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The Saintee

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Everything posted by The Saintee

  1. Just let a load of pensioners on the bus before me. Not one...NOT ONE of the old b*****ds said "thank you". No voting c***s.
  2. Robert Baratheon was a cousin of the Targaryen dynasty. So of the three leaders of the rebellion he had the most legitimate claim to the throne.
  3. St Johnstone and ICT legend Paul Cherry once played for about six weeks with a broken leg. Fatkins is a pussy imo.
  4. Tower of Joy next week. I'm definitely very excited!
  5. Glasgows biggest Pro 12 win seemingly.
  6. It's unlikely that any spin off would focus on Roberts Rebellion because when the main story is over we will know all of its intricacies and secrets. The Tales of Dunk and Egg however would be good.
  7. Mel is also able to glamour others.
  8. Agreed. A few folk were booing Super Furries where I was.
  9. They are in sparkling form just now.
  10. Beautiful try from Finn Russell ðŸ˜
  11. All the abused Old Firm spouses will be heading to Semi Chem and Poundland to top up on bandages.
  12. The radio phone in is horrendous. That Hearts fan! OYF!
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