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Posts posted by Bradford-Rover

  1. The purpose of this thread is not to locate the girl (that is something we have no control over) but to discuss it and give our views which is what I am doing.

    I think you will find a number of other people in this thread have have expressed similar views why not attack them as well? Or is it simply cause I had a go at Sam?

    I have first hand experience of neglected kids a while back and since that experience the needs of the child will always be paramount to me. Courts force children to go with their fathers even if they abuse them simply cause the father has right to see their children. What about the rights of the child?

    Would I be the perfect parent? no I am very much aware I wouldnt' as such a thing dosent exist and I know I would make more than my fair share of mistakes I freely admit but one thing I know I would do is put the child first over my needs as if you have a child they simply have to come first and that is something they simply did not do in this case and you can argue all you like but it wont change that fact.

    With me children and their needs and rights will always come first over adults because of experiences I have had and if that makes me come across as judgemental so be it I wont change who or what I am for forum members who do not agree.

    Savo by making snap judgements on me based on what you read in this thread and crucifying me for it you are in fact doing the very same thing as you make out that I am doing to this couple.

    This is not your issue, this is not your problem,

    So I am not allowed to comment because it is not my issue or problem so does that mean you feel we should all no longer be allowed to voice opinions on matters that do not involve us directly? Will really kill off the General Nonsense section then!

    Also Sam suggested I cant comment on this becuase I wasnt a parent, I have never been a pro footballer so I imagine that bans me from commenting on football matters as well and most of the posters on P&B as well!

  2. It was a dreadful mistake by the parents - one that I'm sure they'll be cursing right now. I desperately hope this wee girl is found alive and well, and I am utterly appalled at the attitudes of some of the posters on here.

    Mistakes are when you lose house keys or forget to pay a bill on time etc etc.

    Leaving kids at that age alone isnt a "mistake" it was a choice and one that was freely made.

  3. I'm sure some Chav/Ned family would be getting such an easy ride in the Media.

    I'm sure it is a criminal offence in this country to leave kids under a certain age unattended.

    They would be crucified!

    Been doing some research, read the following links.



    "The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) advises that no child should be left alone under the age of twelve, or overnight under the age of sixteen. Even a short stretch without a parent or another adult around can be distressing and lonely for a young child. Most eight to thirteen year olds, even if they feel happy about being left, may not be ready to cope in an emergency."


    "The NSPCC have issued guidelines advising that children under the age of 13 should not be left alone. While this recommendation does not have the force of law, it is suggested as good practice. "


    "There is no law that determines the minimum age that a child can be left alone. However, there is a law about neglecting children and you are legally responsible for the safety of your child. Babies and young children should never be left on their own, however tempting it may seem when a child is asleep and you only plan to be out for a while."

    "Never leave babies or young children home alone (whether sleeping or awake), not even for a few minutes. "

    "If they are alerted, the police or social services may take action if they think that a child has been neglected by being left alone. Neglect happens when a parent or carer doesn't meet children’s basic needs of food, shelter, security, attention or protection from exposure to danger."

    I'm not saying they should have the children taken off them but I obviously I have to justify my comments to some people earlier as they felt they were harsh.

    They willingly left them alone, nobody put a gun to their head and forced them to leave the children alone, it is neglect however way you want to look at it and the law would find them negligent in this country. I have no doubt they are sufering just now but that dosent change the fact that they are guilty of neglect, how do we know this hasnt happened before?

    Oh SavotheGreat I was under the impression this wasnt a thread on me but on the missing girl and the parents. If you want to start a thread discussing my flaws and let everybody pass judgement go ahead.

    I have flaws I know and I'm very much aware of them and would never claim I was perfect but the fact remains everybody knows what kind of world we live in today and they simply should not have not taken the risk full-stop and in this country it would be deemed breaking the law as my links above testify.

    You have slagged me off throughout that post. Perhaps we can continue this discussion, when you don't behave this way? :)

    Sam I've read how you reply to people, pot calling kettle black comes to mind.

  4. Find myself pretty much agreeing with the above post.

    Whilst I don't have kids, I really can't understand why anyone with an ounce of common sense would leave three weans under the age of four alone in a hotel room.

