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Posts posted by Muzza81

  1. This coverage is absolutely abhorrent.

    Neil McCann saying Craig Gordon is “pretty good with his feet” then giving it anti Celtic guff. (N.B Craig Gordon is very much not good with his feet).

    Shelley Kerr being the thickest person to ever appear on TV. Who picks her?

    Michael Stewart getting upset about a 2 minute delay while the net was tied together then calling it embarrassing. Really, Michael?

    Both commentators saying “deliberate handball is a booking! It’s in the laws!” When it isn’t. f**k me. 

    Will stick Will and Grace back on tbh.

  2. Anyone that goes to Spoons over All Bar One, in Edinburgh airport, is for the watching. 

    ABO much quieter, quicker and the food is better. A Tennents is also cheaper and substantially better. Theres less Old Firm Da’s knocking about too.

    Thank me later.

    Also, I’ve flown out of Edinburgh airport countless times and never had a single issue. The occasional slight delay with bags but that’s true of any airport. Up the capital!

  3. 47 minutes ago, Dislocated Boy said:

    which kept the Haddington big mouth and his daughter (I assume) in front of us quiet after their equalising goal reaction.

    Glad you were able to come out of this situation in one piece. It sounds a really traumatic one.  

  4. 4 minutes ago, Comrie said:

    Screaming for a red card for Nightingale for a standard slightly late cb challenge when chasing a ball forward.

    That’s not quite true is it. It was a shocker of a challenge and they asked for “an orange card” and had a wee joke.

    I suppose it’s all relative but I’ve found them to be pretty good and fair. Called out their own players when needed.

  5. 7 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

    If anyone struggled/struggles with this then they're a moron.

    Disagree. The “SPL” was a great bit of branding and rolls off the tongue, so people go into autopilot and just say it. We all know what they mean. 

    The “premiership” needs “Scottish” added to it, to avoid confusion with south of the border. Nasty.

    Im sure most of the people that say “SPL” know it is no longer called that but they are yearning for simpler times!

    NB: those who correct people to “the Scottish Premiership” are virgins. No offence. 

  6. It’s hard to not really like this Cowden side, constantly try to play football and freshening to see players taking the opposition on at every opportunity. We should absolutely have won by more but we don’t quite have that mean streak/street wise game management.

    That team, when it clicks, is worth paying to watch. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, Spyro said:

    Cowdenbeath fans with their usual bingo card of shite rather than just telling us why they keep voting for the B teams! It can't have been "the Conference League" like we were told last time.

    So what's the excuse?

    It's a simple question that even your own supporters are asking

    When did the fans vote for the B teams? The club may have but the fans haven’t. The fact is; no one knows why we have (assuming we have) so it’s all speculation. Not sure what else you want from us. Charging of Central Park like it’s 1789 France?

    That being said, some are rightly responding to comments from fans of clubs that have ripped off local businesses and people. A Dunfermline fan dishing out moral superiority over the allowance to continue to have B teams in a league ffs. 

    FWIW: I don’t want B teams. I think their current placement in the pyramid is a sham. I won’t attend a game they are involved in. The lowland league is of a joke league with no credibility. The club should have voted against.

    But in the grand scheme of “shitty things about Scottish football” it’s not as big a deal as many make out. It’s flavour of the month.

  8. 48 minutes ago, Blue Brazil Forever said:

    Given that the system is so fractured, why not have B teams to provide some measurement of capability to challenge for promotion.

    In what sense do they do this though? They aren’t some sort of barometer for success in this division. There are numerous reasons not to have them in the lowland league, the above is not a counter argument to any of them. 

    I really hope we voted against it, however it looks extremely unlikely. Will wait for our statement before passing comment. 

