responsible parent but I quite often put the wee man to bed and nip over the road to my neighbours house for a shandy of a weekend. We take a walkie talkie across the road and leave the other one in baby mode in his room.

    He is three and a half.

    We go over and check on him every hour.

    We can see the house from where we are and we are approximately 25 yards from the house.

    I don't really see this as being any different than being sat out in the garden whilst he was sleeping up stairs.

    I have to say however I wouldn't do the same thing in a foreign country but does anyone think the above actions are scandalous - should I be put in jail ???

    Thing is Div if anything happens you can hear and you would be straight across the road in a flash, you have put up safeguards in my view to prevent something bad happening.

    This couple had no safeguards in place.

  6. I thought that was for over 5s?

    I'm in no way defending them, if it was my kids I wouldn't have left them. I don't see the point in calling for them to have the book thrown at them or whatever, I don't think there would be any punishment worse for them than knowing they had in some way contributed to losing their daughter, even though she appears to have been taken by a very determined individual.

    They went into a room with no adults present I hardly think that is the work of a "determined individual"

    Yes they might still have tried but we cant say either way if that is the case.

  7. True. Its like the young lad Ben (cant remember his surname) This was about 17 year ago, while in Greece on holiday with his folks. He was snatched and never to be seen again.

    Ben Needham was his name and also light haired


    There is a 3rd option which is they get the little girl back and she's traumatised for life due to her parents inability to do their job as parents.

    She could be anywhere by now, I'm sure they changed her clothes and cut her hair differently by now and it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

  8. Meaning? :huh:

    That the fact this is going to end badly either way is pretty obvious is what they mean.

    Either the child is dead or they will never see her again.

    I would go with the later as in some countries you can get a good price for light haired children which is prob why they took her.

  9. Im not saying it isnt minimising the risk. Steven is suggesting that it will stop it altogether if they had stayed with the kids.

    I never for one minute suggested that it wont happen but the likelyhood of it happening is much less.

    You leave your house and lock the door the likelyhood is somebody "might" rob you but if you leave the door wide open then don't be surprised to come home to a empty house.

  10. It still needs someone to go and snatch them. As i said before, to think that this will not happen ever if no kid is left alone is incredibly naive. It certainly made it easier for the abductor to strike, but the likelihood is they would have still done it.

    So you think this would have happened even if they had been in the room? :unsure:

    People like this look for a window of opportunity, I very much doubt this would have happened if they hadnt left them alone.

  11. Kids get abducted when they are playing in playgrounds. Someone tried to abduct my brother from outside our school, when all the other parents were there. It is incredibly naive to think that these people, fucked up as they are, wouldnt try and take a kid from their room if the parents are in the room next door. Remember everyone could be sleeping, all it takes is for someone to be quiet, go to the kid, cover their mouths so that they cant scream and get out.

    Maybe but the chances of somebody taking the risk while the parents are in the same place is much less remote than if the kids were left alone. It's like a green light for any would be Abductor to strike.

    Leaving them alone is a open invitation to somebody to go and snatch them.

  12. Absolutely! Some people sleep like the dead! Apparently its possible for people to walk into my room, sit me up and drop me back on the bed, and slap me on the face, all without waking up!

    I'm a light sleeper, even a mobile phone going off in another room wakes me up.

    But the point is I doubt somebody would take the risk if two parents where in the place and even if they did that then three kids screaming would wake up at least one of the parents.

  13. And what happens when the next time, the abductor breaks in and takes the child when the parents are also sleeping? which could just as easily have happened in this case.

    Unless you chain your kids to you, sadly you are never going to stop this happening.

    No but no point giving people like that the chance to strike?

    I'm sure the parents would hear something, Could you go into a room with three kids sleeping and take one away without making any noise? :unsure:

  14. The wee girl has been gone too long now for this to look like a happy ending is going to happen. Very sad :unsure::(

    I can't get my head round the fact that these apparently intelligent parents left 3 kids that age in a room on their own when not in their own country. You can't trust anyone at home these days, so why abroad??

    Likelihood now is remote sadly :(

    I was speaking about this last night last to somebody and she didn't believe they had left 2 kids aged 2 and one aged 3 alone. She thought the girl had just been snatched from them and was shocked (She is a mother of two young children herself)

    Hopefully this will act as a painfull lesson for parents everywhere and the same thing dosent happen again!

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