    They were checking on them 'every half hour' - so that's okay then? :blink:

    Young kids can end up very ill, very quickly.

    I can't understand why people who have kids subsequently act as if they're childless. If you're not prepared to take on the responsibility, then don't have kids.

    Agree 100% sadly SaintSam dosent seem to understand this despite her vast experience of life.

  5. I'm not sure that I'm trying to defend their decision to leave their children alone, but I strongly disagree with this sense of morality that Steven is displaying on this thread. Plenty of people leave their children home alone, without bothering to check up on them. Plenty of people let their children play in the street until 11pm without bothering to check up on them. Whilst the fact that so many people do these things doesn't make it right, it does - in my opinion - make it harsh to judge these particular people so severely.

    I have followed the story, and whilst having no real strong opinion on their choice to leave their children in the (locked) room alone whilst they ate out close by, I feel an overwhelming sense of sympathy for the situation they now find themselves in. I don't think it's very appropriate to be passing judgement on here and sticking the knife in like certain posters have done. Children are abducted in their own homes, whilst their parents are there with them. Children are sexually assaulted in their own home, whilst their parents are there with them.

    It is incredibly difficult to avoid bad things happening, in my opinion.

    Yes I agree bad things will always happen no-matter what we do but we have to take everything precaution to make sure they don't happen. They shouldn't have left them alone and no matter how much you argue the case it wont change the fact they they were negligent in their roles as parents.

  6. I'm not even going to debate this with you, if you can't refrain from behaving like a moron and slagging me off.

    Where was I slagging you? you simply cant accept that you are maybe losing the argument with me can you?

    I don't disagree with any of that.

    But I think Steven is being harsh on them - I'm sure nobody feels any worse than they do at the moment and I do think there are parents much more deserving of his criticism than these ones. Like the mother who allowed her own mother and two sisters to join her in egging on her two children to batter each other, whilst she filmed it. Both were toddlers. Now there is a woman who is unfit to parent.

    I dont think he is being harsh on them, they are paying a huge mistake, but they chose to neglect their children, no one else did, it was bad luck that they had someone around willing to abduct one of them, but ultimately the parents are as much to blame as the guy that took them.
    Agree MarreZ.

    Sam, no one is saying you can watch your kids 24/7, however there is a huge difference in watching them 24/7 and doing everything obviously reasonable to care for them as a parent should.

    As much as you disagree with Steven, he his probably being quite direct in his wording, however IMO he is not saying anything that is not warranted.

    Perhaps when you are older and/if you have children you might agree?

    They are guilty of gross negligence and no amount of nonsense spouted from you changes that fact.

    We all know you like to disagree with people just to spite them Sam it's what you do best but that dosent change the fact that I am right in my stance and other people have agreed with me.

    Maybe when have kids you will see the foolishness of what you have said Sam as leaving that number of kids unsupervised is just tempting fate they simply should have been less selfish or stupid. My mother was far from a perfect mother but one thing she would never have done is leave me or my brothers or sister unsupervised it's something you don't do especially at that age if you are a responsible parent. Many people have kids and get annoyed that they get in the way of their lifestyle if that's the case don't have bloody kids in the first place.

    Am I being harsh maybe but when it comes to the welfare of kids I wont miss words, you have Kids you are responsible for them 24/7 and they neglected those responsibilities. That is fact and not up for debate Sam.

    You will also notice that parents have agreed with me sadly you believe you are always right even when you are wrong.

    In this case you couldn't be more wrong.

  7. You are being harsh on this thread, and I find all of your posts a little distasteful and quite judgemental - it's not even like you are speaking from experience. How can you say "I would never do that" - how do you know how you will parent your own children? It's easy to look at other peoples mistakes and vow never to repeat them yourself, but then I bet these parents looked at another families mistakes and vowed never to be the ones to repeat those. At this moment in time, the only important thing in this situation is to find the little girl alive and well, not to cast blame on her parents for leaving her alone.

    I agree with you - reading this thread actually made me roll my eyes at certain posters several times.

