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Gorgie greatness

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Posts posted by Gorgie greatness

  1. 8 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    I think the "expelled from the senior leagues" is just a misunderstanding. 

    Their SPFL membership would be revoked, so they could go into the Lowland League as that's, I believe, SFA run and you dont require an SPFL membership. 

    They would obviously have to apply to join that division, and then apply for SPFL membership again if they won promotion. 

    Last season the James Keatings affair when they refused to turn around a sending off   That went around the UK became that embarrassing the SFA stepped in & sorted it. 

    Expelling hearts & PT would be 1000x this embarrassing.  

    You can’t get a fucking sponsor as it is but aye expelling teams that’s help 



  2. 3 minutes ago, Wilbur said:

    To all the Hearts fans here, I have a question.

    Do any of you know of any other Hearts fans who think this court case might be a bad idea ?

    The wording of yesterday's statement makes it clear that there is no realistic expectation within Tynecastle of relegation being overturned, so this is just about financial compensation. 

    The obvious downside for Hearts and Thistle being that, should they lose in court, the other clubs in the SPFL appear to have the power to terminate their membership. Whether that would ever happen is open to debate but, let's be honest here, Mrs Budge's approach has won her a lot of enemies within Scottish football. 

    So it's all about risk and reward. Is it worth gambling Hearts future existence for the chance of a few £millions ?



    Funny as f**k that you think you can expel us 😂 get yer cash oot 

  3. 22 minutes ago, DougJamie said:

    Hearts certainly are lacking in humble pie...………… but very tasty sour grapes allegedly

    Lets see


    Saints cost you the 85-86 title when you blew it against Dundee

    Beat you in 87 semi on way to glory

    And LC final in 2013

    And of course relegated you this year

    Pretty sad to see you go down....


    PS the Championship is a very tough league, you will do well to stay in it. Just ask Sevco, United, and Hibs.... we managed it 2nd attempt as we are brill, and with 20% of your budget



    When’s the diddy 15 minutes of fame end? 

  4. 24 minutes ago, johnnydun said:

    Well this has been a great laugh.

    Thanks to the Hibs and St Mirren posters for their entertaining posts and trolling, it has been easy as the Jambos have been so enraged, over confident and have a terrible sense of entitlement.

    'Off I pop' back to the Championship and will only return if this goes to court, but I have my doubts.

    See you all when we return the season after next as we keep the Maroon doon.


    Thank you.


  5. 3 hours ago, Green Day said:

    I found this while obsessing over Edinburgh’s big team! its off Kickback and gives a wee insight into what you are dealing with..........


      59 minutes ago, The Mercer Takeover said:

    I still have a feeling Hibs will take it to the wire but then vote for reconstruction, for the "good of the game'. That way they can claim to their paranoid supporters, that they tried their best to meet their demands.


    Interestingly, I did hear  from an excellent source last week, that contrary to what's going on in the media, the cooperation Hearts have been getting from Hibs and Aberdeen, behind the scenes, has actually been really good. How that equates to possible votes though, I don't know.


    The Leslie Deans open letter, does strike me as part of a wider coordinated campaign from Hearts though, to ramp up the pressure and focus minds. This has plausibility deniability all over it.


    Don't know what to make of Leslie Deans to be honest. His reign as chairman with Chris Robinson as exec, seemed underhanded and badly managed to say the least. The police also charged him with money laundering some years later, which lowers his credibility.


    Going to be an interesting 24 hours, that's for sure.




    Leanne Dempster is actually in favour of reconstruction, but Ron the con seemingly wants us down as he thinks it will weaken us and make Hibs stronger, she’s tried telling him that it doesn’t work like that in Scottish football and that derby matches are a real money maker for them, but he’s having none of it, hence why she’s had enough of him and wants out. 


      38 minutes ago, Whatever said:

    We were led to believe that should Monday fail to get the numbers required, 11/1 etc then that would be that.


    Failing to get the numbers required and still taking it to a formal vote is already them making an executive decision.


    It’s setting a precedent of the board using their powers when a majority of clubs vote for something.


    I’m with you here. Should this come to pass after Monday at 10am I can see no negatives here. The claim of stalling for time (a week) doesn’t make much sense to me. I’m fairly sure we could start legal proceedings alongside this.

    Monday’s indicative vote is completely irrelevant, the chairmen with petty grudges will still indicate to vote for their own selfish self interests (McGregor voting against Inverness is one example), but when it comes down to the proper crunch vote, these clubs will vote differently (apart from Hibs who would rather cut their nose off to spite their face), Hearts aren’t messing around here, we’re legally primed and ready to pull the trigger, we’re almost on the vinegar stroke. 


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