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Gorgie greatness

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Everything posted by Gorgie greatness

  1. Last season the James Keatings affair when they refused to turn around a sending off That went around the UK became that embarrassing the SFA stepped in & sorted it. Expelling hearts & PT would be 1000x this embarrassing. You can’t get a fucking sponsor as it is but aye expelling teams that’s help
  2. Thought the thread title would have been changed to “expel hearts & thistle now” by now. See the dons are are now having wage cuts it appears the sheep do follow the shepherd after all
  3. Funny as f**k that you think you can expel us get yer cash oot
  4. Last week ;there will be nae court case hearts are using it as a leaning on tool. this week ; toys flying everywhere let’s expel them reap / sow
  5. We can take this further in October if you’ve raised enough at the car boot sales to get yer diddy fitba team up & running for the league! That do?
  6. You can’t boycott teams who can’t afford to play.
  7. Please go for locke. That would undoubtedly be the cherry on top of the cake. In this league lockeys gold fish would prevail.
  8. Don’t be silly we will likely beat our already diddy league record even with 27 games
  9. I’d rather it went the whole 9 yards the SPFL don’t like scrutiny. Anybody who does a Q&A with themselves says it all.
  10. Self interest at last. Time for the SPFL dirty laundry to hang in public.
  11. 400k a derby match fi sky h1b5 are onboard with reconstruction, imo.
  12. Leanne Dempster is actually in favour of reconstruction, but Ron the con seemingly wants us down as he thinks it will weaken us and make Hibs stronger, she’s tried telling him that it doesn’t work like that in Scottish football and that derby matches are a real money maker for them, but he’s having none of it, hence why she’s had enough of him and wants out. Monday’s indicative vote is completely irrelevant, the chairmen with petty grudges will still indicate to vote for their own selfish self interests (McGregor voting against Inverness is one example), but when it comes down to the proper crunch vote, these clubs will vote differently (apart from Hibs who would rather cut their nose off to spite their face), Hearts aren’t messing around here, we’re legally primed and ready to pull the trigger, we’re almost on the vinegar stroke. FTFY
  13. Close the thread some Dundee welfare junky says there’s nae case
  14. Because his existence would be some much better not receiving the annual jambo boaby
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