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Everything posted by renton

  1. However, their capacity to earn greater money over succesive years is very high, so what's the point? For some it's not about the money, some genuinly have a love of writing program code and want to do it for a living. There is clearly still a market for it (even if the money isn't great). They still contribute hugely to the country's economy so what could possibly be your problem? Or would you like them to retrain as pipefitters and slowley start to squeeze your own wage structure.
  2. A nation of pipefitters eh stuart? doesn't matter that the livestock of the country could be caught in a pandemic that kills huge swathes of the bovine population. Doesn't matter that it went unnoticed because those people who considered becoming vets decided to instead become pipefitters because they heard that you learn everything about life, the universe and everything on your first day (types of welds is on the second day).... of course incidentally all those vet/pipefitters will have a negative effect on your own wage as your skill set becomes less unique - but you could retrain as a vet I suppose and look after britain's last remaining cow.....
  3. Significantly, more and more apprenticeships are becoming available to cope with the skills gap, this has been the norm for about 5 years.
  4. Who the hell is making that argument like? My argument has always been that their are certain jobs for which you need a degree to do them, not that you waould make a lot of money doing them. FWIW, the money someone makes in a certain job is directly related to the market at the time, if their is a significant skills gaps in 'the trades' such as plumbing, then there will be a lot of money for those few select plumbers that do exist, over time however the market compensates and more plumbers are trianed, each trying to get in on the big money jobs, eventually forcing overheads such as wages down.
  5. Stuart, that table makes a distinction between Electricl engineers (who need a degree) and electricians (of sdeveral grades, fitters, car electricians etc) The degree qualified engineer makes: £37,916. The electrician makes: £26,850
  6. frustrating couple of days. second half of last week had a bit of an intellectual burts, and was able to get through a raft of work. Today and yesterday by contrast, I've been bogged down and getting no where.
  7. Yeh but all they were doing was making sure your Scottish and had been accepted - applying for a loan involves the poor old dears at the SAAS getitng the mechanical calculator out to do hard sums based on you and your parents income, but if you apply on line it's a bit quicker. For those applying for loans, make sure you give yourself at least 28 working days before freshers starts and you'll be fine.
  8. I think it was three/four working weeks SAAS needs to clear and send your letter of confirmation of money, in any caase, unis will give you a break when it comes to the tuition fees.
  9. that's fair enough, although from experience you'd find it pretty hard to shut yourself off, the Horner halls are all shared kitchens, which become de facto gathering places (far more than the common rooms) and the ghetto halls all have dinner together in the main caffeteria.... Still, you should hopefully enjoy it.
  10. As an undergrad? must say that's a bit unusual, in terms of getting to know as many people as you can quickly you'd have been better going for the single room halls in the Leonard Horner halls and the ghetto halls (Linlithgow and Midlothian halls) - still you are still pretty close to the union.
  11. Got your halls sorted yet? I recommend Leonard Horner B, it'sa 20 yard crawl from the union As it is, you'll probably enjoy it for the novelty of ahving everyone in one place, but by third term first year, you'll be desperate to get into town on a more regular basis.
  12. I'm guessing you are staying on campus?
  13. Aye, one of our (younger) lads decided to get on his bad side and go in for a bit of hand bags - he didn't realise who the guy was
  14. Adagio in G minor by Albinoni - I shit you not! I had no idea I had any stuff like that on my computer
  15. You have a fear of failure. Forget about that. Just go and talk to her, if it goes badly, the worst you'll have is a slightly bruised ego - but at least you'll have gained the experience of knowing what doesn't work Just go for it mate.
  16. I think you should consider uprgading that gripe from 'petty' to 'unerving'...
  17. Did he touch you in an inapropriate place? Unless your a caterpillar, then I can imagine the horrible excrutiating and undignified death as they chew their way out would be not so cool.
  18. No, take a break. Your are only really good for an hour at a time anyway. If you've got the time (and it's only modern studies) then go and relax, eventually it will twig.
  19. Pink Floyd - Wish you were here. It's just a fucking classic.
  20. Echo and the Bunnymen - The Cutter.
  21. The Eels - It's a motherfucker..... Yeh, the mood on my media player just bombed Live Mark Everret is a weird, weird b*****d.
  22. The Flaming lips - Raining Babies, from the 1990 album "In a preist driven ambulance" their first really good album Such a great sense of euphoria and rough as f**k vocals and scratchy guitars.
  23. Funnily enough, I've got Transmission by Joy Division firing through the poor quality speakers just now.
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