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Posts posted by Booker_d

  1. Was thinking the other day that 5 out of the 7 people involved in the big matches at this year's Wrestlemania made their names in the Attitude Era or before (Taker, HHH, HBK, Rock and Jericho).

    They proved they can make stars if pushed properly (like Cena) but this happens far too rarely. Frustratingly, Punk is one of the very very few occasions they have actually listened to what fans want and ran with it (although they nearly ballsed that up).

    Looking forward to Wrestlemania but not as much as I should be, knowing that Rock and Jericho can walk away anytime, HBK is retired, Undertaker wrestles once a year and if HHH wins it'll be because of who he's shagging rather than anything else.

  2. Watched the Funkasaurus for the first time. Even down to the dance moves, dancers and camera angles used during the entrance it's just Flash Funk wearing a trackie.

    They had ditched his dancers after a couple of months. I wonder how long Clay's will get.

  3. Hoping to take in Warrior Soul at Bannermans on Sept 24th then Sick Of It All at Newcastle on Oct 9th, Stevie Jackson (B&S) at Newcastle on Nov 3rd and Frank Turner at Barras on Nov 25th.

    Are Warrior Soul still on the go?

    God, I saw them at the Garage about 15 years ago. Supported by Clawfinger and Bush. The lead singer went AWOL on Sauchiehall Street and a fair chunk of the audience had given up waiting when he eventually staggered onto stage.

    This brings back memories

  4. That actually reminds me. See if Austin was shagging Stephanie, he'd be hounded. He actively made every single heel in the WWE look like shit, and in some cases, completely on purpose.

    Apart from HHH, The Rock, Mick Foley, The Undertaker, and Chris Jericho I presume?

  5. Im pretty sure HHH will come out and act shocked. Stephanie will say it was her that hired Nash. Then it will turn out HHH knew about it all along, the devious swine, allowing him to feud with CM Punk.

    No real surprise though to see the big spot go to HHH's geriatric best pal, rather than someone with a future though :rolleyes:

    Triple H, still a p***k.

  6. Ah. The old slagging HHH for no reason thing. I was wondering how long it would take for that to start up again.

    No reason? You not been paying attention the last 15 years?

    At some point HHH will lose to Punk, that I can see happening and that's not a bad thing.

    We'll see...

  7. Multiple sources believe Claudio Castagnoli and Chris Hero, who perform as The Kings of Wrestling for Ring of Honor, will conclude their obligations with the organization next month and join WWE immediately thereafter.

    Though they are advertised for the August 13th Ring of Honor television taping in Chicago Ridge, Illinois, one source says it's possible they will debut for WWE—bypassing developmental—before the end of the month. There are also rumors that they could be involved in CM Punk's current storyline.

    Hmmmmm! It could be a huge waste to have somebody else hang onto Punks coat tails, but again, only hints at the speculated link with ROH.


    Monday's RAW featured Triple H's first night in charge as well as the surprise return of WWE title holder CM Punk.

    According to Dave Meltzer in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, there were actually six different scripts written for RAW - one of which would have resulted in Triple H laying out CM Punk with a pedigree.

    Although the obvious scenario would be for WWE to capitalize on CM Punk's recent popularity and push him to the moon, most of the scenarios presented for Monday's RAW were not to get Punk over, but to emphasize Triple H's new role as Vince McMahon's successor.

    Prior to WWE settling on what we saw unfold on Monday night, the original plan for CM Punk's return was for him to get attacked and pedigreed by Triple H. Alberto Del Rio then would have come out, cashed in his Money in the Bank briefcase against John Cena at SummerSlam.

    While this would have certainly put Triple H over as a major heel and led to an eventual program with a babyface CM Punk cooler heads prevailed and the angle of Punk getting squashed on the night of his return was scrapped.

    Deary me, all wrestling fans certainly doged a bullet with what would have been an utterly rediculous way to bring Punk back.

    Think I pointed out several times a few pages ago that HHH is still a p***k.

    Thought it would have taken longer to be proved right.

  8. Not really sure it counts as a movie but I stumbled across the unfinished Wonder Woman pilot/TV movie that never was earlier this evening.

    Not as bad as you'd think, although some of the dialogue is awful at times and there are things that just dont make sense like when she tortures a bad guy for information while the police stand outside listening to him scream. Or when she tells Liz Hurley shes going to kill her. Or when she kills a guard by throwing a pipe through his throat. Erm, what?!?

    On the plus side, Adrianne Palicki is really good as Wonder Woman despite numerous costumes/personalities/hairstyles. You can see stories starting to develop and her wee sidekick is quite good. Murders aside the fight scenes are not bad either.

    Bit too much talking but the show would have had potential, with a sizeable amount of tweaking. Worth a watch, even if for the bits they left in/haven't added (ropework during stunts, i"insert police cars here" across the bottom of the screen, the way her costume changes walking out the elevator, etc) due to the unfinished nature of it.


  9. I wouldn't say Triple H is even close to being the same p***k he was maybe as recent as 5 years ago. He's very good for this business imo. I know everyone shits all over him now but Sin Cara was a Triple H guy and was the total anti-thesis to the guys that Vince and Johnny Ace snap up. He isn't in the same position he was when he was at his worst. He's not a "youngish" guy who saw two of his peers going a lot further than he was.

    Seems to be the popular opinion recently. Based on........, well, nothing.

    Triple H is still a total p***k.

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