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Posts posted by Hendricks

  1. 29 minutes ago, HuttonDressedAsLahm said:

    Not all in a single game against what is probably the best team in the world?

    If we’re being quite fair, we’ve not done this since at least before the last Euros, so I’m unsure why we’d do it now.  Perhaps the above was an over-reaction, but I was always against this fixture for exactly this reason.  I’m not sure we can learn much from this.


    What fixture would you like us to do it in? As far as I know we have no other's scheduled!! 

  2. 17 minutes ago, HuttonDressedAsLahm said:

    Isn’t this the internal equivalent of what Wenger did in the League Cup?  Surely you learn a limited amount by playing irregularly used players against a side that will dominate us?

    Does that tell us anything about how suited they are for Georgia/Norway, and then the likely opponents in March/June/July?

    I am utterly bemused and equally terrified by this.


    When would you suggest these guys are played? 

  3. Just now, Pie Of The Month said:

    I went to Porto in between Seville and Lille and watched their game v Slovakia in a bar with a bunch of Portuguese guys who surprisingly were really downbeat and thought their team wasn't good enough to challenge England and France next year and they benefited from an easy group. They really aren't sold on Martinez either.


    Interesting. And yes their group is probably pretty poor but 32 goals in 7 1/2 games! They have the firepower to cause anyone difficulties. 

  4. Portugal must be a serious threat next summer. 

    They are 5-0 up at half time in Bosnia as they continue to win every game in their group. 

    Their front 4 tonight is Ronaldo, Leao, Felix and Fernandes which means that Bernardo Silva and Jota are on the bench alongside numerous other very good players. Their squad is nothing short of ridiculous. 

  5. Austria just beat Azerbaijan but only by 1-0 so they now have 16pts and a goal difference of +8 to our 15pts and a goal difference of +9 however they only have one game left, Estonia (A) whilst we have 2 games, Georgia (A) and Norway (H).

    2 wins for us and nothing matters. We will definitely be the best runner up and therefore get a pot 2 spot for Euro 2024.

    Assuming they beat Estonia they will finish on 19pts. Goal difference will be at least +9.......

    4pts for us would se us finish on 19pts with a goal difference of at least +10! 

    Interestingly they finish their campaign on November 16th, when we are in Georgia, so we will know the situation heading into the Norway game at Hampden assuming we haven't lost in Georgia. If for instance they have pumped Estonia we may need to beat Norway (even if we've won narrowly in Georgia) if we want the pot 2 spot. 

    Caveat all this by saying Italy could also be a factor but they have to win at Wembley tomorrow. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Clangers said:

    Definitely, purely because all the media for months will be on that game.
    This tournament isn’t going to be a one matcher, this team has proven they are bigger and better than that, we genuinely have a decent team and all teams shouldn’t be wanting us in there group! 


    If England win on Tuesday they'll end up in pot 1. Need Italy to take something in that to keep them in pot 2. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, MarkoRaj said:

    Gone from 11% to 33% according to the boffins so they're saying there's a chance

    They have it in their own hands tbf


    There have been some big results the last 24 hrs in terms of pots. Austria and Croatia losing and Switzerland drawing. If we win our last 2 matches I think we are assured of a pot 2 spot. 4pts might be enough but will be touch and go.

  8. 1 minute ago, MarkoRaj said:

    I suppose I just assumed that the big teams would get their act together 

    But really there isn't much leeway for them to gain ground, particularly Netherlands and Italy who have tough groups.

    Even tonight Turkey are now likely to be in pot 2 over Croatia and I think we'd probably agree that we'd have chosen to avoid Croatia over Turkey given the choice.

    Be interesting to see the lay of the land come the draw


    I'd take Wales though! Imagine the atmosphere at that! 

  9. 2 minutes ago, KirkieRR said:

    Will we struggle more in the last two games because the pressure's off, or will Georgia Brown and No Way struggle more because they're out and the games are meaningless?


    I wonder if Haaland will even bother turning up at Hampden. Mystery groin strain?


    We just said the same. City play Liverpool lunchtime after the next international break too. Norway will have a play off in March and I can see both Man City and Arsenal saying we don't want them playing in a dead rubber but we'll do everything to ensure they are good for you in the spring. 

  10. 1 minute ago, MarkoRaj said:

    We won't top the group but if we win both games we can guarantee pot 2 which is massive 

    Why is t massive? I may be wrong but looks to me like pots 2 or 3 will be very similar. Is there any other advantages in terms of playing 2 games in the same city or something? 

  11. 3 minutes ago, bennett said:

    Do we take it easy in the next two games or try to top the group?


    The 2nd goal on Thursday killed our chances of topping the group given Spain won tonight. They will easily beat Georgia and Cyprus in their last 2 games and top the group on goal difference. A 1-0 loss in Spain would have kept it in our own hands. 

    We will finish 2nd and be in pot 2 or 3 which to be honest won't matter much and will come down to the luck of the draw. For instance Italy and Holland are currently set for pot 3. 

  12. Incredible achievement to qualify automatically with 2 games to spare.

    Will be a superb championships to be part of and I suspect will see by far the biggest travelling Scottish support ever from around the globe. Over 25 years since the last time we played in a major tournament abroad and so many people will want to be part of it. 

  13. Well the Saints thoroughly deserved that no doubt about it. Very comfortable win and a team playing with confidence who know what their roles are and have an excellent team spirit. It's still early days but Saints fans should be pretty encouraged by their own side and just how mediocre the teams supposed to finish 3rd/4th and 5th are looking. 


    Hearts were a shambolic disgrace on the road yet again. Naismith won't survive October, not a chance, in fact he could be gone this week if we exit the Cup (highly likely) on the clustefuck of a pitch at Rugby Park and get out muscled up in Dingwall next weekend. 3 wins out of our last 18 away SPL matches (2 in Perth against a shockingly bad St Johnstone) says it all about the pathetic state of our management and squad. 

  14. 5 hours ago, Wilbur said:

    What does this actually mean ?

    Naismith has been in charge of Hearts training all season. The Frankie McAvoy pish has been a Europa bollocks ruse.

    Nothing has changed. 



    It's the first week since the start of the season whereby we never had a European game, a League Cup game or players away for international duty. It was nothing to do with who you perceived was in charge previously!  Merely a comment that we had a full week of training uninterrupted and on the back of a decent performance and a good result last weekend, I think we will be better prepared. 

  15. Think Hearts having a week's training under Naismith with no Europe or International break should see us perform better than we have away from home so far this season. I'd expect to see Hoff in for Haring but the same side apart from that assuming Oda is available. St Mirren are clearly full of confidence and continue to be a very organised side under Robinson so this is a tough game no doubt about that. If Hearts win this I'd expect us to be ahead of St Mirren fairly quickly but if it goes the other way then it could be a couple of months, given the upcoming fixtures. So a big match. On balance I just think we might edge this one, I think there is a pressure on to start showing way more consistency and I suspect the players are being told in no uncertain terms that turning it on once a month is unacceptable. I'm expecting a positive start after last weeks win. I'll go 2-1 Hearts. 

  16. On 13/09/2023 at 16:59, greenockraver said:

    Youre all brave men and women . This group has a long long way to go imo.


    So you think Norway will beat Spain (and Cyprus) next month? As that is the only way this has a "long long way to go"!! 

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