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Posts posted by S7C

  1. 26 minutes ago, AJF said:

    We’re now at a stage where elected MP’s are retweeting the video of the Rangers players claiming they are chanting FTP 🙈

    Absolutely ridiculous and hopefully the club will take steps to challenge it.

    It's the age we live in. I've seen videos in which it sounds like it might be being sung, but 1) I take everything I see on social media with a grain of salt; and 2) it isn't crystal clear enough to make a judgement.

    I do get the impression that some people want it to be true, which is admittedly cringeworthy. At the end of the day it will be investigated but I can't see anything coming of it. As I mentioned previously, the team would have to be fairly stupid and / or ignorant to do it. Especially given that a significant portion of the team are of a Catholic background themselves. 

  2. 32 minutes ago, Stormzy said:

    I dont think you're attacking me at all. I think you're a hate fuelled simpleton that is effectively shouting into the void. This is a section of the forum for Rangers fans to discuss their club and you spend all your time in here waffling on about bigotry and generally coming across as a reprobate. There are plenty of other threads where it would be more welcomed.

    This is a thread about Rangers. Not a section of the forum for Rangers fans and Rangers fans only to discuss their club.

    Don't be surprised if people discuss Rangers fans behaviour in the Rangers thread. Shocking, I know.

  3. 1 hour ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

    Sturgeon was quite right.  Anyone would think that there was nothing the Club could do.  The idea that someone could disgrace the Club like many did yesterday and still get into Ibrox is laughable. If they can't even be arsed to behave with that threat hanging over them then fine. Kick them out. Then it will truly be a police/society problem as the Club will have disassociated itself from them. Until the Club does that, mud sticks. 

    I feel the same way. The club did the bare minimum yesterday and no more. "Please abide by coronavirus regulations, blah, blah, blah". One tweet. They made no effort to encourage fans to return home at any point, much like the last time this happened.

    I'm not going to pretend that all Rangers fans are like those yesterday, but there's a sizeable vocal minority and many more are willing to ignore them and turn a blind eye, for whatever reason. Whether that's out of fear I don't know. It's all fine and well for the club to launch this 'Anyone, Everyone' campaign, but they do nothing to condemn anti-Catholic or racist sentiment among their support. I'd go as far to say as they pander to the extremists. The creation of all this orange training gear and merchandise in recent years was no accident. They're targeting a certain element there and know exactly what they're doing.

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