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Posts posted by ADMO

  1. For some reason I've gotten it into my head that St Mirren were looking to appoint their new gaffer tomorrow. Don't ask me where I read that though. Either way as roverthemoon said it's all a bit messy, primarily due to information being leaked to the press. The board have done their bit by keeping shtum however I'm sure they're well aware the importance of getting someone appointed sharpish. My guess is if St Mirren and/or McKinnon haven't made their mind up by tomorrow the offer will be withdrawn. Again don't ask me why.

    Your spot on, It was online, either Fife Today or Courior where they said St Mirren had their final interviews today and where looking to appoint tomorrow ... I'm sure it also said something about McKinnon has 1 more sit down talk with us which was believe to be today I think ! Ofcourse it is all "paper talk", so might be crap :P !

  2. How do we all feel if it is McKinnon ? Admittedly I don't really know much about his managerial style or time at Brechin, but it appears 4th in the League below us is his highest finish ? Understandable a FT squad you can do more than a PT one, but I still say I don't see why we sacked Murray if we are going for another unknown gamble !

    Don't get me wrong, obviously I'll be behind anyone who comes in, but I was still hoping for Adams or Lennon ... Or Klopp, whoever fancied it most !

  3. I wonder if someone is stalling on an offer ... Suppose timeframe was never mentioned, but this has been a while ! Curious if an offer has been tabled and perhaps another offer (St Mirren ?) has also came in for the same coach causing a delay ...

    Course I could just be clutching at straws, but the suspense is killinggg meeeeeeeee !

  4. Not even sure why anyone would suggest getting rid of Stewart would be ok, either crazy or drunk IMO ! ... That partnership with Vaughan was probably the most exciting thing to come out of last season ... Its not just the goals, the passing & movement of the team as a whole was much better ...

    Just look at Stewarts goal Vs Dumbarton as an example, great midfield splitting pass by Callachan, phenomenal turn by Vaughan, perfect through ball and a toe poke finish by Stewart ... Beats a big punt up the park any day !

  5. I still stick to my original post, If we are going for some inexperienced "gamble" then we would have just been better sticking with Murray ...

    The club seems settled now & we have achieved the same position year after year after year ... My hope was the new board would have a new ambition (surely the play offs at least ?) and appoint someone with a bit of experience and that vision to get us there ...

    Absolute pointless sacking 1 manager who was an unknown to appoint another who has done bugger all in his place in my opinion ! Still, all rumors and random chit chat at the minute, but I suppose that's part of the excitement :P ! ...

    Regarding Nade above, he can go if he wants ... I would be much happier with Stewart/Vaughan as our starting pair next season !

  6. Out of all the names mentioned I still think I would only be happy with Adams or Lennon, 1 of which seems more of an obvious mover than the other ...

    Although I agree finding a decent experienced manager is exactly like looking for a 20 goal a season striker (literally non-existent for us) I still feel appointing someone who hasn't done something at this level is just another "Murray" type gamble, a gamble in which IMO I would rather not try take at this minute in time !

    Despite saying that, if we had to, the only "gamble" that would possibly interest me would be Clelland, if he has had anything to do with St Johnstone's success over the last few seasons then I suppose I'd happily be willing to give him a go ...

  7. Would be talking out my rear end if I said I was disappointed he was leaving ... Good luck to him and all, hope he does well in what could be considered a big risk especially at a younger age ... But from a fan point of view he done absolutely bugger all for the last 2 seasons so I'm glad hes away !

    Now if we can punt Scott next that will free up for landing 2 CM players to accompany Callachan ... Moon I'm unsure with what to do, poor season by his standard but we know he can offer something when in form ....

    Obviously we need a Manager first haha :P ...

  8. I'd also like it to be Adams ... From the names out there he seems about the best available, he's had experience at this level, took County up and big budget or not, he still got them to 3 Cup finals, one of which being the Scottish Cup ... For a smallish team like County were, that's a great achievement !

    Besides, I feel for to long now we have had a Mr "Nicey Nice" in charge of our team and I think that translates across to the pitch at times (Linlithgow game where it certainly appeared some of the players where actually back chatting Murray's decisions & not in a good way) ... I wouldn't mind a proper c**t in charge who wouldn't be scared to go all out Fergie style with a pair of Adidas Predators :P !

  9. Lets break it down this way so fans from other clubs can actually understand as opposed to spouting rubbish ...

    Yes its good the team wanted to continue to move towards a FT Club, however when your GK is your best player, possibly the best you have had in decades, and could arguably be up there with the better keepers in Scotland at the minute, you have to take that into consideration ...

    This season when we have played 2 other GK's outside McGurn, they have been Cuthbert & Laidlaw ... Cuthbert, who btw was obviously Hamiltons league winning keeper, i think some expected a lot from, however he has started 8 and conceded 25 meaning on average 3.2 Goals a game (13 in his last 4), which is appalling. As for Laidlaw hes started 7 and conceded 16, which equals out to 2.2 Goals per game, which again is pretty horrid. Mcgurn has started 23 and conceded 27, so about 1.1 goal per game ... Now 5 of these where Vs Livi due to Perry being an utter moron and being sent off in 40 seconds, so you could even say McGurn is literally 1 goal conceded per game ...

