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Bheaten Castard

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  1. Stuart Findlay Lyle Cameron Reo Hatate Blair Spittal
  2. Well said my man. Certainly hit the nail on the head with ex committee men. Liked telling the Pieman how to spend his money but took the huff when he decided different. Doubt any of them lifted a hand at any work that was needed done yet there puppet on here asking what guys who actually contribute to the maintenance of the pitch etc bring to the club.We all know who Rhubarbs puppet masters are and he's silly enough to be the fall guy for them. I take it there will be a mad rush of sponsors and others volunteering there services now the Pieman is away. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting
  3. Hi there Legend you've just blown your cover. Same silly patter
  4. Hoofball manager who spent money also. A football dinosaur compared to Mick Guardiola
  5. Imagine that a manger spending money on players. As if no other football manager has ever done that. All the great managers spent fortunes and broke transfer records. There are plenty of other managers past and present who have spent fortunes at Mick's level plus the fact anyone signing for him has there fee and wages exaggerated to unbelievable levels. He was responsible for the greatest result any non league team has ever had in the Scottish cup who's budget would have dwarfed anything Mick had.
  6. Tell me what team he's managing now and what position they are in the pyramid system ? He's the Pep Guardiola of non league football
  7. Did you start the lottery ? When I joined someone else claimed it was there idea and funnily enough they are no longer on the committee. Maybe it was you though that pic on Rhubarbs profile looks nothing like the guy who signed me up though. Mick was the best thing that ever happened to Darvel and probably the best manager at non league level so congratulations on that. Do love your rants on Saturday nights though and though you might not be everyone cup of tea you are Mr Darvel as far as I am concerned. You can't really have an open to everyone AGM as it attracts all sorts. There should be one though that is open to season ticket holders or at least someone representing them.
  8. Hardly relying on QTS money. £20 k a year will probably cover one of the players wages. There are other sponsors plus there lottery and the pieman. Darvel has never had a large support and it has grew considerably in the last few year but never to anything like the better supported teams. Even if Darvel agreed with Larkhall to reduce the price of entry it wouldn't put many on to the gate.
  9. They will be paying nowhere near what they payed McShane and I would expect Pollock to be picking up a share of his wages.
  10. His son played for them and he got involved from there. I surmise he would have been approached or at least encouraged to get on the committee.Funny though others were asked and didn't get involved fully till the pieman was fully in. Then there was a stampede of people volunteering there services. Think a few were happy for the pieman to be the sugar daddy and for them to spend his cash with no questions asked. Spat the dummy when he decided he was the boss and he would decide. The keys were offered to others but they declined. Not enough cash apparently. He got carried away with the publicity,a charismatic manager and an over ambitious committee. He's now seeing a bigger picture and realises that Darvel can't sustain a semi pro team paying way above the odds nor can most of the teams in the league. He's probably encouraged a few others to overspend and rely on someone pumping money in.
  11. Gall has thrown more money at his favourite football team than he has ever thrown at Darvel.
  12. Getting put out the cup early doors was always going to effect the playing squad. Financially it was a disaster plus the fact the they were proved not up to it. Fergie was going to EK anyway and getting money for him was a bonus as he would have been able to sign a pre contract come January.I would expect more to follow.
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