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oddly optomistic

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Everything posted by oddly optomistic

  1. I was thinking about the Welsh scenario. It would be very hard economically for Wales to go it alone. However surely that shows the failure of the Union to act in the best interests of all areas. Surely getting Wales to become more prosperous should be a priority rather than a passing thought.
  2. Coburn says the SNP shouldn't upset England as they're Scotland's biggest trading partner. Oh the irony
  3. I agreed with him because of things I had already seen and read. If I was someone who hadn't decided his behaviour would have not convinced me. It's nothing to do with how he looked, it was his behaviour and attitude. I agree it shouldn't be about image but if someone comes across as quite dismissive and arrogant then you're less likely to listen to themAgain just to add, I have not seen him behave like that since and am not overly bothered about it
  4. I am not one who tends to agree with ecto but in fairness, I saw the time he's talking about and I didn't like Hosie on that occasion even though I agreed with what he was saying. He came across pretty bad. (That was probably the 1st time I'd seen him) He has appeared ok in interviews I've seen since
  5. Some sort of fitness test involving the lifting of pints?
  6. So, care to answer the question I asked earlier. Or does the answer not suit your narrative?
  7. Nice try, but I'll ask again in Simpler terms. How much tax has Scotland paid per head each year lets say for the past 10 years. How much has Wales paid per head each year for the last 10 years. Or even 5 years just to get a flavour of the contribution of each country for a fair comparison. Just to add - any chance of answering without effing etc or are you incapable of a grown up debate
  8. Is your assumption that everyone who wants a vote is anti EU? That would be a big assumption
  9. And what tax do they each contribute?
  10. That article doesn't mention an EU vote.
  11. No I don't think it's the same. I think he was talking politically. I didn't say anything about the bbc.
  12. I think he said "why won't he die" when Salmond announced he was standing. Not quite the same as saying he wished he was dead.
  13. Meltdown on QT from all about SNP
  14. The chase "How many years in a diamond jubilee?" Contestant "silver" ????
  15. UKIP endearing themselves to the Welsh http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-32016657
  16. I hope that's not a slur on death on paradise. It's on a quality level of its own
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