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Everything posted by renton

  1. chances are his girlfriend was in danger of finding out about you and he decided to cut and run
  2. You are a pineapple

  3. Radiohead in june, will probably find some other gigs before then though...
  4. sitting in an office doing f**k all, how bout you?

  5. She was abducted by aliens... I'm thinking flight of the navigator for the movies: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091059/ A reminder for those who have left cheesy 80s movies behind...
  6. The ringing in my ears after the Dinosuar Jr gig at liquid rooms last night. I'd swear they used an amp stack big enough for barrowlands in a tiny venue like that
  7. Dinosaur Jr at Liquid rooms, 26th August... fucking class
  8. Dinosaur Jr - beyond.... have been listening to this album just about non-stop since it came out, fantastic album... Arcade Fire is next on the playlist...
  9. Aye, true enough - I cannae stand the wee fucks. Still edinburgh has it's own brand of 6 fingered mutants that make the links look good, unfortunately a lot of them live around gorgie area where I am .
  10. f**k knows, I may have imagined it Most festivels are like that anyway, at TITP you can'nt watch the headliner on the NME stage all the way through if you want to go see the main stage headliners
  11. I think there is some cross over yeah, will probably spend the majorit yof the day in the dance tent because some of the other bands really are gash.
  12. Zodiac...........7/10, well acted, made the most of the story
  13. I'll be watching the Manics, basically the only reason I'm going - the rest of the line up is pish
  14. Msc projects.... Having begun this in early May and by the end of the second week of that month having worked out what I needed to do I've sat around doing f**k all for the last two weeks (except allow my P&B post rate shoot up) since no one will give me access to the equipment to do my experiments. The guy said to me "most Msc students don't produce much practical outcome" no shit sherlock, I wonder why not????? Thankfully they might finally be letting me do some work!
  15. got it on DVD, love it. "Even a big bug like you oughta know, never - but, never - f**k with the king"
  16. Bruce Campbell = Legend I liked spiderman 3 but there was easily enough story there to do spiderman 4, 5 and 6 as well! I think Venom deserved a movie to himself. Oh well, we might see his son Carnage in the future.
  17. Silent hill was atmospheric alright, not a bad attempt to make a movie out of a game that genuinly was quite creepy. I hate CGI heavy stuff as well, I still love Alien - you barely see the creature until the end while the Dallas in the airshaft scene is sheer class, suspense, cluastrophobia, the sudden shock.... just really well done. Compare that to the travesty of the third and forth movies of that series. Some of the real oldies are still good, like house on haunted hill - 1955 version not the shite one with Catherine corpse fucker zeta jones in it. Or Quatermass and the pit. Modern 'gore' movies are fine for a laugh but stretching it a bit to call it horror. Still love the evil dead series mind, Bruce Campbell is sheer fucking class (anyone ever seen him in Bubba Ho tep? )
  18. Oh aye, both are fucking garbage, particularly hostel where the 'gore' - which unless you don't like the sight of blood does not qualify as horror - is used as a substitute for a really poor set up, love that bit where everyone who set the boy up is standing in the middle of the road conveniently waiting to be run over Horror movies should pay more attention to atmosphere, get away from gore which, lets be honest, most folk are pretty de-sensitised too. People will always be scared by things that they can't see or that stalk in shadows.
  19. I think I'll stick with creating an imaginary alter-ego who attempts to blow up credit card companies....
  20. Insomnia, I've had reaaly bad insomnia for the last two months and it is beginning to take it's toll on me
  21. get back to work steve

  22. Aye, well, I did my undergrad as an Electrical Engineer, my postgrad is Microsystems and I suddenly had to do crash courses in Mechanics, Optics, Fluidics and Biotechnology Programming? I never have been able to stand that stuff, I can just about cope with C, the rest is just taking the piss
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