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Posts posted by ADMO

  1. If the football on the park was presentable the atmosphere would sort itself out, there's no atmosphere because how are you supposed to get behind 90 minutes of 10 men behind the ball/hoof ball tactics ....

    I really do hope the BOD are not as short sighted as they appear to be, to have no targets for this season or any future seasons is a shocking way to run a business .... Even something as simple as survival last season, finish above PT teams and generate ££ this season before aiming to build up to the play offs in the next season or 2 would have done ...

    Its simple, yet effective, its not impossible after seeing QOS/Falkirk do it and its something the fans can get their teeth into and start to believe in ... To simply say "Murray has no targets" doesn't exactly fill me with confidence in the BOD with a new incoming chairman going forward ... Not that I'm calling for their heads obviously, but its just not a great thing to hear as a fan !

  2. I couldn't tell you if it's ever literally been the first minute, but there are players who've been booed/heckled when they've made their first mistake of a game over the past few weeks.

    Not that I'm one to do this, I do try and take each game with a positive mind and intend to get right behind us, but the board are shooting themselves in the foot here ... The reason (I would imagine) certain players get booed/heckled from the first minute/first mistake some/every week is because for the last 10+ Weeks they have been an absolute nightmare and we have better options on the bench ... Thats "there man" Murray who's at fault for it as he picks the team, nobody elses IMO !

    I'm not saying its right to do it & as i say I'm not one of the culprits, but I can also see why people tend to moan and groan from the minute the teamsheet is announced when the likes of Fox/Elliot have kept Callaghan/Vaughen/Stewart on the bench despite being horrendous for months.

    Perhaps if for once we actually set up to attack with players who have the more attacking mentality rather than 4-5-1 defence based players at home to bottom of the league, the crowds would be a little more amplified !

  3. Its maybe just me, but I feel saying "I've always thought supporters were supposed to support" is showing perhaps the current board aren't really in touch with what's being said, and possibly missing the point ...

    Murray had a horrendous close to last season in which 90% of managers would have been sacked and there's no doubt had he not won that cup, he would be gone ... IMO most of the proper hardcore fans (including myself) started fresh with this season, all conveying that is was now going to be Murray's team: his players, his buys, his loans, his tactics, etc, so now It was his chance to show us what he could do. Most of us supported the club & Murray vocally on and off the pitch for the first round of fixtures hoping for a fresh new approach and change, but got nothing ...

    Things now haven't improved, we are facing a repeat of last season and despite a larger budget & being a FT club against many PT teams, we look to indeed again, be stuck bang smack in the middle of a relegation battle ... So we are expected to just sit back and support this ?

    Pretty disappointed that's twice now the BOD have come out and basically told us fans we are in the wrong and to stop moaning and get on with it ... Hey perhaps I'm reading it wrong and perhaps I took Huttons Captain speech wrong, but that's sure as hell how it comes across ...

  4. Are our BOD really this short sighted ? I stick by what I said, the only reason we are keeping attendances of 1000+ so far this season is because of the huge amount of season tickets we sold and people getting their moneys worth ... Christ, for the first time in a long time I've contemplated missing Home games to the likes of Alloa/Cowdung/Dbarton but haven't because my Season Ticket, anyways ...

    It amazes me it appears nobody is sitting back and saying wait a minute, if we keep Murray, give him a vote of confidence and things continue to get worse, what do we do in the next 1 or 2 seasons time when Hearts/Hibs/Rangers are gone and by that time season tickets have fallen 70+%, fans have found value elsewhere E.G Flyers and don't want to come back ?

    This has now went on for well over 1 year and in that year we as the paying customer (or fans, whatever you like) have been told to basically shut up, pay our money, don't share our thoughts (or we get a "Captain Mainwaring" speech) and just enjoy whats on show ...

    Don't get me wrong, behind the scenes the board have done absolute wonders and I'm sure we all agree we can't thank them enough, but on the field this club is an absolute shambles and its about time somebody steps up, grows a pair and just does what pretty much every fan wants ...

  5. I would take McGlynn back to be honest. He was a man, that the majority of the support got behind.

    We weren't great to watch, but we were pretty effective. At present, we aren't great to watch, and we aren't effective. If the chance to bring him back arises, i would for one be firmly behind it.

    Jefferies on the other hand though? Naw.

    McGlynn done absolute miracles with what he had and I'm sure we all agree most. if not all of the fans. have nothing but respect for him, however I'm also in the boat where I wouldn't like him back ... His last season was all getting a bit stale, same old stuff, finally got figured out ...

    IF (and right not it seems a massive if) we get a new manager, I would like us to stay away from all this Hearts dross, it seems we like to take their players and coaches/managers whenever possible !

