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Gorgie greatness

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Posts posted by Gorgie greatness

  1. 3 hours ago, Huisdean50 said:

    Have just seen the penalty incident.  Nick Walsh  had a clear view of the incident and didn't deem it worthy of a foul. Indeed,  he played on for a couple of minutes until VAR  pulled him up. 

    My question is then, what did he see on VAR that made him change his mind? In my opinion, nothing but refs are now shit scared to contradict the VAR referee due to the flak they will then get, despite making the correct call initially.  

    It was suggested on Sportscene that not all tugs on a jersey will result in a pen. 

    as this wasn’t explained further I’ll assume this to mean unless it’s a blue jersey 👍

  2. 1 hour ago, Tony Wonder said:

    He shouldn't have to go down though. The St Johnstone player makes a challenge, gets none of the ball and makes contact with Forrest. It's a clear foul.

    However I do agree that once it's not given it's unlikely to be overturned. There seems to be a significant trend of not sending  refs to the monitor as much this season. I also think though that refs have gotten into the situation of not giving decisions and hoping that VAR will save them if wrong. 

    Had that been the rangers 2012 it would have been tavanierpen 

  3. 7 hours ago, Kyle Reese said:

    Is Budge even a Tory, actually? Genuine question, as I do not know. Are people just assuming this because she is rich? I mean, she is a self-made success from a Pilton block of flats, I think. Also her business practices like charity sponsors and community outreach, plus the living wage suggest she is miles away from a Jacob Reese-Mogg: “people should not be paid when taking time off”, sort of character. Who knows though, she may be for all I know.



    How many other tories do you see saying f**k it I’ll insist on paying everybody the living wage ? 
    I think we’re the only socialists in the league!

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