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Posts posted by Muzza81

  1. I’m a big advocate of the pyramid. I’d love to see League 2 become much more fluid and one day it will, one day the LL will be competitive as hell and draw big crowds at most games. That day feels like a long way off at the minute. 

    There will come a time when dropping to the LL is no big deal, sadly playing the Colts sides, glorified boys clubs and Uni teams means this time is not now. 

    I watch a lot of EoS football and see exactly what so many clubs bring to the table and how much hard work people have done to get to this stage. It’s a slap in the face to all these clubs. 

  2. 25 minutes ago, cowdenbeath said:

    The Lowland League have made a mockery of the pyramid with their guest clubs and shitting on the clubs below.

    Bang on. They’ve shown themselves up to be a shower of self serving morons and it is massively holding Scottish football back. It will take decades to get rid of the majority of dross in that league that are way above their station.

    Its an embarrassment and the SPFL/League 2 clubs should not compromise anything further to these c***s. Anyone complaining about the relegation spot from L2 has some brass neck on them.

    The LL and it’s clubs should be ashamed of themselves.  

  3. The thing about the lack of subs that truly baffles me is that one week someone will play 90, next week they won’t even get on. There’s no method behind it,it seems. Bollan just kept playing the same 11 players but Ross mixes it up in the starting XI, yet rarely makes changes to positively influence a game. 

    Also, how many players have we signed? Our squad seems to be huge.

    Positives: Buchanan was good and worked his arse off, he has to start every week. Dunn looked good in a back 3. Not much else. 

    Crazy Barrowman and Coulson got about 90 minutes with so many options on the bench. 

  4. Thought we were excellent for large parts of the game yesterday, not quite sure how we didn’t get something from it but our inability to score is abundantly clear. It’s why we will finish bottom. 

    Seems harsh on Coulson that he’s totally fallen out of favour. Carty is not the answer up front either.

    Kelty are a very expensively assembled functional side, they should be better than what they have shown against us. Not quite sure how Kevin Thomson seems to be the second coming of Bill Shankly.

    Cowden won’t get relegated. 

  5. Leith definitively deserved their win, they were hungrier and battled for everything. Scott probably should have kept his mouth shut but some of the comments from Leithers have been embarrassing and rather strange. A complete exaggeration and misinterpretation on what was said. 

    Last game of the season could be a bloody cracker.

  6. 12 hours ago, tamthebam said:

    The disallowed Haddington goal was a perfectly good header. The lino saw something (push? handball?) which chalked it off to my and others bemusement 

    Mention of Leith's No 5 as captain is amusing as last night Stirling's No 5 was their captain against Edinburgh City and he was the biggest looney on the pitch.

    Here's a nice rainbow:


    Nice, normally I charge to have my photo taken though. Are you selling copies? I’ll take a key ring. 

  7. Managed to take in the last couple of games, in summary we are a poor side but we aren’t drastically poorer than the sides we played/around us.

    There’s a real lack of pace in the whole side and physicality at the top end. The front three are very samey but, certainly last night, they caused problems and created chances.

    Two points out of the two games would have been fair. Six could have been achieved but it’s just not going for us, we end up with one which isn’t enough. This league is tight as f**k, in terms of quality, and two or three good signings can make a difference. We can absolutely get out of this but it has to start with 3 points against Annan, we are running out of time.

    Even if we do finish bottom, it’s not going to be against some team throwing ridiculous money at it so positivity will be key.


  8. 7 hours ago, tamthebam said:

    As far as I know the Tap doesn't show football as it's a rugby wankers pub. 

    Good pint though. 

    Oh come on! It’s about the worst pint in Edinburgh you scamp. 

    The Tic is the best bar in Stockbridge and will show the football - The Baillie a close second. Sadly the Doo’cot is shut but there’s always The Ferry Boat 👍🏽

  9. 17 hours ago, Smokerson said:

    Watching from the outside it seems that Mark Wilson was completely the wrong appointment, you needed a safe pair of hands, someone experienced who could pull in some favours with good loans and also motivate your existing bunch, get them stop conceding goals and being hard to beat. 

    Such as who? Who was available that would have contemplated the role that ticks all the boxes you’ve mentioned. “Safe pair of hands” is a Sportsound type cliche that doesn’t really exist. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Neilly said:

    None of your other small players were acting like a 12 year old scheme ned though were they?

    It's OK to just let things go now and again you don't have to defend EVERYTHING about Cowdenbeath FC.

    Cox has been an odious wee arsehole ON THE PARK ever since he played lower league for Montrose, on loan from Kilmarnock. There's hardly a game goes by he's not up to something in MY experience watching him. He will get abuse from the stands. As will any of these type of players, Cowden fans also give it out to certain players. It's really not that big a deal. 

    Cowdenbeath fans still foam about Willie Lyle all these years ago for going through Marek Tomana in a lovely fashion but they won't allow other fans to be annoyed at one of their players putting someone through a wall and punching another.

    Just let it go. You can't see the woods from the trees.

    And that's not rain outside it's the saliva from the mouth of Aberdeen Cowden absolutely seething at each passing post.

    Mental you’ve succumbed to AC and he’s got you rattled. Expected better of you. 

  11. 12 minutes ago, Ancient Warrior said:

    Just been reading David Cox's newspaper article about the abuse he gets about his mental health. Very interesting, especially the bit about the abuse he gets about it from Cowdenbeath fans.

    How is that relevant? There are morons in every support (ie the Cowden fans in question, Vimto, yourself).

    A real Old Firm fan type post you’ve managed there though, whataboutery at its finest. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Neilly said:

    The "patter" will continue into next season that's for sure. More chance of Aberdeen Cowden not being permanently raging than them getting promoted.

    One achievement of note though is Cowden have had more posters in here than they had at the game yesterday. 

    Thanks to the dirty dozen who braved the conditions on the terracing yesterday thus further filling the coffers of $FC.

    Never go full Falkirk fan and crowdwank, Neil. Never.

  13. Overly dramatic stuff from the Brechin fans (who’d have thought football fans would be dramatic!). You’d have a great chance to win the Highland league at the first go of asking - something Berwick and The Shire had next to no chance of in the LL. If you do down there’s no point crying about potentially losing the club - focus your energy on a big season in the HL. The standard up there has definitely deteriorated but it’s still very competitive and a hell of a lot of games.

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