  9. Just now, bullyweehutch said:

    Joke of a league cannot be taken seriously as long as they sell themselves for a pound to B teams. This joke of a league should be abolished and make let the West of Scotland Premier take its place. For all the criticism Leage 2 gets for no Automatic relegation for a league to decide when it wants relegation, cry about no automatic to League 2 then allow B teams to scream past multiple tiers in the Pyramid is funking astounding. f**k the LL and any of its members who voted this in. 

    Does the East of Scotland league not exist any more? Missed that. 

  10. While you’re all on the topic of worst Clyde players of all time I’d like to pop on and say Scott Gair is one of my favourite footballers in Scottish football history.

    If someone could find the highlights of the game he comes steaming out of defence, misses the ball then hides under his own shirt, well that would just make my Columbus Day. 

  11. On 19/11/2023 at 17:04, Mark Connolly said:

    Hogg will be gutted he retired - will be some night out in Exeter for the lads after coming from 9 points down with 4 minutes to go to win with the last kick of the game

    Only so much cheating on your pregnant wife you can do, tbf.

  12. 16 minutes ago, Lofarl said:

    I hate VAR I really do hate it with a passion.  Arms or head being offside.  f**k off.  It should be so simple.  The whole body needs to be offside.  If you can see light between the attackers arse and the defenders body.  Then he's offside.

    Erm but then the same problems would persist. You’d have lines drawn between upper arms and heads determining if daylight actually exists between the furthest back point of a forward and the furthest forward of a defender. That doesn’t solve any problem, think about it. 

  13. Linlithgow are the thinnest skinned team going (maybe after Bo’ness Athletic…), they were like that last season when I took a game in there. Complain about everything and have absolutely no sense of humour. In saying that - they deserved three points more than us.

    Not sure what’s happened but we slow the play right down at every opportunity, it’s no great. 

  14. On 21/10/2023 at 09:18, Honest_Man#1 said:

    Brauhaus, Bennets (both Tollcross & Morningside), Guildford Arms, Diggers, Windsor, Canny Mans are decent in Edinburgh off the top of my head. 

    Weird seeing The Abbey being mentioned positively, the guys I know who went to Uni in Edinburgh said it was known as an absolute dive filled with nutters only <10 years ago. Need to give it a shot.

    Posted on another threat but Diggers is one of the most overrated boozer in Edinburgh, full of uppity beer bores. Windsor is about the worst pub in leith too - no surprise it’s Heineken owned.

    The Abbey is fine, a bit foodie but far from a dive. Grapes is the best pub in that area if you want hair put on your chest. The Southsider very good too. 

    Cask and Barrel Broughton is the best pub in the city centre for me. Has it all.

    If you avoid Green King and Heineken pubs in Edinburgh you can’t go too far wrong. Malones in Haymarket is the best pint of Tennents in the city but it can be full of jeans and shoes types.

    Dont even try and get a pint in Edinburgh after 1am, abysmal choices. I’m too old to be up that late anyway. 

    I love pubs. 

  15. Think it was TUI he was with, fairly sure I’ve done the route he was on and I agree it’s excellent. Interested to know which ship of theirs he was on, been on them all myself. The staff, laid back nature (I’m on holiday!) and all inclusive bevy are why I haven’t ventured to another liner. 

  16. 8 hours ago, the real shallow dave said:



    Brass Monkey Leith Walk

    Carriers Quarters

    Old Eastway Tap

    The Joker & The Thief

    Fair effort to pick some of the worst bars in Leith, a better list would be:

    The Central



    Joker and the Thief

    The Strathmore/Robbies.

    The Bow Bar and Diggers are also two of my least favourites in the city, uppity bars full of strange characters. See also Sandy Bells. Cask and Barrel, Broughton, is probably one of the best in the city. A glaring omission. 

  17. Just now, SweeperDee said:

    If that’s the case, how was he interfering with play?

    How wasn’t he?

    He was standing in front of the keeper and made contact/engaged with him a few times. It’s the very definition of interfering with play.

    I don’t like it one bit though - VAR is a scourge on all football but cmon people need to be rational.

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