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The Saintee

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Everything posted by The Saintee

  1. An ITK poster said that Captain Dave and the Hungry Wolf are being let go. Then deleted it.
  2. So. No additional striker then. I thought the chairman was increasing the budget this season?
  3. Kane is doing fine tbh Stan with a decent number of goals per starts. We could do with another option as we only have 3 senior forwards and MacLean can't play at Hamilton or Killie. Do we have El Alagui on trial Random?
  4. Was he really that poor for Aberdeen? It's rare a player would spend so long and not be thought of with a bit of fondness.
  5. Foster was ok imo. It'll be interesting to see how he settles in. Presumably he's also got a guaranteed starter clause as there is no way we could compete financially with £oss County.
  6. Yes. But Aberdeen fans are hard to please and have ridiculously high expectations. County fans are more grounded and appreciate an honest pro trying his best.
  7. I respect the opinions of the County fans far more than those of the Aberdeen fans tbh. County fans seem much more sensible.
  8. Stan should bring Nizzy along to the birth. He'd be useful. Keep pushing.
  9. If you have a crispy pet. Is there any point, in taking it to a vet?
  10. Possibly that's why no other signings have been made. Paying compensation/legal fees.
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