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Everything posted by pleslie99

  1. I actually witnessed a "sting" not too long ago. Phoned the police as the 'peado' looked like he was going to get a kicking. Anyway witness statements followed etc, guy got lifted, hunters moved along. While the police were taking my statement it was clear they had a dislike for the 'hunters and what they did. I asked my brother later (Who is a cop) what was the script etc. He said basically what the hunters do is useless for the police and it rarely gets a conviction. They are more a hindrance than a help in the situation and although they 'out' peados the 'evidence' is not worth a f**k. They do it for the attention and for "likes" on social media. Most of these groups are headed up by neds. While some may think it is admirable, id rather the police were able to do their job and get the peados off the street rather than having to release them because of some wanna be hard man.
  2. Who the f**k In the fuckiest of fucks gets 8s and 9s for those questions? I got a fucking 2. Yes a 2. Excuse the language your eminence
  3. I'm endorsing this tbh. Walking along, come across a nice wee pub/town, spend a few days drinking with the locals, lose track of time. 1000 hours isn't that put I don't think. I wouldn't do it any quicker tbh
  4. Ooft that was tough. After winning the big league, then the super league in consecutive weeks, the boys extended celebrations have taken their toll. 4
  5. My life is complete. This is my greatest ever achievement, only to be surpassed if I win the world cup, although with my last 16 score already in I reckon that's as far as I will go.
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