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The Saintee

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Everything posted by The Saintee

  1. Potentially epic ending ruined by a daft cliffhanger. Which is a trick that they've already pulled in the same season. Disappointing.
  2. Very sensible of Dundee. Especially given Dundee's history of administration.
  3. Job done. Another fine try from Hogg.
  4. Won't need much editing tbh. Doesn't take much from HSF to send WAP into meltdown 😃
  5. Big week coming up for the Warriors with consecutive games against the bottom two in Italy.
  6. That's right. At the garage in the pilot.
  7. One of the first walkers that Rick kills is a wee girl. He also kills Sophia in season 2.
  8. Brilliant! Lacey though. Some boy.
  9. Not a fan of this refereeing tbh.
  10. The best bit was when Stewart said that he didn't know Brown had been a player.
  11. I bought the whole game so the episodes won't cost any extra. You can buy everything individually as it comes out but suspect that it will end up dearer that way.
  12. I've enjoyed the mission tbh. However the episode idea is very frustrating as I want to bash on. It has encouraged me to replay and try different things I suppose but it isn't the same. It's not like there are any cliffhangers such as with the games from Telltale.
  13. Great performance yesterday! Thoroughly enjoyable. The third try was beautiful.
  14. Not downloaded it yet. Will be making a start tonight.
  15. Just picked up the latest murdery adventures of 47. Anybody else keen on a bit of creative assassination?
  16. Heard that. Top quality radio. Michael Stewart hates him!
  17. She is a trained doctor but moved into psychology.
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