  6. He still using excuses,

    This is what infuriates me ... He could just come out and say that the performance's haven't been good enough, there's a lot to work on and come Monday we will look to learn and work on it (then actually do it), hell even McCoist Vs Hearts flamed Smith for his red and Vs QOS last night said the team where terrible and that sort of performance isn't acceptable for Glasgow Rangers ...

    For the first few games we lost it was because our "injured squad", then last week it was "the red card and 2 penalty's we didn't get", this week its "the soft penalty" .... Perhaps if Murray bothered his arse to have his team play so the games where already wrapped up each week, decisions like this wouldn't have any outcome on the final score. Such a clueless idiot.

  7. I'm 50/50 on the night out situation ... On one hand totally agree with what's been said, chances are their wages are about an average job, so to pay money into transport/hotels/pre booked meal/drinks and whatever else would go with it to then suddenly not go as they've had a howler isn't really ideal and not something I'd expect to be done, after-all we will all have our Xmas night outs ...

    However despite this, (and Moon/Barrs Mankind/Kane outfits looking pretty sweet), you would have thought Murray would have told them to keep it off their Social Media after Saturdays antics ... Tad disrespectful IMO to be flaunting a "lads piss-up" with their wages that we pay into the club after a performance like Saturdays !

  8. Pound to a penny that Murray drops Callachan next week.

    I said this myself, next week cue the usual to be back in, Elliot in for Stewart, Callaghan dropped for Fox (assuming he's fit ?), Scott will come into the team somehow to & tbh i would not be surprised at all if Murray does some totally skit-physco thing like playing Ellis over Hill ... He really is that clueless.

    It's obvious from their performances very few of them give a toss about the club. Thomson and Anderson look about the only players who regularly even put an honest shift in. When

    Funny you point this out, this is also something I said ... We have Vaughen & Callaghan usually benched, these guys coming on will give there all for our club to try and impress and break into the first team ... Pains me to death watching Fox and Elliot go through there pace's every week, clearly only caring about their wages hitting the bank ! McGlynn, Thomson, Anderson, Hill & possibly Watson are amongst the only lads that actually seem to want to fight for the shirt !

  9. It was definately outside the box, that being said it should have been a sending off despite the fact Crawford fucking Allan never even deemed it as a foul. Nade was clean through on goal, would have probably scored...why would he have went down if he wasn't taken down? That's something that Elliot would do, not Nade..

    I'm going to assume you had the same view as every other fan in the ground so its hard to say how it went ... Once the match day highlights are posted up we can all see if he was caught or it was a dive !

    Until I see that I stand as a neutral as the only fans who could get a semi-decent view would have been Livi fans, who all, in nicer words, said Nade is a diving wee c**t who was clearly trying to even things up ... Our words Vs theres atm ...

    However, regarding my initial point, Murray's interview is the same every week .. How many weeks have we been "unlucky", how many weeks will we "learn from conceding 4", how many weeks will we "bounce back with all new fight from this loss", how many weeks is it the "referees fault & decisions didn't go our way", how many weeks have we "gave it our all" .... Its about time Murray stepped up and simply admitted we are not good enough on said days and work on fixing it :)

  10. I give up.

    What penalties should we have had? I can't even remember a single appeal.

    I might go to Dumbarton next week now. Can't wait to see the players reaction to this latest defeat.

    Dear Santa

    For Christmas this year can you bring my favourite football club a new manager please?

    He seemed to have said Nade being brought down should have been a penalty ... Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I thought Nade was well outside the box ! ...

  11. What a horrendous post match interview ... Its the refs fault we lost he cost us as we should have had 2 penatlys & Livi should have had 10 men ... We went for it and where just unlucky ...

    Followed by the words (along these lines): "we will see a reaction from the players like we do with every defeat" ... Really ? Must have missed this ...

    Does he do these interviews just to piss us fans off and show us how clueless he really is ?

  12. Remember we still have a stadium needing paid off

    I could be totally wrong here so if I am my bad, I'm sure someone will correct me .... But don't we rent the Stadium from Simm, who is now on our board, meaning we wouldn't be taking on the stadium as a financial outgoing if we couldn't afford it minus "big paydays", therefor we never really in theory "have to pay it off" as long as Simm is happy and we are happy renting ? ...

    Usually i wouldn't have bothered either way if we got a "big" club or a "diddy" club, however when you see 5/6/ odd SPL teams are out of the competition already and its filled with more winable ties than not, I'm kind off gutted we drew Rangers ... When you look at it realistically, minus about 4 or 5 clubs, the likes of Arbroath/Annan/Albion/Spartens/Brechin/Stranrear/Dunf & even perhaps Falkirk/QOS/Hibs on one of our better days are all definitely winable ties ...