    Its no coincidence our run of 7 unbeaten, which included the wins at Ibrox, or our 2 better results of the season such as beating QOS & Hibs all came with McGurn in goal ...

    Also the only thrashing we had with him in goal was Vs Livi, where like i stated above, we had 10 men for 90 minutes so take that with a pinch of salt ... Whilst Cuthbert/Laidlaw have been on hand for 2x4-0's from Rangers, 4-0's from Hearts, 6-1's from Rangers, 4-0's from Dundee, 4-0's from Livi, 4-3's Vs 10 men QOS and if you want to look further back a 4-0 from York pre-season to ...

    Not only do goal conceding stats back it up that McGurn is by far superior to the other 2, matches won back it up, unbeaten runs back it up, our best wins of the season back it up and much more ... For Murray to not see what the fans seen, what the board obviously seen and due to their confidence levels excelling when hes in goal, what the players seen, it show's me he was not the man who should be in the job and I'm glad hes gone !

    Now back to work I go ...

  10. :lol:

    gies a sub

    I think were a fair way off from being literally debt free

    No problem mate, wonga style 47563478653478% interest ;) Perhaps it wasn't worded best, my original meaning was we are one of the clubs who have have a pretty tight ship the last few seasons, managed to drastically slash the money we owe out and i believe turned a decent profit last season !?

  11. Personally putting Derek "Doorey" Adams grumpyness aside, I'd be delighted if we got him ... Lets not forget he took County on a small budget up 2 divisions and into the SPL, reached 2 Challenge Cup finals and a Scottish cup final over his spells ...

    That's the thing that annoyed me most with Murray, on paper we are not a bad team, but he just couldn't seem to get the best out the players ... Anybody coming into the Club knows we are literally debt free, surely now have a bigger budget than usual thanks to the 3 "SPL" Clubs this season and as i say have an ok structure to build on ...

    Not sure why a few fans are looking at this as a negative doom and gloom situation, i for one am rather excited about where we can go from here !

  12. I think McGurn situation is part to do with this ... When every Raith fan is calling for him to be signed, he wins countless POTY awards and Murray hands his out to Watson, it shows how clueless he really is ...

    New Chairman only had to take a look at the Facebook page to see 99% of Raith fans ask whats happening with McGurn ... As soon as he confirmed he hadn't been approached that could well have been that ...

  13. I was waiting for a confirmed source before I wrote this as I don't like jumping the gun ...

    However now Matt Elder has semi said the club haven't offered anything to McGurn I'm done. Its not a nice thing to have to say, but for the first time since Claude The Fraud was in charge im far from happy with the current situation on and off the park ! if we go ahead and let go our best player and possibly best keeper EVER for the simple fact he's PT then I'm done with Murray and I'm done with the BOD/Club as a whole until he's gone.

    The man was loyal to us through the McGlynn/McNeil crap which arguably cost us a season in the SPL and to repay him we leave him benched as we concede 4 a week and offer him nothing ? Absolute shambles of a club, it'll be goodbye from me.

  14. I think we have a wider problem, and one which does to some extent implicate Cuthbert: our defence struggle to play without McGurn. I'll admit I haven't looked at the past results to make this judgement, but I'd be surprised if the evidence proves otherwise. There are far too many 3s and 4s conceded when Laidlaw or Cuthbert play, so why is this the case? As much as we can't blame the keepers directly, blaming Ross Perry in isolation - as rotten as he was - is not going to cover it either. There must be some combination of factors at play.

    Discussed this with others before, I really do think McGurn brings so much confidence into that back line its insane ... Now I'm not for 1 minute saying that its acceptable for the back line to have lackluster games at times as their paid pros and should do their job no matter who's in the sticks, but it almost seems when McGurn is in goal, the back line seem more relaxed, confident and better all round ... Strange one though !

  15. Good bit of news there ... I would like us to hand Vaughan another 1 year extension to so we have the both of them for the next 2 seasons ... Barr would also go on the list of "2 seasoners", although that long term injury he had could play into that ...

    More so I'm delighted we seem to be moving in the right direction and actually using these young lads, after-all, what's the point in us paying money to keep youth teams going if we bring through 0 graduates !

    Hopefully McGurn is next to sign, if he pens on the dotted line it will be a great start to next season :)

  16. Hope Callachan uses a bit sense and signs on for another 1 year with us ... I've made it no secret I'm a huge fan of both him & Vaughan and both should have minimum 2 year deals IMO ... However the lads only spent about 4 month playing at Championship level, for me it would make sense (perhaps I'm bias as I don't want him to go) to spend another season cementing yourself in the Championship then hope for a slightly better move the season after ...

    Besides, if it wasn't for some sort of County's miracle they would be down here with us, would the possibility of sitting on a bench for next season just to end up back where you started really be worth ?

    On another note, If any of the current players who have been offered contracts and about to sign are Callachan, Barr, McGurn or a Vaughan extension I will be delighted :)

  17. I wouldn't punt Stewart, hes our top scoring striker is he not ? Don't get me wrong, hes perhaps only scored 10 or something, but it all goes back to this "finding a 15 goal a season striker is difficult" chat again ... Stewart & Vaughan have showed they work well together in what little game time they've had ... Elliot on the other hand, he can go, not totally sold on Nade either ....

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