    I'm not really judging anyone though, am I?

    Different people parent differently, and that's my point. Certainly you must appreciate that. It was a grave error of judgement in your eyes, but perhaps many other people don't sympathise with that view. In any case, it's not the place of someone who doesn't even have any children to come onto a football forum and blast the parents for being "unfit to parent". Even if - "bottom line, no debate" - it was a grave error of judgement (perhaps one they had practised many times before?), what right does Steven have to say something like that?

    My parents were much like yourself and kept very tight boundaries around both myself and my brother, but other members of my family were much more lenient, and I can't say either technique was wrong. Children are abducted from their homes when their families are at home - you just can't second guess the actions of evil people.

    So you think it's perfectly acceptable to leave kids who are 3 years old alone?

    I have never had kids of my own but I have been around kids all my life either with my brothers and sister who are all younger than me, my cousins or my ex girlfriends young child and I would and could never leave them alone for fear of what could happen as if anything did happen I would blame myself the rest of my life so maybe I have never been a parent I have had parental responsibilities and take them very seriously and by your posts you obviously have no idea what you are talking about as you simply do not leave a child that age alone nevermind in a foreign country.

    For the record I have through family and ex's I have been around 12 children over the past 10 years so I can hardly be described as a novice when it comes to children and if a child of that age wasnt in the same room as me (even next door) I would be constantly worrying that something would happen to them neve-mind leaving them for any length of time and I cant believe any responsible parent would leave a child of that age alone for any length of time.

    I believe I have more right to comment on this than you do but as usual you seem to think you know better than everybody else.

  8. I dont think that people should be judging the parents.My son is four and he has only recently started playing in the street by himself.It is a nightmare.What do you do stop them playing.I have had a few panic attacks over him being out himself.Although I do think something is not quite right on this occasion.
    You let a four year old play in the street himself??

    Makes you wonder dosent it! you cant even have a tv without a licence :rolleyes::rolleyes:

  9. I'd be interested to hear how many of you child care experts, actually have kids of your own?

    I'd say the parents were certain, that having something to eat 50 yards away from where their children were sleeping, was perfectly safe.

    I'm sure their feeling bad enoug, without some teenage know it alls judging them :angry:

    I'm not a teenager I'm 28 and have been around kids my whole life and I would never even think of leaving them along at that age!

    And as Stewie Griffin has said if this was unemployed parents who had went across the road to a pub and left their young kids at home and a fire had started they would have been hanged for being daft enough to leave their kids in that situatuon.

    I see no difference as in both situations they are leaving young kids alone in a room with no supervision. We arent talking about a fucking dog or a cat but young children here.

  10. I didn't say that, but a childrens club is something far different from childcare. I'm speaking from experience, you've just got to get on with it & take the kids with you. One at the table and one in the buggy having already been fed, at the apartment. If you can't manage it, you've just got to eat in the apartment and spend the night with them and a couple of bottles of 'vino collapso'.

    Tough shit you have kids you are responsible for them!

    If they didnt want the inconvenience of kids they should either not taken them or not had any!

  11. We are talking about a child who is 3 not 10 yeard olds!

    Not it's not harsh I think any sensible parent would agree with me and be horrified that they left them alone for so long in a foreign country. as for not casting blame they seem to be doing a good job putting the blame onto everybody else and taking the heat off them.

    They have nobody to blame but themselves and that is the truth, I hope they find her but they wont get any sympathy from me as they don't deserve any. Put your hand in the fire you get burnt.


  12. You'll maybe find the childcare starts from 4 or 5 years old.

    So leaving them alone is the answer? :rolleyes:

    I don't have kids but I wouldn't leave them out my sight for a minue at that age nevermind leaving them periods upto 20 minutes at a time in a room by themself.

    Selfish parents who are now blaming everybody else part from the ones who are really to blame!

    Themselves :angry:

  13. Especially with

    Fucks sake! When they find her (hopefully alive) both children they should taken off this couple and put them into care, they obviously have no fucking idea and in a way deserve this to happen!

    Some people really don't deserve to have children!

    Just hope nothing happens to the child :(

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