  13. There would be nothing wrong with a 4-5-1 IF and this is the if part we miss, we had 3 of the 5 midfielders supporting the lone striker & actually keeping possession on the deck as opposed to a punt ...

    In order for it to work you would need a target man to hold up the ball (Nade seems fine) but give him the ball to feet, not head ... The 2 wingers and 1 of the central midfielders support and it could work pretty well ... However this doesn't happen with us. How many times have we seen a ball into the box and nobody's there ? The last home game springs to mind, Elliot was constantly pulling out wide to win the ball, working out some type of move with a winger, to then get the ball into a box and have not 1 single body there ... We also need a sitting midfielder who's willing to do the dirty part of the job, simply sitting breaking play up !

    Until we have ultra fit players who are confident of going forward and confident the defense behind can hold their own, it wont work ... Murray just seems to think if he keeps playing the same 11 it will magically work one week !

  14. The players have their part to play of course but does anyone else feel that the support is a wee bit unrealistic at times?

    I'd say 50/50 on this ATM ... I didn't agree with the fans wanting Murray & half the team out before the season begun & from that I'd perhaps say all of them where being a tad over the top, especially before a ball had even been kicked (I don't think its fair for fans to constantly keep bringing up the past seasons "League Failure") .... However as of this moment I'd say perhaps more so no than yes ....

    I go to the games not expecting Ronaldo & Messi superstar individual performances or Bayern Munich/Germany type passing and moving, but I at least expect all 16 players to show a bit of fight and determination and actually look like they want to play for the shirt ... Unfortunately you probably get the same 2 or 3 weekly that show this ...

    I do totally agree though with the part about place 1 bad pass in the opening 90 seconds and its cheers of "Murray Out" & "Get Him To F**k", however on the flip side when its the same players making the same mistakes every single week and not learning, you can also see why some fans may be like this ... The question then beckons that should we as fans be satisfied with our position as of now ? Possibly, but then we have the whole "performance are s**t argument" (E.G L.Rose) .... So I'd say that's pretty much why I'm 50/50, i think some fans are being realistic, some are just moaning for the sake of it !

  15. Below is what the man has achieved over the last 3 years and for that we must all be eternally grateful.

    June 30th 2011.

    Raith Rovers have announced financial losses of £162,000 for the year to June 30, 2011.

    The club’s balance sheet also shows a £1.4m debt, although it stressed that £1.2m of that simply stems from “intercompany funding from our holding companies”.

    June 30th 2014

    The Club’s accounts for the year ended 30th June 2014 have been finalised, approved and signed off by the Auditors. The accounts show almost a 20% increase in profit for the year of £97,499 (previous year £81,350).

    The Club’s Balance Sheet also continues to improve with zero bank debt and all liabilities for taxes and suppliers fully up to date at the year end. As at 30th June 2014 only loans from directors of £88,000, and inter company debts totalling £338,000 remained outstanding.

    Wow ... Never realised things had turned around this much thanks to Hutton and the current board ... That really is absolutely brilliant, all of the board should be proud of that !

  16. I'm also curious how Murray is now feeling ... It doesn't look like any secret Hutton was a Murray man via his "Captain Mainwaring" speech last season .... A new board (or members or chairman) may want a new man at the helm ? ....

    All in all though Hutton has been a great service to our club, frustrating as of late but he has done wonders none the less !

  17. If being the better team or outplaying us or whatever words people want to use to describe it means failing to get in front in the game, failing to score and losing comfortably in the end then I'd take our opponents being the better team every week.

    We played very poorly on Saturday but as I said at no time did I think 'f**k, we're going out here' Having watched Rovers go out to teams below them many a time over the years then Saturday's performance ranked nowhere near those sorts of horror shows. A decent junior side raised their game against a fairly lacklustre league one side but in the end the league one side clearly won yet for some it's armageddon.

    That's the problem right there for me though, we won this game via fitness alone and that's not acceptable.

    Most "big team vs little team" games have the smaller team flying out the blocks the first 10/15 mins and having a good go of it then pretty much fading out ... For arguably 50-60 minutes we were by a country mile the worst team on that pitch, that should NEVER be the case vs a Junior side, semi-decent or not.

    If Murray had set up how we should, we should have been able to withstand the original onslaught then calmly keep the ball and slow the game down a bit to our chosen tempo and controlled it from there on, instead it was like watching men vs boys, with us being the boys !

  18. We should be winning this one pretty comfortably, but when you have a clown in charge its never as straight forward as that ... Probably have another 4-5-1 defense based formation with defenders who struggle to defend & midfielders who struggle to get forward to support the lone striker ... Who by the way will have the job of dealing with long punts all day ... Should be winning 3/4-0 but will probably scrape it 1-0 .... Who says I'm not positive hahaha :P !

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