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Gorgie greatness

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Everything posted by Gorgie greatness

  1. Wow you must be a big team! Can imagine you being a one city club your home attendance will top trump mine in a two club city
  2. Another short memory sheep who finished bottom of an actual full season & was saved by reconstruction.
  3. A trial that was so successful it’ll be the norm if you survive this coming season! Look on the bright side you won’t have to suffer the indignity of your chairman saying get oot yer ST seat the bigots have booked it
  4. Doncaster’s job of bringing in lowie to Scottish fitba just done by budge...unconditionally
  5. Covid testing cash tied into all 42 clubs playing , diddivision 2 & 3 but but we need fans, sorry play or the covid cash is off the table
  6. Still got the Celtic shop attached to your stadium.. help wi the income in these tough times!
  7. 86 you lay down to yer big bro, 87 we were shite 2013 it was the diddy cup we only win big cups 2020 your chairman voted self interest. Along with every other one. ST Mirren summed up entirely
  8. I’m right upset wi a 0/10. Relegated at boardroom level to the diddy league. When I’m reading prem clubs will toil with the testing costs, it’s unlikely to happen at all. Then what ? & as you know if this had been hibs the same level of seethe would be applied
  9. I'll ask you again. When was there a vote to promote Dundee? Or you could just admit to being a semi-literate simpleton and that you just aren't sure what words mean. Likely find out via the court case Time for the SPFL dirty laundry to air in public
  10. Thick your blowhard chairman is toiling wi the meaning of yes & no. Good on you chump for promoting Dundee’s big team When the diddy league has a vote to play or not to play no doubt your man will hang back looking for the budge brown envelope.
  11. It’s not all bad news mr hearts contract is up today
  12. You're not in the top flight either. Doon. Neither are you ! The difference is we got voted out you voted to stay = diddy
  13. She needs to stop talk of funding the rats that want to vote but don’t want to play. There are actual clubs who will never be a top flight club complaining about top flight business.
  14. Or I may be pointing out facts that no all the way down which was said in the post.
  15. Excluding club 42 who just so happens to be a board member, so not all the way down.
  16. It’s on the back burner for now, I’m against anything that weakens governance.
  17. I doubt the board can step in, they’d have done so in 2012 when Armageddon was gonna happen when sevconia fc got launched
  18. But wot about peter Lawells cash injection ? take it that’s a donation
  19. Keep us in the league & well piy for the covid testing. see we’re nice
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